- Extends
- Pawn
- Modifiers
- config ( user ) native nativereplication
+-- Engine.Actor
+-- Engine.Pawn
+-- Engine.PlayerPawn
Direct Known Subclasses:
Camera, PlayerPawnExt, Spectator
Inherited Variables from Engine.Pawn |
AccelRate, AIAddViewRotation, AIHorizontalFov, AirControl, AirSpeed, AlarmTag, Alertness, Alliance, AngularResolution, animTimer[4], AspectRatio, AttitudeToPlayer, AvgPhysicsTime, bAdvancedTactics, bAltFire, BaseEyeHeight, bAutoActivate, bAvoidLedges, bBehindView, bCanDoSpecial, bCanFly, bCanGlide, bCanJump, bCanOpenDoors, bCanStrafe, bCanSwim, bCanWalk, bCountJumps, bDrowning, bDuck, bExtra0, bExtra1, bExtra2, bExtra3, bFire, bFixedStart, bFreeLook, bFromWall, bHitSlopedWall, bHunting, bIsFemale, bIsHuman, bIsMultiSkinned, bIsPlayer, bIsSpeaking, bIsWalking, bJumpOffPawn, bJustLanded, bLook, bLOSflag, bNeverSwitchOnPickup, bOnFire, bReducedSpeed, bRun, bShootSpecial, bSnapLevel, bStopAtLedges, bStrafe, bUpAndOut, bUpdatingDisplay, burnTimer, bViewTarget, bWarping, bWasSpeaking, bZoom, carriedDecoration, CombatStyle, DamageScaling, DesiredSpeed, Destination, Die, DieCount, DropWhenKilled, Enemy, EyeHeight, FaceTarget, Floor, Focus, FootRegion, FovAngle, GroundSpeed, HeadRegion, Health, HealthArmLeft, HealthArmRight, HealthHead, HealthLegLeft, HealthLegRight, HealthTorso, HearingThreshold, HitSound1, HitSound2, home, Intelligence, ItemCount, JumpZ, KillCount, Land, LastPainSound, lastPhoneme, LastSeeingPos, LastSeenPos, LastSeenTime, MaxDesiredSpeed, MaxStepHeight, MeleeRange, MenuName, MinAngularSize, MinHitWall, MoveTarget, MoveTimer, NameArticle, NextLabel, nextPawn, nextPhoneme, NextState, noise1loudness, noise1other, noise1spot, noise1time, noise2loudness, noise2other, noise2spot, noise2time, OldMessageTime, OrthoZoom, PainTime, PendingWeapon, PeripheralVision, PlayerReplicationInfo, PlayerReplicationInfoClass, PlayerReStartState, ReducedDamagePct, ReducedDamageType, RouteCache[16], SecretCount, SelectedItem, SelectionMesh, Shadow, SharedAlarmTag, SightCounter, SightRadius, Skill, SmellThreshold, SoundDampening, SpecialGoal, SpecialMesh, SpecialPause, SpeechTime, SplashTime, Spree, Stimulus, UnderWaterTime, ViewRotation, Visibility, VisibilityThreshold, VoicePitch, VoiceType, WalkBob, WaterSpeed, WaterStep, Weapon |
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor |
Acceleration, AmbientGlow, AmbientSound, AnimFrame, AnimLast, AnimMinRate, AnimRate, AnimSequence, AttachTag, bActorShadows, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, bAnimByOwner, bAnimFinished, bAnimLoop, bAnimNotify, BarkBindName, Base, bAssimilated, bBlockActors, bBlockPlayers, bBlockSight, bBounce, bCanTeleport, bCarriedItem, bClientAnim, bClientDemoNetFunc, bClientDemoRecording, bCollideActors, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bCorona, bDeleteMe, bDemoRecording, bDetectable, bDifficulty0, bDifficulty1, bDifficulty2, bDifficulty3, bDirectional, bDynamicLight, bEdLocked, bEdShouldSnap, bEdSnap, bFixedRotationDir, bForcePhysicsUpdate, bForceStasis, bGameRelevant, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHighDetail, bHighlighted, bHurtEntry, bIgnore, BindName, bInterpolating, bIsItemGoal, bIsKillGoal, bIsMover, bIsPawn, bIsSecretGoal, bJustTeleported, BlendAnimFrame[4], BlendAnimLast[4], BlendAnimMinRate[4], BlendAnimRate[4], BlendAnimSequence[4], BlendTweenRate[4], bLensFlare, bLightChanged, bMemorized, bMeshCurvy, bMeshEnviroMap, bMovable, bNet, bNetFeel, bNetHear, bNetInitial, bNetOptional, bNetOwner, bNetRelevant, bNetSee, bNetSpecial, bNetTemporary, bNoDelete, bNoSmooth, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOwned, bOwnerNoSee, bParticles, bProjTarget, bRandomFrame, bReplicateInstigator, bRotateToDesired, Brush, bSelected, bShadowCast, bSimFall, bSimulatedPawn, bSinglePlayer, bSpecialLit, bStasis, bStatic, bTempEditor, bTicked, bTimerLoop, bTrailerPrePivot, bTrailerSameRotation, bTransient, bTravel, bUnlit, Buoyancy, bVisionImportant, CollisionHeight, CollisionRadius, CollisionTag, ColLocation, ConListItems, ConStartInterval, CurrentVisibility, Deleted, DesiredRotation, DistanceFromPlayer, DodgeDir, DrawScale, DrawType, Event, ExtraTag, FamiliarName, Fatness, Group, InitialState, Instigator, Inventory, LastConEndTime, LastRenderTime, LastSmellNode, LastVisibility, LatentActor, LatentByte, LatentFloat, LatentInt, Level, LifeSpan, LightBrightness, LightCone, LightEffect, LightHue, LightingTag, LightPeriod, LightPhase, LightRadius, LightSaturation, LightType, Location, LODBias, Mass, Mesh, MiscNumber, MultiSkins[8], NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, OddsOfAppearing, OldAnimRate, OldBlendAnimRate[4], OldLocation, OtherTag, Owner, PendingTouch, PhysAlpha, Physics, PhysRate, PrePivot, Region, RelevantRadius, RemoteRole, RenderInterface, RenderIteratorClass, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, ScaleGlow, SimAnim, SimBlendAnim[4], Skin, SmellClass, SoundPitch, SoundRadius, SoundVolume, SpecialTag, Sprite, StandingCount, Style, Tag, Target, Texture, TimerCounter, TimerRate, Touching[4], TransientSoundRadius, TransientSoundVolume, TweenRate, UnfamiliarName, Velocity, VisibilityHeight, VisibilityRadius, VisUpdateTime, VolumeBrightness, VolumeFog, VolumeRadius, XLevel |
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor |
