Overview Package Class Source Class tree Glossary
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native noexport


Direct Known Subclasses:

Actor, AllAmmo, AllAnimals, AllDeco, AllEffects, AllFragments, AllHongKongDeco, AllMajor, AllMinor, AllNewYorkDeco, AllParisDeco, AllPickups, AllProjectiles, AllRobots, AllSounds, AllUI, AllWashingtonDeco, AllWeapons, Bitmap, BrushBuilder, Canvas, Commandlet, ConObject, Console, DataVaultImageNote, DebugInfo, DeusExConversations, DeusExGoal, DeusExLog, DeusExNote, DeusExSaveInfo, DeusExText, DeusExTextParser, DumpLocation, ExtensionObject, ExtraMP, ExtString, GameDirectory, LevelSummary, Locale, MenuUIDefaults, MPItems, NanoKeyInfo, Palette, Player, RenderIterator, Subsystem, TestObj, Time, UWindowBase

Constants Summary

Variables Summary

Enumerations Summary

Structures Summary
Min, Max, IsValid
R, G, B, A
Origin, XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis
A, B, C, D
Pitch, Yaw, Roll
Scale, SheerRate, SheerAxis
X, Y, Z

Functions Summary
preoperatorbool ! (bool A)
operatorbool != (int A, int B)
operatorbool != (rotator A, rotator B)
operatorbool != (float A, float B)
operatorbool != (vector A, vector B)
operatorbool != (string A, string B)
operatorbool != (bool A, bool B)
operatorbool != (Object A, Object B)
operatorbool != (name A, name B)
operatorstring $ (coerce string A, coerce string B)
operatorfloat % (float A, float B)
operatorint & (int A, int B)
operatorbool && (bool A, skip bool B)
operatorrotator * (float A, rotator B)
operatorint * (int A, int B)
operatorrotator * (rotator A, float B)
operatorvector * (vector A, vector B)
operatorfloat * (float A, float B)
operatorvector * (vector A, float B)
operatorvector * (float A, vector B)
operatorfloat ** (float A, float B)
operatorfloat *= (out float A, float B)
operatorvector *= (out vector A, float B)
operatorvector *= (out vector A, vector B)
operatorint *= (out int A, float B)
operatorrotator *= (out rotator A, float B)
operatorbyte *= (out byte A, byte B)
operatorfloat + (float A, float B)
operatorint + (int A, int B)
operatorvector + (vector A, vector B)
operatorrotator + (rotator A, rotator B)
preoperatorbyte ++ (out byte A)
preoperatorint ++ (out int A)
postoperatorbyte ++ (out byte A)
postoperatorint ++ (out int A)
operatorvector += (out vector A, vector B)
operatorfloat += (out float A, float B)
operatorbyte += (out byte A, byte B)
operatorint += (out int A, int B)
operatorrotator += (out rotator A, rotator B)
preoperatorfloat - (float A)
operatorfloat - (float A, float B)
preoperatorvector - (vector A)
operatorint - (int A, int B)
preoperatorint - (int A)
operatorrotator - (rotator A, rotator B)
operatorvector - (vector A, vector B)
postoperatorint -- (out int A)
preoperatorint -- (out int A)
postoperatorbyte -- (out byte A)
preoperatorbyte -- (out byte A)
operatorfloat -= (out float A, float B)
operatorvector -= (out vector A, vector B)
operatorrotator -= (out rotator A, rotator B)
operatorint -= (out int A, int B)
operatorbyte -= (out byte A, byte B)
operatorrotator / (rotator A, float B)
operatorvector / (vector A, float B)
operatorfloat / (float A, float B)
operatorint / (int A, int B)
operatorbyte /= (out byte A, byte B)
operatorint /= (out int A, float B)
operatorvector /= (out vector A, float B)
operatorrotator /= (out rotator A, float B)
operatorfloat /= (out float A, float B)
operatorbool < (float A, float B)
operatorbool < (int A, int B)
operatorbool < (string A, string B)
operatorint << (int A, int B)
operatorvector << (vector A, rotator B)
operatorbool <= (string A, string B)
operatorbool <= (float A, float B)
operatorbool <= (int A, int B)
operatorbool == (vector A, vector B)
operatorbool == (string A, string B)
operatorbool == (rotator A, rotator B)
operatorbool == (int A, int B)
operatorbool == (name A, name B)
operatorbool == (Object A, Object B)
operatorbool == (bool A, bool B)
operatorbool == (float A, float B)
operatorbool > (string A, string B)
operatorbool > (float A, float B)
operatorbool > (int A, int B)
operatorbool >= (float A, float B)
operatorbool >= (string A, string B)
operatorbool >= (int A, int B)
