this is the second compression of deusex i recently figured out how to use for a more detailed explaination of the subject go to + points of dxt over the normal s3tc are smaller size and better color correction and easier to work with then s3tc - point of dxt over the normal s3tc are running deusex in opengl or directx 9 or 10 you can download opengl update and directx9 from here and directx 10 from here alright for this tutorial you need to following stuff -unrealed 2.1 (credits go to veronika for finding the file ) -a compression tool i recommend (( )) due to it making the dds file the smallest and wil be used in this tutorial the other one is nvidia texture tools but the files are a little bit bigger note that you dont need the specified videocard to use the tools its just used by them for branding their compressors (( )) -a image creationing program like paint,gimp,photoshop and other lets start make a texture of the power of 2 for instance 1x1 2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32 64x64 128x128 256x256 and even 256x128 could be done note you can make the textures much larger then save it in 8 bit rgb color(photoshop users) as a png file note you can do other types of files but png seems to be best quality for me you could experiment with the other types the compressor can convert to dds file (note for people that downloaded nvidia texture tools for photoshop to save the image as ,dds for you the next step isnt needed open your texture in the compressonator then check if the line before the compress button is DirectX Texture Compression and for generate mips you can either not do it as you can let unrealed take care of it however if you do use it its purely for better mips then unrealed can make change it to box filter d3dfilter or d3dxfilter i use the last one once thats done click the compress button then select dxt1 and turn alpha off if its on unless you created a alpha chanel in photoshop for your texture then click compress then click on generate mips if you want detailed mips and put lowest mipmap level to 1x1 and filter type to any of them i personaly use triangle you can fiddle around with the dither and the other 2 settings if you like (note that the nvidia texture tools do have better filter types but in general i use this compression tool for the smallest package that can be created without much quality loss afther you selected the settings press generate done now just go to file then save compressed and save now open up unrealed 2.2 go to texture browser and import select the compressed texture file .dds then window opens change dxt compression to dxt1(24bpp) and turn off gen mipmaps if you generated the mipmaps by either nvidia texture tools or amd compressonator if you dident generate the mipmaps keep gen mipmaps on the rest is basic texture import changing name group packagename and masked if you have a texture that can be masked once you done that all you have to do is save the texture file your done with everything extra masking can be done by making a texture then making the area you want transparent a color like say what i always do and deusex does make it pure pink R:255 G:0 B:255 then go to image mode and select index then open color table and make the last color on the table the pure pink or the color you selected as transparent note to remove any other color on the table that is R:255 G:0 B:255 then when thats done press ok and now when you import it into unrealed and click masked the last color on the color table should disapear if not you done something wrong like if you did pure pink that pink shouldnt be shown if you pressed the mask option on import something disapointing about the compressions they cant be used for multiplayer stupid mismatch system why arent you like gary's mod XD but they can be used for singleplayer mods i know i mentioned before that s3tc could be used in multiplayer but thats because if i run a server everything works fine but if someone joins they crash example of uncompressed and compressed 50mb uncompressed wil be around 15 mb compressed that ends the tutorial enjoy modding and hope this would be implemented for newer mods for singleplayer use