EAIEventState, EAIEventType, EBarkModes, EDodgeDir, EDrawType, EInputAction, EInputKey, ELightEffect, ELightType, EMusicTransition, ENetRole, EPhysics, ERenderStyle, ESoundSlot, ETravelType |
Functions Summary |
 | | ActivateHint ()))
 | | ActivateInventoryItem (class InvItem ))
 | | ActivateItem ()))
 | | ActivateTranslator ()))
 | | AddBots (int N))
 | rotator | AdjustAim (float projSpeed, vector projStart, int aimerror, bool bLeadTarget, bool bWarnTarget))
 | bool | AdjustHitLocation (out vector HitLocation, vector TraceDir))
 | | Admin (string CommandLine ))
 | | AdminLogin (string Password ))
 | | AdminLogout ()))
 | | AllAmmo ()))
 | | AltFire (optional float F ))
 | | AltFire (optional float F )) Dying |
 | | AltFire (optional float F )) FeigningDeath |
 | | AltFire (optional float F )) GameEnded |
 | | AltFire (optional float F )) PlayerSpectating |
 | | AltFire (optional float F)) PlayerWaiting |
 | | AlwaysMouseLook (Bool B ))
 | | Amphibious ()))
 | | AnimEnd ())) CheatFlying |
 | | AnimEnd ())) FeigningDeath |
 | | AnimEnd ())) PlayerFlying |
 | | AnimEnd ())) PlayerSwimming |
 | | AnimEnd ())) PlayerWalking |
 | eAttitude | AttitudeTo (Pawn Other))
 | | BeginState ())) CheatFlying |
 | | BeginState ())) Dying |
 | | BeginState ())) FeigningDeath |
 | | BeginState ())) GameEnded |
 | | BeginState ())) PlayerFlying |
 | | BeginState ())) PlayerSpectating |
 | | BeginState ())) PlayerSwimming |
 | | BeginState ())) PlayerWaiting |
 | | BeginState ())) PlayerWaking |
 | | BeginState ())) PlayerWalking |
 | | BehindView (Bool B ))
 | | CalcBehindView (out vector CameraLocation, out rotator CameraRotation, float Dist))
 | | CallForHelp ()))
 | | CauseEvent (name N ))
 | | ChangeAlwaysMouseLook (Bool B))
 | | ChangeAutoAim (float F ))
 | | ChangeCrosshair ()))
 | | ChangeDodgeClickTime (float F ))
 | | ChangedWeapon ()))
 | | ChangedWeapon ())) FeigningDeath |
 | | ChangeHud ()))
 | | ChangeName (coerce string S ))
 | | ChangeSetHand (string S ))
 | | ChangeSnapView (bool B ))
 | | ChangeStairLook (bool B ))
 | | ChangeTeam (int N ))
 | | ChangeTeam (int N )) PlayerSpectating |
 | | ChangeTeam (int N )) PlayerWaiting |
 | | CheatView (class aClass ))
 | | CheckBob (float DeltaTime, float Speed2D, vector Y))
 | | ClearProgressMessages ()))
 | | ClientAdjustGlow (float scale, vector fog ))
 | | ClientAdjustPosition (float TimeStamp, name newState, EPhysics newPhysics, float NewLocX, float NewLocY, float NewLocZ, float NewVelX, float NewVelY, float NewVelZ, Actor NewBase
 | | ClientChangeTeam (int N ))
 | | ClientFlash (float scale, vector fog ))
 | | ClientInstantFlash (float scale, vector fog ))
 | | ClientMessage (coerce string S, optional Name Type, optional bool bBeep ))
 | | ClientPlaySound (sound ASound, optional bool bInterrupt, optional bool bVolumeControl ))
 | | ClientReliablePlaySound (sound ASound, optional bool bInterrupt, optional bool bVolumeControl ))
 | | ClientReplicateSkins (texture Skin1, optional texture Skin2, optional texture Skin3, optional texture Skin4))
 | | ClientSetMusic (music NewSong, byte NewSection, byte NewCdTrack, EMusicTransition NewTransition ))
 | | ClientShake (vector shake))
 | | ClientTravel (string URL, ETravelType TravelType, bool bItems)
 | | ClientUpdatePosition ()))
 | | ClientVoiceMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo Sender, PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name messagetype, byte messageID))
 | | ClientWeaponEvent (name EventType))
 | int | CompressAccel (int C))
 | string | ConsoleCommand (string Command)
 | | CopyToClipboard (string Text)
 | | damageAttitudeTo (pawn Other))
 | | Destroyed ()))
 | | Died (pawn Killer, name damageType, vector HitLocation))
 | | Dodge (eDodgeDir DodgeMove)) PlayerWalking |
 | | DoJump (optional float F ))
 | | EndState ())) Dying |
 | | EndState ())) FeigningDeath |
 | | EndState ())) PlayerSpectating |
 | | EndState ())) PlayerWaiting |
 | | EndState ())) PlayerWalking |
 | | EndZoom ()))
 | | Falling ()))
 | | FeignDeath ()))
 | | FeignDeath ())) PlayerWalking |
 | | FindGoodView ())) Dying |
 | | FindGoodView ())) GameEnded |
 | | Fire (optional float F ))
 | | Fire (optional float F )) Dying |
 | | Fire (optional float F )) FeigningDeath |
 | | Fire (optional float F )) GameEnded |
 | | Fire (optional float F )) PlayerSpectating |
 | | Fire (optional float F)) PlayerWaiting |
 | | Fly ()))
 | | FOV (float F))
 | | FunctionKey (byte Num ))
 | string | GetDefaultURL (string Option)
 | LevelInfo | GetEntryLevel ()
 | SavedMove | GetFreeMove ()))
 | string | GetPlayerNetworkAddress ()
 | | GetWeapon (class NewWeaponClass ))
 | | Ghost ()))
 | bool | Gibbed (name damageType))
 | | God ()))
 | | Grab ()))
 | | HandleWalking ()))
 | | InitPlayerReplicationInfo ()))
 | | InvertMouse (bool B ))
 | | Invisible (bool B))
 | | Jump (optional float F ))
 | | Jump (optional float F )) PlayerWaiting |
 | | JumpOffPawn ()))
 | | Kick (string KickString ))
 | | KickBan (string KickString ))
 | | KillAll (class<actor> aClass))
 | | KilledBy (pawn EventInstigator ))
 | string | KillMessage (name damageType, pawn Other ))
 | | KillPawns ()))
 | | Landed (vector HitNormal))
 | | Landed (vector HitNormal)) FeigningDeath |
 | | Landed (vector HitNormal)) PlayerSwimming |
 | | Landed (vector HitNormal)) PlayerWalking |