operatorint >> (int A, int B)
operatorvector >> (vector A, rotator B)
operatorint >>> (int A, int B)
operatorstring @ (coerce string A, coerce string B)
functionfloat Abs (float A)
function AllObjects (class<object> BaseClass, out object Object)
functionint Asc (string S)
functionfloat Atan (float A)
event BeginState ()
functionstring Caps (coerce string S)
functionstring Chr (int i)
functionint Clamp (int V, int A, int B)
functionbool ClassIsChildOf (class TestClass, class ParentClass)
function clock (out int cycles)
functionfloat Cos (float A)
functionint CriticalDelete (Object myObject)
operatorvector Cross (vector A, vector B)
functionfloat CyclesToSeconds (int cycles)
function Disable (name ProbeFunc)
operatorfloat Dot (vector A, vector B)
functionobject DynamicLoadObject (string ObjectName, class ObjectClass, optional bool MayFail)
function Enable (name ProbeFunc)
event EndState ()
functionfloat Exp (float A)
functionfloat FClamp (float V, float A, float B)
functionfloat FMax (float A, float B)
functionfloat FMin (float A, float B)
functionfloat FRand ()
function GetAxes (rotator A, out vector X, out vector Y, out vector Z)
functionstring GetConfig (string ConfigSection, string ConfigKey)
functionname GetEnum (object E, int i)
functionstring GetPropertyText (string PropName)
functionname GetStateName ()
function GetUnAxes (rotator A, out vector X, out vector Y, out vector Z)
function GotoState (optional name NewState, optional name Label)
functionint InStr (coerce string S, coerce string t)
function Invert (out vector X, out vector Y, out vector Z)
functionbool IsA (name ClassName)
functionbool IsInState (name TestState)
functionstring Left (coerce string S, int i)
functionint Len (coerce string S)
functionfloat Lerp (float Alpha, float A, float B)
functionstring Localize (string SectionName, string KeyName, string PackageName)
function Log (coerce string S, optional name Tag)
functionfloat Loge (float A)
functionint Max (int A, int B)
functionstring Mid (coerce string S, int i, optional int j)
functionint Min (int A, int B)
functionvector MirrorVectorByNormal (vector Vect, vector Normal)
functionvector Normal (vector A)
functionrotator Normalize (rotator Rot)
functionrotator OrthoRotation (vector X, vector Y, vector Z)
functionint Rand (int Max)
functionfloat RandRange (float Min, float Max ))
function ResetConfig ()
functionstring Right (coerce string S, int i)
functionrotator RotRand (optional bool bRoll)
function SaveConfig ()
function SetPropertyText (string PropName, string PropValue)
functionfloat Sin (float A)
functionfloat Smerp (float Alpha, float A, float B)
functionstring Sprintf (string fmt, optional coerce string s0, optional coerce string s1, optional coerce string s2, optional coerce string s3))
functionfloat Sqrt (float A)
functionfloat Square (float A)
function StaticSaveConfig ()
functionfloat Tan (float A)
function unclock (out int cycles)
functionvector VRand ()
functionfloat VSize (vector A)
function Warn (coerce string S)
operatorint ^ (int A, int B)
operatorbool ^^ (bool A, bool B)
operatorint | (int A, int B)
operatorbool || (bool A, skip bool B)
preoperatorint ~ (int A)
operatorbool ~= (float A, float B)
operatorbool ~= (string A, string B)

Constants Detail

MaxInt Source code

const MaxInt = 0x7fffffff;
The maximum positive int value

Pi Source code

const Pi = 3.1415926535897932;

RF_NotForClient Source code

const RF_NotForClient = 0x00100000;

RF_NotForEdit Source code

const RF_NotForEdit = 0x00400000;

RF_NotForServer Source code

const RF_NotForServer = 0x00200000;

RF_Public Source code

const RF_Public = 0x00000004;
Object Flag

RF_Transactional Source code

const RF_Transactional = 0x00000001;
Object flag

RF_Transient Source code

const RF_Transient = 0x00004000;

Variables Detail

ObjectFlags Source code

var native const int ObjectFlags;

ObjectInternal[6] Source code

var native private const int ObjectInternal[6];
Internal variable

Outer Source code

var native const object Outer;


Class Source code

var(Object) native const editconst class Class;
The class of this object.

