Overview | Package | Class | Source | Class tree | Glossary | Deus Ex UnrealScript Documentation |
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Core.Object | +-- Engine.Actor | +-- Engine.Inventory | +-- Engine.Pickup | +-- DeusEx.DeusExPickup | +-- DeusEx.AugmentationUpgradeCannister
Variables Summary | |
string | MustBeUsedOn |
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.DeusExPickup |
bBreakable, CountLabel, fragType, maxCopies, msgTooMany |
Inherited Variables from Engine.Pickup |
bAutoActivate, bCanActivate, bCanHaveMultipleCopies, ExpireMessage, Inv, NumCopies |
Functions Summary | ||
![]() | bool | UpdateInfo (Object winObject)) |
Inherited Functions from DeusEx.DeusExPickup |
BaseChange, BreakItSmashIt, HandlePickupQuery, Landed, PlayLandingSound, UpdateBeltText, UpdateInfo, UseOnce |
Inherited Functions from Engine.Pickup |
Activate, BeginState, Frob, HandlePickupQuery, PickupFunction, SetRespawn, SpawnCopy, TravelPostAccept, UseCharge, UsedUp |
Variables Detail |
Functions Detail |
Defaultproperties |
defaultproperties { MustBeUsedOn="Must be used on Augmentations Screen." ItemName="Augmentation Upgrade Canister" ItemArticle="an" PlayerViewOffset=(X=30.000000,Z=-12.000000) PlayerViewMesh=LodMesh'DeusExItems.AugmentationUpgradeCannister' PickupViewMesh=LodMesh'DeusExItems.AugmentationUpgradeCannister' ThirdPersonMesh=LodMesh'DeusExItems.AugmentationUpgradeCannister' LandSound=Sound'DeusExSounds.Generic.PlasticHit1' Icon=Texture'DeusExUI.Icons.BeltIconAugmentationUpgrade' largeIcon=Texture'DeusExUI.Icons.LargeIconAugmentationUpgrade' largeIconWidth=24 largeIconHeight=41 Description="An augmentation upgrade canister contains highly specific nanomechanisms that, when combined with a previously programmed module, can increase the efficiency of an installed augmentation. Because no programming is required, upgrade canisters may be used by trained agents in the field with minimal risk." beltDescription="AUG UPG" Mesh=LodMesh'DeusExItems.AugmentationUpgradeCannister' CollisionRadius=3.200000 CollisionHeight=5.180000 Mass=10.000000 Buoyancy=12.000000 } |
Overview | Package | Class | Source | Class tree | Glossary | Deus Ex UnrealScript Documentation |
previous class next class | frames no frames |