 | | LocalTravel (string URL ))
 | | MoveAutonomous (float DeltaTime, bool NewbRun, bool NewbDuck, bool NewbPressedJump, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, vector newAccel, rotator DeltaRot
 | | MultiplayerTick (float DeltaTime))
 | | Mutate (string MutateString))
 | | Name (coerce string S ))
 | | NeverSwitchOnPickup (bool B ))
 | | NextWeapon ()))
 | string | PasteFromClipboard ()
 | | Pause ()))
 | | Ping ()))
 | | PlayBeepSound ()
 | | PlayChatting ()
 | | PlayChatting ())) Dying |
 | | PlayChatting ())) FeigningDeath |
 | | PlayDodge (eDodgeDir DodgeMove))
 | | PlayDying (name DamageType, vector HitLocation)) FeigningDeath |
 | | PlayerCalcView (out actor ViewActor, out vector CameraLocation, out rotator CameraRotation ))
 | | PlayerCalcView (out actor ViewActor, out vector CameraLocation, out rotator CameraRotation )) Dying |
 | | PlayerInput (float DeltaTime ))
 | | PlayerList ()))
 | | PlayerMove (float DeltaTime)) CheatFlying |
 | | PlayerMove (float DeltaTime)) Dying |
 | | PlayerMove (float DeltaTime)) FeigningDeath |
 | | PlayerMove (float DeltaTime)) GameEnded |
 | | PlayerMove (float DeltaTime )) InvalidState |
 | | PlayerMove (float DeltaTime)) PlayerFlying |
 | | PlayerMove (float DeltaTime)) PlayerSpectating |
 | | PlayerMove (float DeltaTime)) PlayerSwimming |
 | | PlayerMove (float DeltaTime)) PlayerWaiting |
 | | PlayerMove (Float DeltaTime)) PlayerWaking |
 | | PlayerMove (float DeltaTime )) PlayerWalking |
 | | PlayersOnly ()))
 | | PlayerTick (float Time)
 | | PlayerTick (float DeltaTime )) CheatFlying |
 | | PlayerTick (float DeltaTime )) Dying |
 | | PlayerTick (float DeltaTime )) FeigningDeath |
 | | PlayerTick (float DeltaTime )) GameEnded |
 | | PlayerTick (float DeltaTime )) InvalidState |
 | | PlayerTick (float DeltaTime )) PlayerFlying |
 | | PlayerTick (float DeltaTime )) PlayerSpectating |
 | | PlayerTick (float DeltaTime )) PlayerSwimming |
 | | PlayerTick (float DeltaTime )) PlayerWaiting |
 | | PlayerTick (float DeltaTime )) PlayerWaking |
 | | PlayerTick (float DeltaTime )) PlayerWalking |
 | | PlayerTimeOut ()))
 | | PlayFeignDeath ()
 | | PlayHit (float Damage, vector HitLocation, name damageType, vector Momentum))
 | | PlayRising ()
 | | PlaySwimming ()))
 | | PlayTakeHit (float tweentime, vector HitLoc, int Damage)) FeigningDeath |
 | | PlayTurning ()
 | | PlayWaiting ())) PlayerWaiting |
 | | Possess ()))
 | | PostBeginPlay ()))
 | | PostRender (canvas Canvas ))
 | | PostRenderFlash (canvas Canvas ))
 | | PreBeginPlay ()))
 | | PreClientTravel ()))
 | | PreRender (canvas Canvas ))
 | | PrevItem ()))
 | | PrevWeapon ()))
 | | ProcessMove (float DeltaTime, vector newAccel, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, rotator DeltaRot))
 | | ProcessMove (float DeltaTime, vector NewAccel, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, rotator DeltaRot)) CheatFlying |
 | | ProcessMove (float DeltaTime, vector NewAccel, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, rotator DeltaRot)) FeigningDeath |
 | | ProcessMove (float DeltaTime, vector NewAccel, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, rotator DeltaRot)) PlayerSpectating |
 | | ProcessMove (float DeltaTime, vector NewAccel, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, rotator DeltaRot)) PlayerSwimming |
 | | ProcessMove (float DeltaTime, vector NewAccel, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, rotator DeltaRot)) PlayerWaiting |
 | | ProcessMove (float DeltaTime, vector NewAccel, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, rotator DeltaRot)) PlayerWalking |
 | | Profile ()))
 | | QuickLoad ()))
 | | QuickSave ()))
 | | ReceiveLocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ))
 | | RememberSpot ()))
 | | RenderOverlays (canvas Canvas ))
 | | ReplicateMove (float DeltaTime, vector NewAccel, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, rotator DeltaRot
 | | ResetKeyboard ()
 | | RestartLevel ()))
 | | Rise ())) FeigningDeath |
 | | Say (string Msg ))
 | | SendVoiceMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo Sender, PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name messagetype, byte messageID, name broadcasttype)) PlayerSpectating |
 | | ServerAddBots (int N))
 | | ServerChangeSkin (coerce string SkinName, coerce string FaceName, byte TeamNum ))
 | | ServerFeignDeath ()))
 | | ServerMove (float TimeStamp, vector InAccel, vector ClientLoc, bool NewbRun, bool NewbDuck, bool NewbJumpStatus, bool bFired, bool bAltFired, bool bForceFire, bool bForceAltFire, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, byte ClientRoll, int View, optional byte OldTimeDelta, optional int OldAccel
 | | ServerMove (float TimeStamp, vector Accel, vector ClientLoc, bool NewbRun, bool NewbDuck, bool NewbJumpStatus, bool bFired, bool bAltFired, bool bForceFire, bool bForceAltFire, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, byte ClientRoll, int View, optional byte OldTimeDelta, optional int OldAccel )) Dying |
 | | ServerMove (float TimeStamp, vector Accel, vector ClientLoc, bool NewbRun, bool NewbDuck, bool NewbJumpStatus, bool bFired, bool bAltFired, bool bForceFire, bool bForceAltFire, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, byte ClientRoll, int View, optional byte OldTimeDelta, optional int OldAccel )) FeigningDeath |