Name Source code

var(Object) native const editconst name Name;
The name of this object. The string representation of this value is the same like the last part of the object's string representation.

Enumerations Detail

ESheerAxis Source code

enum ESheerAxis

Structures Detail

BoundingBox Source code

struct BoundingBox
var byte IsValid;
var vector Max;
var vector Min;

BoundingVolume Source code

struct BoundingVolume extends boundingbox
var plane Sphere;
A bounding box sphere together.

Color Source code

struct Color
var(Object) config byte A;
var(Object) config byte B;
var(Object) config byte G;
var(Object) config byte R;
An RGBA color

Coords Source code

struct Coords
var(Object) config vector Origin;
var(Object) config vector XAxis;
var(Object) config vector YAxis;
var(Object) config vector ZAxis;
An arbitrary coordinate system in 3d space.

Guid Source code

struct Guid
var int A;
var int B;
var int C;
var int D;
A globally unique identifier.

Plane Source code

struct Plane extends Vector
var(Object) config float W;
A plane definition in 3d space.

Rotator Source code

struct Rotator
var(Object) config int Pitch;
var(Object) config int Roll;
var(Object) config int Yaw;
An orthogonal rotation in 3d space.

Scale Source code

struct Scale
var(Object) config vector Scale;
var(Object) ESheerAxis SheerAxis;
var(Object) config float SheerRate;
A scale and sheering.

Vector Source code

struct Vector
var(Object) config float X;
var(Object) config float Y;
var(Object) config float Z;
A point or direction vector in 3d space.

Functions Detail

! Source code

native(129) static final preoperator bool ! ( bool A )

!= Source code

native(155) static final operator bool != ( int A, int B )

!= Source code

native(203) static final operator bool != ( rotator A, rotator B )

!= Source code

native(181) static final operator bool != ( float A, float B )

!= Source code

native(218) static final operator bool != ( vector A, vector B )

!= Source code

native(123) static final operator bool != ( string A, string B )

!= Source code

native(243) static final operator bool != ( bool A, bool B )

!= Source code

native(119) static final operator bool != ( Object A, Object B )

!= Source code

native(255) static final operator bool != ( name A, name B )

$ Source code

native(112) static final operator string $ ( coerce string A, coerce string B )

% Source code

native(173) static final operator float % ( float A, float B )

& Source code

native(156) static final operator int & ( int A, int B )

&& Source code

native(130) static final operator bool && ( bool A, skip bool B )

* Source code

native(288) static final operator rotator * ( float A, rotator B )

* Source code

native(144) static final operator int * ( int A, int B )

* Source code

native(287) static final operator rotator * ( rotator A, float B )

* Source code

native(296) static final operator vector * ( vector A, vector B )

* Source code

native(171) static final operator float * ( float A, float B )

* Source code

native(212) static final operator vector * ( vector A, float B )

* Source code

native(213) static final operator vector * ( float A, vector B )

** Source code

native(170) static final operator float ** ( float A, float B )

*= Source code

native(182) static final operator float *= ( out float A, float B )

*= Source code

native(221) static final operator vector *= ( out vector A, float B )

*= Source code

native(297) static final operator vector *= ( out vector A, vector B )

*= Source code

native(159) static final operator int *= ( out int A, float B )

*= Source code

native(290) static final operator rotator *= ( out rotator A, float B )

*= Source code

native(133) static final operator byte *= ( out byte A, byte B )

+ Source code

native(174) static final operator float + ( float A, float B )

+ Source code

native(146) static final operator int + ( int A, int B )

+ Source code

native(215) static final operator vector + ( vector A, vector B )

+ Source code

native(316) static final operator rotator + ( rotator A, rotator B )