 | | ServerMove (float TimeStamp, vector InAccel, vector ClientLoc, bool NewbRun, bool NewbDuck, bool NewbJumpStatus, bool bFired, bool bAltFired, bool bForceFire, bool bForceAltFire, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, byte ClientRoll, int View, optional byte OldTimeDelta, optional int OldAccel )) GameEnded |
 | | ServerNeverSwitchOnPickup (bool B))
 | | ServerReStartGame ()))
 | | ServerReStartPlayer ()))
 | | ServerReStartPlayer ())) Dying |
 | | ServerSetHandedness (float hand))
 | | ServerSetSloMo (float T))
 | | ServerSetWeaponPriority (byte i, name WeaponName ))
 | | ServerTaunt (name Sequence ))
 | | ServerUpdateWeapons ()))
 | | SetAutoAim (float F ))
 | | SetBob (float F))
 | | SetDesiredFOV (float F))
 | | SetDodgeClickTime (float F ))
 | | SetFOVAngle (float newFOV))
 | | SetFriction (float F ))
 | | SetHand (string S ))
 | | SetJumpZ (float F ))
 | | SetMaxMouseSmoothing (bool B ))
 | | SetMouseSmoothThreshold (float F ))
 | | SetName (coerce string S ))
 | bool | SetPause (BOOL bPause ))
 | | SetProgressColor (color C, int Index ))
 | | SetProgressMessage (string S, int Index ))
 | | SetProgressTime (float T ))
 | | SetSensitivity (float F))
 | | SetSpeed (float F ))
 | | SetViewFlash (bool B))
 | | SetWeaponStay (bool B))
 | | ShakeView (float shaketime, float RollMag, float vertmag))
 | | ShowInventory ()))
 | | ShowLoadMenu ()))
 | | ShowMenu ()))
 | | ShowPath ()))
 | | ShowProgress ()))
 | | ShowSpecialMenu (string ClassName ))
 | | ShowUpgradeMenu ()
 | | SloMo (float T ))
 | | SnapView (bool B ))
 | Carcass | SpawnCarcass ()))
 | | SpawnGibbedCarcass ()))
 | | Speech (int Type, int Index, int Callsign ))
 | | SShot ()))
 | | StairLook (bool B ))
 | | StartWalk ()))
 | | StartZoom ()))
 | | StopZoom ()))
 | | Suicide ()))
 | | Suicide ())) PlayerSpectating |
 | | Suicide ())) PlayerWaiting |
 | | Summon (string ClassName ))
 | | SwimAnimUpdate (bool bNotForward))
 | | SwitchCoopLevel (string URL ))
 | | SwitchLevel (string URL ))
 | | SwitchWeapon (byte F ))
 | | TakeDamage (int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, name damageType)) Dying |
 | | Taunt (name Sequence ))
 | | Taunt (name Sequence )) Dying |
 | | Taunt (name Sequence )) FeigningDeath |
 | | Taunt (name Sequence )) GameEnded |
 | | TeamMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, coerce string S, name Type, optional bool bBeep ))
 | | ThrowWeapon ()))
 | | ThrowWeapon ())) GameEnded |
 | | Timer ())) Dying |
 | | Timer ())) GameEnded |
 | | Timer ())) PlayerSwimming |
 | | Timer ())) PlayerWaking |
 | | ToggleZoom ()))
 | | TravelPostAccept ()))
 | | Type ()))
 | | Typing (bool bTyping ))
 | | UnPossess ()))
 | | UpdateBob (float F))
 | | UpdateEyeHeight (float DeltaTime))
 | | UpdateEyeHeight (float DeltaTime)) PlayerSwimming |
 | | UpdateRotation (float DeltaTime, float maxPitch))
 | | UpdateSensitivity (float F))
 | | UpdateURL (string NewOption, string NewValue, bool bSaveDefault)
 | | UpdateWeaponPriorities ()))
 | bool | VelocityChanged (vector OldVel, vector NewVel))
 | | ViewClass (class<actor> aClass, optional bool bQuiet ))
 | | ViewClass (class<actor> aClass, optional bool bQuiet )) GameEnded |
 | | ViewFlash (float DeltaTime))
 | | ViewPlayer (string S ))
 | | ViewPlayer (string S )) GameEnded |
 | | ViewPlayerNum (optional int num))
 | | ViewSelf ()))
 | | ViewShake (float DeltaTime))
 | | Walk ()))
 | | ZoneChange (ZoneInfo NewZone )) FeigningDeath |
 | | ZoneChange (ZoneInfo NewZone )) PlayerSwimming |
 | | ZoneChange (ZoneInfo NewZone )) PlayerWalking |
Inherited Functions from Engine.Pawn |
actorReachable, AddInventory, AddPawn, AddVelocity, AdjustAim, AdjustDesireFor, AdjustHitLocation, AdjustToss, AICanHear, AICanSee, AICanSmell, AIDirectionReachable, AIPickRandomDestination, AlterDestination, BaseChange, BecomeViewTarget, BeginState, BotVoiceMessage, CanSee, ChangedWeapon, CheckFutureSight, CheckWaterJump, ClearPaths, ClientDying, ClientGameEnded, ClientHearSound, ClientMessage, ClientPutDown, ClientReStart, ClientSetLocation, ClientSetRotation, ClientVoiceMessage, ComputePathnodeDistances, damageAttitudeTo, DeleteInventory, Destroyed, Died, DropDecoration, EAdjustJump, EncroachedBy, EncroachedByMover, EncroachingOn, EnemyNotVisible, Falling, FearThisSpot, FellOutOfWorld, FindBestInventoryPath, FindInventoryType, FindPathTo, FindPathToward, FindRandomDest, FindStairRotation, FireWeapon, FootZoneChange, Gasp, GetHumanName, GetMultiSkin, GetRating, Gibbed, gibbedBy, GrabDecoration, HandleHelpMessageFrom, HeadZoneChange, HearNoise, HidePlayer, InitPlayerReplicationInfo, JumpOffPawn, Killed, KillMessage, Landed, LineOfSightTo, LipSynch, LongFall, LookAtActor, LookAtVector, LoopBaseConvoAnim, LoopHeadConvoAnim, MayFall, MoveTo, MoveToward, NextItem, PainTimer, PickAnyTarget, PickTarget, PickWallAdjust, PlayBigDeath, PlayCrawling, PlayDeathHit, PlayDive, PlayDuck, PlayDying, PlayerTimeOut, PlayFiring, PlayGutDeath, PlayGutHit, PlayHeadDeath, PlayHeadHit, PlayHit, PlayInAir, PlayLanded, PlayLeftDeath, PlayLeftHit, PlayMovingAttack, PlayOutOfWater, PlayPatrolStop, PlayRecoil, PlayRightDeath, PlayRightHit, PlayRunning, PlayTakeHit, PlayTakeHitSound, PlayThreatening, PlayTurnHead, PlayTurning, PlayVictoryDance, PlayWaiting, PlayWaitingAmbush, PlayWalking, PlayWeaponSwitch, pointReachable, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, PreBeginPlay, PreSetMovement, ReachablePathnodes, ReceiveLocalizedMessage, RemovePawn, RenderOverlays, RestartPlayer, SeePlayer, SendGlobalMessage, SendTeamMessage, SendVoiceMessage, SetDefaultDisplayProperties, SetDisplayProperties, SetMovementPhysics, SetMultiSkin, SetSkinElement, ShakeView, SpawnCarcass, SpawnGibbedCarcass, SpecialFire, SpeechTimer, StopFiring, StopWaiting, StrafeFacing, StrafeTo, SwitchToBestWeapon, TakeDamage, TakeFallingDamage, TeamBroadcast, TeamMessage, Timer, TossWeapon, TraceShot, TurnTo, TurnToward, TweenToFalling, TweenToFighter, TweenToPatrolStop, TweenToRunning, TweenToSwimming, TweenToWaiting, TweenToWalking, UnderLift, UpdateEyeHeight, UpdateTactics, WaitForLanding, WalkTexture, WarnTarget |
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor |
*, +, -, AIClearEvent, AIClearEventCallback, AIEndEvent, AIGetLightLevel, AISendEvent, AISetEventCallback, AIStartEvent, AIVisibility, AllActors, AnimEnd, Attach, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginEvent, BeginPlay, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, BroadcastMessage, Bump, BumpWall, ChildActors, ConsoleCommand, CycleActors, DemoPlaySound, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndConversation, EndedRotation, EndEvent, Error, Expired, Falling, FastTrace, FellOutOfWorld, FinishAnim, FinishInterpolation, Frob, GainedChild, GetAnimGroup, GetBoundingBox, GetHumanName, GetItemName, GetMapName, GetMeshTexture, GetNextInt, GetNextIntDesc, GetNextSkin, GetPlayerPawn, GetSoundDuration, GetURLMap, HasAnim, HitWall, HurtRadius, InStasis, InterpolateEnd, IsAnimating, IsOverlapping, KillCredit, KilledBy, Landed, LastRendered, LoopAnim, LostChild, MakeNoise, Move, MoveSmooth, ParabolicTrace, PlayAnim, PlayBlendAnim, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlayOwnedSound, PlaySound, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, PostPostBeginPlay, PostTeleport, PostTouch, PreBeginPlay, PreTeleport, RadiusActors, RandomBiasedRotation, RenderOverlays, RenderTexture, SetBase, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDefaultDisplayProperties, SetDisplayProperties, SetInitialState, SetInstantMusicVolume, SetInstantSoundVolume, SetInstantSpeechVolume, SetLocation, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRotation, SetTimer, Sleep, Spawn, Spawned, SpecialHandling, StopBlendAnims, StopSound, SupportActor, TakeDamage, Tick, Timer, Touch, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TraceTexture, TraceVisibleActors, TravelPostAccept, TravelPreAccept, Trigger, TweenAnim, TweenBlendAnim, UnTouch, UnTrigger, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors, ZoneChange |
Dying Source code |
state Dying
AltFire, BeginState, EndState, FindGoodView, Fire, PlayChatting, PlayerCalcView, PlayerMove, PlayerTick, ServerMove, ServerReStartPlayer, TakeDamage, Taunt, Timer |
FeigningDeath Source code |
state FeigningDeath
AltFire, AnimEnd, BeginState, ChangedWeapon, EndState, Fire, Landed, PlayChatting, PlayDying, PlayerMove, PlayerTick, PlayTakeHit, ProcessMove, Rise, ServerMove, Taunt, ZoneChange |
GameEnded Source code |
state GameEnded
AltFire, BeginState, FindGoodView, Fire, PlayerMove, PlayerTick, ServerMove, Taunt, ThrowWeapon, Timer, ViewClass, ViewPlayer |
PlayerWaiting Source code |
state PlayerWaiting
AltFire, BeginState, ChangeTeam, EndState, Fire, Jump, PlayerMove, PlayerTick, PlayWaiting, ProcessMove, Suicide |
var input float aBaseX;
var input float aBaseY;
var input float aBaseZ;
var const Actor AdditionalViews[
var input float aExtra0;
var input float aExtra1;
var input float aExtra2;
var input float aExtra3;
var input float aExtra4;
var input float aForward;
var input float aLookUp;
var input float aMouseX;
var input float aMouseY;
var float AppliedBob;
var input float aStrafe;
var input float aTurn;
var input float aUp;
var bool bAdmin;
var bool bAnimTransition;
var bool bBadConnectionAlert;
var bool bCenterView;
var bool bCheatsEnabled;
var bool bDelayedCommand;
var bool bEdgeBack;
var bool bEdgeForward;
var bool bEdgeLeft;
var bool bEdgeRight;
var bool bFixedCamera;
var bool bFrozen;
var globalconfig bool bInvertMouse;
var bool bIsCrouching;
var bool bIsTurning;
var bool bIsTyping;
var bool bJumpStatus;
var bool bJustAltFired;
var bool bJustFired;
var globalconfig bool bKeyboardLook;
var globalconfig bool bMessageBeep;
var bool bMouseZeroed;
var globalconfig bool bNeverAutoSwitch;
var bool bNoFlash;
var globalconfig bool bNoVoices;
var float bobtime;
var float BorrowedMouseX;
var float BorrowedMouseY;
var bool bPressedJump;
var bool bReadyToPlay;
var bool bReducedVis;
var bool bRising;
var bool bShakeDir;
var bool bShowMenu;
var bool bShowScores;
var bool bSpecialMenu;
var bool bUpdatePosition;
var bool bUpdating;
var bool bWasBack;
var bool bWasForward;
var bool bWasLeft;
var bool bWasRight;
var bool bWokeUp;
var bool bZooming;
var byte CdTrack;
var float ClientUpdateTime;
var float ConstantGlowScale;
var float CurrentTimeStamp;
var globalconfig float DefaultFOV;
var string DelayedCommand;
var int DemoViewPitch;
var int DemoViewYaw;
var float DesiredFlashScale;
var globalconfig float DesiredFOV;
var travel float DodgeClickTimer;
var localized string FailedView;