++ Source code

native(137) static final preoperator byte ++ ( out byte A )

++ Source code

native(163) static final preoperator int ++ ( out int A )

++ Source code

native(139) static final postoperator byte ++ ( out byte A )

++ Source code

native(165) static final postoperator int ++ ( out int A )

+= Source code

native(223) static final operator vector += ( out vector A, vector B )

+= Source code

native(184) static final operator float += ( out float A, float B )

+= Source code

native(135) static final operator byte += ( out byte A, byte B )

+= Source code

native(161) static final operator int += ( out int A, int B )

+= Source code

native(318) static final operator rotator += ( out rotator A, rotator B )

- Source code

native(169) static final preoperator float - ( float A )

- Source code

native(175) static final operator float - ( float A, float B )

- Source code

native(211) static final preoperator vector - ( vector A )

- Source code

native(147) static final operator int - ( int A, int B )

- Source code

native(143) static final preoperator int - ( int A )

- Source code

native(317) static final operator rotator - ( rotator A, rotator B )

- Source code

native(216) static final operator vector - ( vector A, vector B )

-- Source code

native(166) static final postoperator int -- ( out int A )

-- Source code

native(164) static final preoperator int -- ( out int A )

-- Source code

native(140) static final postoperator byte -- ( out byte A )

-- Source code

native(138) static final preoperator byte -- ( out byte A )

-= Source code

native(185) static final operator float -= ( out float A, float B )

-= Source code

native(224) static final operator vector -= ( out vector A, vector B )

-= Source code

native(319) static final operator rotator -= ( out rotator A, rotator B )

-= Source code

native(162) static final operator int -= ( out int A, int B )

-= Source code

native(136) static final operator byte -= ( out byte A, byte B )

/ Source code

native(289) static final operator rotator / ( rotator A, float B )

/ Source code

native(214) static final operator vector / ( vector A, float B )

/ Source code

native(172) static final operator float / ( float A, float B )

/ Source code

native(145) static final operator int / ( int A, int B )

/= Source code

native(134) static final operator byte /= ( out byte A, byte B )

/= Source code

native(160) static final operator int /= ( out int A, float B )

/= Source code

native(222) static final operator vector /= ( out vector A, float B )

/= Source code

native(291) static final operator rotator /= ( out rotator A, float B )

/= Source code

native(183) static final operator float /= ( out float A, float B )

< Source code

native(176) static final operator bool < ( float A, float B )

< Source code

native(150) static final operator bool < ( int A, int B )

< Source code

native(115) static final operator bool < ( string A, string B )

<< Source code

native(148) static final operator int << ( int A, int B )

<< Source code

native(275) static final operator vector << ( vector A, rotator B )

<= Source code

native(120) static final operator bool <= ( string A, string B )

<= Source code

native(178) static final operator bool <= ( float A, float B )

<= Source code

native(152) static final operator bool <= ( int A, int B )

== Source code

native(217) static final operator bool == ( vector A, vector B )

== Source code

native(122) static final operator bool == ( string A, string B )

== Source code

native(142) static final operator bool == ( rotator A, rotator B )

== Source code

native(154) static final operator bool == ( int A, int B )

== Source code

native(254) static final operator bool == ( name A, name B )

== Source code

native(114) static final operator bool == ( Object A, Object B )

== Source code

native(242) static final operator bool == ( bool A, bool B )

== Source code

native(180) static final operator bool == ( float A, float B )

> Source code

native(116) static final operator bool > ( string A, string B )

> Source code

native(177) static final operator bool > ( float A, float B )

> Source code

native(151) static final operator bool > ( int A, int B )

>= Source code

native(179) static final operator bool >= ( float A, float B )

>= Source code

native(121) static final operator bool >= ( string A, string B )

>= Source code

native(153) static final operator bool >= ( int A, int B )

>> Source code

native(149) static final operator int >> ( int A, int B )

>> Source code

native(276) static final operator vector >> ( vector A, rotator B )

>>> Source code

native(196) static final operator int >>> ( int A, int B )

@ Source code

native(168) static final operator string @ ( coerce string A, coerce string B )

Abs Source code

native(186) static final function float Abs ( float A )
Returns the absolute value (also known as the modulo) of A, usually written |A|. Eg: Abs(5)== Abs(-5) == 5.