var travel globalconfig float Handedness;
var float InstantFlash;
var float LandBob;
var float LastPlaySound;
var float LastUpdateTime;
var float maxshake;
var globalconfig float MaxTimeMargin;
var int Misc1;
var int Misc2;
var globalconfig float MouseSensitivity;
var float MouseZeroTime;
var travel float MyAutoAim;
var localized string NoPauseMessage;
var localized string OwnCamera;
var globalconfig string Password;
var color ProgressColor[
var string ProgressMessage[8];
var float ProgressTimeOut;
var localized string QuickSaveString;
var int RendMap;
var float ServerTimeStamp;
var int shakemag;
var float shaketimer;
var float shakevert;
var int ShowFlags;
var float SmoothMouseX;
var float SmoothMouseY;
var music Song;
var byte SongSection;
var class<
menu> SpecialMenu;
var float TargetEyeHeight;
TargetWeaponViewOffset Source code
var vector TargetWeaponViewOffset;
var float TimeMargin;
var float TurnRateAdjuster;
var float verttimer;
var localized string ViewingFrom;
var globalconfig name WeaponPriority[20];
var float ZoomLevel;
var(Movement) globalconfig float Bob;
var(Movement) globalconfig float DodgeClickTime;
globalconfig bool bAlwaysMouseLook;
globalconfig bool bMaxMouseSmoothing;
globalconfig float MouseSmoothThreshold;
globalconfig string ngWorldSecret;
var(Sounds) sound JumpSound;
exec function ActivateHint ( ) )
exec function ActivateInventoryItem ( class InvItem ) )
exec function ActivateItem ( ) )
exec function ActivateTranslator ( ) )
exec function AddBots ( int N) )
function rotator AdjustAim (
float projSpeed,
vector projStart,
int aimerror,
bool bLeadTarget,
bool bWarnTarget) )
simulated function bool AdjustHitLocation (
out vector HitLocation,
vector TraceDir) )
exec function Admin ( string CommandLine ) )
exec function AdminLogin ( string Password ) )
exec function AdminLogout ( ) )
exec function AltFire ( optional float F ) )
exec function AltFire ( optional float F ) )
exec function AltFire ( optional float F ) )
exec function AltFire ( optional float F ) )
AltFire PlayerSpectating Source code
exec function AltFire ( optional float F ) )
exec function AltFire ( optional float F) )
exec function AlwaysMouseLook ( Bool B ) )
exec function Amphibious ( ) )
function AnimEnd ( ) )
function AnimEnd ( ) )
function AnimEnd ( ) )
AnimEnd PlayerSwimming Source code
function AnimEnd ( ) )
function AnimEnd ( ) )
BeginState CheatFlying Source code
function BeginState ( ) )
function BeginState ( ) )
BeginState FeigningDeath Source code
function BeginState ( ) )
function BeginState ( ) )
BeginState PlayerFlying Source code
function BeginState ( ) )
BeginState PlayerSpectating Source code
function BeginState ( ) )
BeginState PlayerSwimming Source code
function BeginState ( ) )
BeginState PlayerWaiting Source code
function BeginState ( ) )
BeginState PlayerWaking Source code
function BeginState ( ) )
BeginState PlayerWalking Source code
function BeginState ( ) )
exec function BehindView ( Bool B ) )
function CalcBehindView (
out vector CameraLocation,
out rotator CameraRotation,
float Dist) )
exec function CallForHelp ( ) )
exec function CauseEvent ( name N ) )
function ChangeAlwaysMouseLook ( Bool B) )
function ChangeAutoAim ( float F ) )
exec function ChangeCrosshair ( ) )
function ChangeDodgeClickTime ( float F ) )
function ChangedWeapon ( ) )
ChangedWeapon FeigningDeath Source code
function ChangedWeapon ( ) )
exec function ChangeHud ( ) )
function ChangeName ( coerce string S ) )
function ChangeSetHand ( string S ) )
function ChangeSnapView ( bool B ) )
function ChangeStairLook ( bool B ) )
function ChangeTeam ( int N ) )
ChangeTeam PlayerSpectating Source code
function ChangeTeam ( int N ) )
ChangeTeam PlayerWaiting Source code
function ChangeTeam ( int N ) )
exec function CheatView (
aClass ) )
function CheckBob (
float DeltaTime,
float Speed2D,
vector Y) )
exec function ClearProgressMessages ( ) )
function ClientAdjustGlow (
float scale,
vector fog ) )
function ClientAdjustPosition (
float TimeStamp,
name newState,
EPhysics newPhysics,
float NewLocX,
float NewLocY,
float NewLocZ,
float NewVelX,
float NewVelY,
float NewVelZ,
Actor NewBase
) )
function ClientChangeTeam ( int N ) )
function ClientInstantFlash (
float scale,
vector fog ) )
event ClientMessage ( coerce string S, optional Name Type, optional bool bBeep ) )
simulated function ClientPlaySound ( sound ASound, optional bool bInterrupt, optional bool bVolumeControl ) )
ClientReliablePlaySound Source code
simulated function ClientReliablePlaySound ( sound ASound, optional bool bInterrupt, optional bool bVolumeControl ) )
function ClientSetMusic (
music NewSong,
byte NewSection,
byte NewCdTrack,
EMusicTransition NewTransition ) )
function ClientShake (
vector shake) )
native event ClientTravel (
string URL,
ETravelType TravelType,
bool bItems )
function ClientUpdatePosition ( ) )
function ClientWeaponEvent ( name EventType) )
function int CompressAccel ( int C) )
native function string ConsoleCommand ( string Command )
native function CopyToClipboard ( string Text )
function damageAttitudeTo (
pawn Other) )
simulated event Destroyed ( ) )
function DoJump ( optional float F ) )
function EndState ( ) )
EndState FeigningDeath Source code
function EndState ( ) )
EndState PlayerSpectating Source code
function EndState ( ) )
EndState PlayerWaiting Source code
function EndState ( ) )
EndState PlayerWalking Source code
function EndState ( ) )
function EndZoom ( ) )
function Falling ( ) )
exec function FeignDeath ( ) )
FeignDeath PlayerWalking Source code
exec function FeignDeath ( ) )
function FindGoodView ( ) )
FindGoodView GameEnded Source code
function FindGoodView ( ) )
exec function Fire (
optional float F ) )
exec function Fire (
optional float F ) )
exec function Fire (
optional float F ) )
exec function Fire (
optional float F ) )
exec function Fire (
optional float F ) )
exec function Fire (
optional float F) )
exec function FOV ( float F) )
exec function FunctionKey ( byte Num ) )
native final function string GetDefaultURL ( string Option )
native final function LevelInfo GetEntryLevel ( )
GetPlayerNetworkAddress Source code
native final function string GetPlayerNetworkAddress ( )
exec function GetWeapon (
NewWeaponClass ) )
exec function Ghost ( ) )
exec function God ( ) )
exec function Grab ( ) )
function HandleWalking ( ) )
InitPlayerReplicationInfo Source code
function InitPlayerReplicationInfo ( ) )
exec function InvertMouse ( bool B ) )
exec function Invisible ( bool B) )
exec function Jump ( optional float F ) )
exec function Jump ( optional float F ) )
function JumpOffPawn ( ) )
exec function Kick ( string KickString ) )
exec function KickBan ( string KickString ) )
exec function KillAll (
aClass) )
function KilledBy (
pawn EventInstigator ) )
exec function KillPawns ( ) )
function Landed (
vector HitNormal) )
function Landed (
vector HitNormal) )
function Landed (
vector HitNormal) )
function Landed (
vector HitNormal) )
exec function LocalTravel ( string URL ) )
final function MoveAutonomous (
float DeltaTime,
bool NewbRun,
bool NewbDuck,
bool NewbPressedJump,
eDodgeDir DodgeMove,
vector newAccel,
rotator DeltaRot
) )
function MultiplayerTick ( float DeltaTime) )
exec function Mutate ( string MutateString) )
exec function Name ( coerce string S ) )
exec function NeverSwitchOnPickup ( bool B ) )
exec function NextWeapon ( ) )
native function string PasteFromClipboard ( )
exec function Pause ( ) )
exec function Ping ( ) )
simulated function PlayBeepSound ( )
function PlayChatting ( )
function PlayChatting ( ) )
PlayChatting FeigningDeath Source code
function PlayChatting ( ) )
PlayDying FeigningDeath Source code
event PlayerCalcView (
out actor ViewActor,
out vector CameraLocation,
out rotator CameraRotation ) )
function PlayerCalcView (
out actor ViewActor,
out vector CameraLocation,
out rotator CameraRotation ) )
event PlayerInput ( float DeltaTime ) )
exec function PlayerList ( ) )
PlayerMove CheatFlying Source code
function PlayerMove ( float DeltaTime) )
function PlayerMove ( float DeltaTime) )
PlayerMove FeigningDeath Source code
function PlayerMove ( float DeltaTime) )
function PlayerMove ( float DeltaTime) )
PlayerMove InvalidState Source code
function PlayerMove ( float DeltaTime ) )
PlayerMove PlayerFlying Source code
function PlayerMove ( float DeltaTime) )
PlayerMove PlayerSpectating Source code
function PlayerMove ( float DeltaTime) )
PlayerMove PlayerSwimming Source code
function PlayerMove ( float DeltaTime) )
PlayerMove PlayerWaiting Source code
function PlayerMove ( float DeltaTime) )
PlayerMove PlayerWaking Source code
function PlayerMove ( Float DeltaTime) )
PlayerMove PlayerWalking Source code
function PlayerMove ( float DeltaTime ) )
exec function PlayersOnly ( ) )
event PlayerTick (
float Time )
PlayerTick CheatFlying Source code
event PlayerTick ( float DeltaTime ) )
event PlayerTick ( float DeltaTime ) )
PlayerTick FeigningDeath Source code
event PlayerTick ( float DeltaTime ) )
event PlayerTick ( float DeltaTime ) )
PlayerTick InvalidState Source code
event PlayerTick ( float DeltaTime ) )
PlayerTick PlayerFlying Source code
event PlayerTick ( float DeltaTime ) )
PlayerTick PlayerSpectating Source code
event PlayerTick ( float DeltaTime ) )
PlayerTick PlayerSwimming Source code
event PlayerTick ( float DeltaTime ) )
PlayerTick PlayerWaiting Source code
event PlayerTick ( float DeltaTime ) )
PlayerTick PlayerWaking Source code
event PlayerTick ( float DeltaTime ) )
PlayerTick PlayerWalking Source code
event PlayerTick ( float DeltaTime ) )
event PlayerTimeOut ( ) )
function PlayFeignDeath ( )
function PlayRising ( )
function PlaySwimming ( ) )
PlayTakeHit FeigningDeath Source code
function PlayTakeHit (
float tweentime,
vector HitLoc,
int Damage) )
function PlayTurning ( )
PlayWaiting PlayerWaiting Source code
function PlayWaiting ( ) )
event Possess ( ) )
event PostBeginPlay ( ) )
event PreBeginPlay ( ) )
event PreClientTravel ( ) )
exec function PrevItem ( ) )
exec function PrevWeapon ( ) )
ProcessMove CheatFlying Source code
ProcessMove FeigningDeath Source code
ProcessMove PlayerSpectating Source code
ProcessMove PlayerSwimming Source code
ProcessMove PlayerWaiting Source code
ProcessMove PlayerWalking Source code
exec function Profile ( ) )
exec function QuickLoad ( ) )
exec function QuickSave ( ) )
ReceiveLocalizedMessage Source code
exec function RememberSpot ( ) )
native(544) final function ResetKeyboard ( )
exec function RestartLevel ( ) )
function Rise ( ) )
exec function Say ( string Msg ) )
SendVoiceMessage PlayerSpectating Source code
function ServerAddBots ( int N) )