AllObjects Source code

native(1001) final iterator function AllObjects ( class<object> BaseClass, out object Object )

Asc Source code

native(237) static final function int Asc ( string S )
Returns the ASCII code of the first character in S.

Atan Source code

native(190) static final function float Atan ( float A )

BeginState Source code

event BeginState ( )
Called immediately when entering a state, while within

Caps Source code

native(235) static final function string Caps ( coerce string S )
Returns S converted to uppercase.

Chr Source code

native(236) static final function string Chr ( int i )
Returns the character matchin the given ASCII code.

Clamp Source code

native(251) static final function int Clamp ( int V, int A, int B )
If V is smaller than A, A is returned. If V is larger than B, B is returned. In any other case V is returned.

ClassIsChildOf Source code

native(258) static final function bool ClassIsChildOf ( class TestClass, class ParentClass )
Returns whether TestClass is a subclass of Parentclass. If the two classes are the same it returns true.

clock Source code

native(1005) final function clock ( out int cycles )

Cos Source code

native(188) static final function float Cos ( float A )
Returns cosine( A )

CriticalDelete Source code

native(751) static final function int CriticalDelete ( Object myObject )

Cross Source code

native(220) static final operator vector Cross ( vector A, vector B )

CyclesToSeconds Source code

native(1007) final function float CyclesToSeconds ( int cycles )

Disable Source code

native(118) final function Disable ( name ProbeFunc )
Disables a probe function.

Dot Source code

native(219) static final operator float Dot ( vector A, vector B )

DynamicLoadObject Source code

native static final function object DynamicLoadObject ( string ObjectName, class ObjectClass, optional bool MayFail )
Returns a reference to a specified object, loading it if necessary.

Enable Source code

native(117) final function Enable ( name ProbeFunc )
Enables a probe function.

EndState Source code

event EndState ( )
Called immediately before going out of the current state,

Exp Source code

native(191) static final function float Exp ( float A )

FClamp Source code

native(246) static final function float FClamp ( float V, float A, float B )
If V is smaller than A, A is returned. If V is larger than B, B is returned. In any other case V is returned.

FMax Source code

native(245) static final function float FMax ( float A, float B )
Returns the higher of the two values.

FMin Source code

native(244) static final function float FMin ( float A, float B )
Returns the lower of the two values.

FRand Source code

native(195) static final function float FRand ( )
Returns a random number between 0 and 1.

GetAxes Source code

native(229) static final function GetAxes ( rotator A, out vector X, out vector Y, out vector Z )

GetConfig Source code

native static final function string GetConfig ( string ConfigSection, string ConfigKey )

GetEnum Source code

native static final function name GetEnum ( object E, int i )
Returns the i-th element of the given enumeration, as in GetEnum(enum'MyEnum', 2) or an empty name of the specified index exceeds the number of elements in the enumeration.

GetPropertyText Source code

native final function string GetPropertyText ( string PropName )
Returns the value of the specified property typecasted to string. It is not possible to access default properties in this manner. This is useful when you don't want any dependencies to the package of an object, but still need to access its public (i.e. neither private nor protected) properties.

GetStateName Source code

native(284) final function name GetStateName ( )
Returns the object's current state name.

GetUnAxes Source code

native(230) static final function GetUnAxes ( rotator A, out vector X, out vector Y, out vector Z )

GotoState Source code

native(113) final function GotoState ( optional name NewState, optional name Label )
Switches to a new state. State code execution begins at the specified label or at "Begin:" if Label is not specified.

InStr Source code

native(126) static final function int InStr ( coerce string S, coerce string t )
If the string t is found inside S InStr returns the starting position with the first character of S being 0. If t is not found InStr returns -1.

Invert Source code

native(227) static final function Invert ( out vector X, out vector Y, out vector Z )

IsA Source code

native(303) final function bool IsA ( name ClassName )
Returns whether the object's class is the specified class or a subclass. This function doesn't need a reference to the desired class, but just the class's name.

IsInState Source code

native(281) final function bool IsInState ( name TestState )
Returns whether the object's current state is the one specified.

Left Source code

native(128) static final function string Left ( coerce string S, int i )
Returns the i leftmost characters of S.