function ServerChangeSkin ( coerce string SkinName, coerce string FaceName, byte TeamNum ) )
function ServerFeignDeath ( ) )
function ServerMove (
float TimeStamp,
vector InAccel,
vector ClientLoc,
bool NewbRun,
bool NewbDuck,
bool NewbJumpStatus,
bool bFired,
bool bAltFired,
bool bForceFire,
bool bForceAltFire,
eDodgeDir DodgeMove,
byte ClientRoll,
int View,
optional byte OldTimeDelta,
optional int OldAccel
) )
function ServerMove (
float TimeStamp,
vector Accel,
vector ClientLoc,
bool NewbRun,
bool NewbDuck,
bool NewbJumpStatus,
bool bFired,
bool bAltFired,
bool bForceFire,
bool bForceAltFire,
eDodgeDir DodgeMove,
byte ClientRoll,
int View,
optional byte OldTimeDelta,
optional int OldAccel
) )
ServerMove FeigningDeath Source code
function ServerMove (
float TimeStamp,
vector Accel,
vector ClientLoc,
bool NewbRun,
bool NewbDuck,
bool NewbJumpStatus,
bool bFired,
bool bAltFired,
bool bForceFire,
bool bForceAltFire,
eDodgeDir DodgeMove,
byte ClientRoll,
int View,
optional byte OldTimeDelta,
optional int OldAccel
) )
function ServerMove (
float TimeStamp,
vector InAccel,
vector ClientLoc,
bool NewbRun,
bool NewbDuck,
bool NewbJumpStatus,
bool bFired,
bool bAltFired,
bool bForceFire,
bool bForceAltFire,
eDodgeDir DodgeMove,
byte ClientRoll,
int View,
optional byte OldTimeDelta,
optional int OldAccel
) )
ServerNeverSwitchOnPickup Source code
function ServerNeverSwitchOnPickup ( bool B) )
function ServerReStartGame ( ) )
function ServerReStartPlayer ( ) )
ServerReStartPlayer Dying Source code
function ServerReStartPlayer ( ) )
function ServerSetHandedness ( float hand) )
function ServerSetSloMo ( float T) )
ServerSetWeaponPriority Source code
function ServerSetWeaponPriority ( byte i, name WeaponName ) )
function ServerTaunt ( name Sequence ) )
function ServerUpdateWeapons ( ) )
exec function SetAutoAim ( float F ) )
exec function SetBob ( float F) )
exec function SetDesiredFOV ( float F) )
exec function SetDodgeClickTime ( float F ) )
function SetFOVAngle ( float newFOV) )
exec function SetFriction ( float F ) )
exec function SetHand ( string S ) )
exec function SetJumpZ ( float F ) )
exec function SetMaxMouseSmoothing ( bool B ) )
SetMouseSmoothThreshold Source code
exec function SetMouseSmoothThreshold ( float F ) )
exec function SetName ( coerce string S ) )
function bool SetPause ( BOOL bPause ) )
exec function SetProgressColor (
color C,
int Index ) )
exec function SetProgressMessage ( string S, int Index ) )
exec function SetProgressTime ( float T ) )
exec function SetSensitivity ( float F) )
exec function SetSpeed ( float F ) )
exec function SetViewFlash ( bool B) )
exec function SetWeaponStay ( bool B) )
function ShakeView ( float shaketime, float RollMag, float vertmag) )
exec function ShowInventory ( ) )
exec function ShowLoadMenu ( ) )
exec function ShowMenu ( ) )
exec function ShowPath ( ) )
function ShowProgress ( ) )
exec function ShowSpecialMenu ( string ClassName ) )
exec event ShowUpgradeMenu ( )
exec function SloMo ( float T ) )
exec function SnapView ( bool B ) )
function Carcass SpawnCarcass ( ) )
function SpawnGibbedCarcass ( ) )
exec function Speech ( int Type, int Index, int Callsign ) )
exec function SShot ( ) )
exec function StairLook ( bool B ) )
function StartWalk ( ) )
function StartZoom ( ) )
function StopZoom ( ) )
exec function Suicide ( ) )
Suicide PlayerSpectating Source code
exec function Suicide ( ) )
exec function Suicide ( ) )
exec function Summon ( string ClassName ) )
function SwimAnimUpdate ( bool bNotForward) )
exec function SwitchCoopLevel ( string URL ) )
exec function SwitchLevel ( string URL ) )
exec function SwitchWeapon ( byte F ) )
exec function Taunt ( name Sequence ) )
exec function Taunt ( name Sequence ) )
exec function Taunt ( name Sequence ) )
exec function Taunt ( name Sequence ) )
exec function ThrowWeapon ( ) )
exec function ThrowWeapon ( ) )
function ToggleZoom ( ) )
event TravelPostAccept ( ) )
exec function Type ( ) )
function Typing ( bool bTyping ) )
event UnPossess ( ) )
function UpdateBob ( float F) )
event UpdateEyeHeight ( float DeltaTime) )
UpdateEyeHeight PlayerSwimming Source code
event UpdateEyeHeight ( float DeltaTime) )
function UpdateRotation ( float DeltaTime, float maxPitch) )
function UpdateSensitivity ( float F) )
native(546) final function UpdateURL ( string NewOption, string NewValue, bool bSaveDefault )
UpdateWeaponPriorities Source code
function UpdateWeaponPriorities ( ) )
function bool VelocityChanged (
vector OldVel,
vector NewVel) )
exec function ViewClass (
optional bool bQuiet ) )
exec function ViewClass (
optional bool bQuiet ) )
function ViewFlash ( float DeltaTime) )
exec function ViewPlayer ( string S ) )
exec function ViewPlayer ( string S ) )
exec function ViewPlayerNum ( optional int num) )
exec function ViewSelf ( ) )
function ViewShake ( float DeltaTime) )
exec function Walk ( ) )
ZoneChange FeigningDeath Source code
function ZoneChange (
ZoneInfo NewZone ) )
ZoneChange PlayerSwimming Source code
function ZoneChange (
ZoneInfo NewZone ) )
ZoneChange PlayerWalking Source code
function ZoneChange (
ZoneInfo NewZone ) )
QuickSaveString="Quick Saving"
NoPauseMessage="Game is not pauseable"
ViewingFrom="Now viewing from"
OwnCamera="own camera"
FailedView="Failed to change view."
Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:14.566 - Created with