Len Source code

native(125) static final function int Len ( coerce string S )
Returns the length of a string.

Lerp Source code

native(247) static final function float Lerp ( float Alpha, float A, float B )
Returns the linear interpolation between A and B.
The return value is calculated through something like this:

Localize Source code

native static function string Localize ( string SectionName, string KeyName, string PackageName )
Returns the string found in PackageName.int in the [SectionName] section. Logs an error if no localization for the specified string is found.

Log Source code

native(231) final static function Log ( coerce string S, optional name Tag )
Writes a line to the log file. The line begins with the Tag or "ScriptLog:" if Tag was not specified, followed by the log string.

Loge Source code

native(192) static final function float Loge ( float A )
Returns log(A), the natural logarithm

Max Source code

native(250) static final function int Max ( int A, int B )
Returns the higher of the two values.

Mid Source code

native(127) static final function string Mid ( coerce string S, int i, optional int j )
Returns the middle part of S, starting at character i and including j characters (or all of them if j is not specified). Note: the 1st char has the number 0, this is diffrent then in visual basic, where the 1st char is 1.

Min Source code

native(249) static final function int Min ( int A, int B )
Returns the lower of the two values.

MirrorVectorByNormal Source code

native(300) static final function vector MirrorVectorByNormal ( vector Vect, vector Normal )

Normal Source code

native(226) static final function vector Normal ( vector A )

Normalize Source code

native static final function rotator Normalize ( rotator Rot )

OrthoRotation Source code

native static final function rotator OrthoRotation ( vector X, vector Y, vector Z )

Rand Source code

native(167) static final function int Rand ( int Max )
Returns a random number ranging from 0 to Max-1.

RandRange Source code

final function float RandRange ( float Min, float Max ) )
Return a random number within the given range.

ResetConfig Source code

native static final function ResetConfig ( )
Resets the config and globalconfig variables of this object's class to the values stored in Default.ini or DefUser.ini.

Right Source code

native(234) static final function string Right ( coerce string S, int i )
Returns the i rightmost characters of S.

RotRand Source code

native(320) static final function rotator RotRand ( optional bool bRoll )

SaveConfig Source code

native(536) final function SaveConfig ( )
Saves the current values of config and globalconfig variables of this object to the ini file and sets them as default values for the object's class.

SetPropertyText Source code

native final function SetPropertyText ( string PropName, string PropValue )
Assigns a value to the specified public non-constant property of an object. Only use this for properties that can be typecasted from string.

Sin Source code

native(187) static final function float Sin ( float A )
Returns sine( A )

Smerp Source code

native(248) static final function float Smerp ( float Alpha, float A, float B )
Returns an Alpha-smooth nonlinear interpolation between A and B.
The return value seems to be calculated through something like this:

Sprintf Source code

final function string Sprintf ( string fmt, optional coerce string s0, optional coerce string s1, optional coerce string s2, optional coerce string s3) )

Sqrt Source code

native(193) static final function float Sqrt ( float A )
Returns the square root of A.

Square Source code

native(194) static final function float Square ( float A )

StaticSaveConfig Source code

native static final function StaticSaveConfig ( )
Saves the default values of config and globalconfig variables of this object's class to the ini file.

Tan Source code

native(189) static final function float Tan ( float A )
Returns tan( A )

unclock Source code

native(1006) final function unclock ( out int cycles )

VRand Source code

native(252) static final function vector VRand ( )

VSize Source code

native(225) static final function float VSize ( vector A )

Warn Source code

native(232) final static function Warn ( coerce string S )
Same like Log, but the line starts with "ScriptWarning:" and contains information about the object, state and function that called Warn.

^ Source code

native(157) static final operator int ^ ( int A, int B )

^^ Source code

native(131) static final operator bool ^^ ( bool A, bool B )

| Source code

native(158) static final operator int | ( int A, int B )

|| Source code

native(132) static final operator bool || ( bool A, skip bool B )

~ Source code

native(141) static final preoperator int ~ ( int A )

~= Source code

native(210) static final operator bool ~= ( float A, float B )

~= Source code

native(124) static final operator bool ~= ( string A, string B )



Overview Package Class Source Class tree Glossary
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Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:13.195 - Created with UnCodeX