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+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- DeusEx.Augmentation
      +-- DeusEx.AugDefense

Constants Summary

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.Augmentation
ActivateSound, AlwaysActiveLabel, AugActivated, AugAlreadyHave, AugDeactivated, AugLocsText[7], AugmentationLocation, AugmentationName, AugNowHave, AugNowHaveAtLevel, bAlwaysActive, bAutomatic, bBoosted, bHasIt, bIsActive, bUsingMedbot, CanUpgradeLabel, CurrentLevel, CurrentLevelLabel, DeactivateSound, Description, EnergyRate, EnergyRateLabel, HotKeyNum, icon, IconHeight, IconWidth, LevelValues[4], LoopSound, MaximumLabel, MaxLevel, MPConflictSlot, MPInfo, next, OccupiesSlotLabel, Player, smallIcon
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor
Acceleration, AmbientGlow, AmbientSound, AnimFrame, AnimLast, AnimMinRate, AnimRate, AnimSequence, AttachTag, bActorShadows, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, bAnimByOwner, bAnimFinished, bAnimLoop, bAnimNotify, BarkBindName, Base, bAssimilated, bBlockActors, bBlockPlayers, bBlockSight, bBounce, bCanTeleport, bCarriedItem, bClientAnim, bClientDemoNetFunc, bClientDemoRecording, bCollideActors, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bCorona, bDeleteMe, bDemoRecording, bDetectable, bDifficulty0, bDifficulty1, bDifficulty2, bDifficulty3, bDirectional, bDynamicLight, bEdLocked, bEdShouldSnap, bEdSnap, bFixedRotationDir, bForcePhysicsUpdate, bForceStasis, bGameRelevant, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHighDetail, bHighlighted, bHurtEntry, bIgnore, BindName, bInterpolating, bIsItemGoal, bIsKillGoal, bIsMover, bIsPawn, bIsSecretGoal, bJustTeleported, BlendAnimFrame[4], BlendAnimLast[4], BlendAnimMinRate[4], BlendAnimRate[4], BlendAnimSequence[4], BlendTweenRate[4], bLensFlare, bLightChanged, bMemorized, bMeshCurvy, bMeshEnviroMap, bMovable, bNet, bNetFeel, bNetHear, bNetInitial, bNetOptional, bNetOwner, bNetRelevant, bNetSee, bNetSpecial, bNetTemporary, bNoDelete, bNoSmooth, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOwned, bOwnerNoSee, bParticles, bProjTarget, bRandomFrame, bReplicateInstigator, bRotateToDesired, Brush, bSelected, bShadowCast, bSimFall, bSimulatedPawn, bSinglePlayer, bSpecialLit, bStasis, bStatic, bTempEditor, bTicked, bTimerLoop, bTrailerPrePivot, bTrailerSameRotation, bTransient, bTravel, bUnlit, Buoyancy, bVisionImportant, CollisionHeight, CollisionRadius, CollisionTag, ColLocation, ConListItems, ConStartInterval, CurrentVisibility, Deleted, DesiredRotation, DistanceFromPlayer, DodgeDir, DrawScale, DrawType, Event, ExtraTag, FamiliarName, Fatness, Group, InitialState, Instigator, Inventory, LastConEndTime, LastRenderTime, LastSmellNode, LastVisibility, LatentActor, LatentByte, LatentFloat, LatentInt, Level, LifeSpan, LightBrightness, LightCone, LightEffect, LightHue, LightingTag, LightPeriod, LightPhase, LightRadius, LightSaturation, LightType, Location, LODBias, Mass, Mesh, MiscNumber, MultiSkins[8], NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, OddsOfAppearing, OldAnimRate, OldBlendAnimRate[4], OldLocation, OtherTag, Owner, PendingTouch, PhysAlpha, Physics, PhysRate, PrePivot, Region, RelevantRadius, RemoteRole, RenderInterface, RenderIteratorClass, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, ScaleGlow, SimAnim, SimBlendAnim[4], Skin, SmellClass, SoundPitch, SoundRadius, SoundVolume, SpecialTag, Sprite, StandingCount, Style, Tag, Target, Texture, TimerCounter, TimerRate, Touching[4], TransientSoundRadius, TransientSoundVolume, TweenRate, UnfamiliarName, Velocity, VisibilityHeight, VisibilityRadius, VisUpdateTime, VolumeBrightness, VolumeFog, VolumeRadius, XLevel

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from DeusEx.Augmentation
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor
EAIEventState, EAIEventType, EBarkModes, EDodgeDir, EDrawType, EInputAction, EInputKey, ELightEffect, ELightType, EMusicTransition, ENetRole, EPhysics, ERenderStyle, ESoundSlot, ETravelType

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.Actor
PointRegion, XAIParams

Functions Summary
function Deactivate ()))
functionDeusExProjectile FindNearestProjectile ()))
function PreBeginPlay ()))
function SetDefenseAugStatus (bool bDefenseActive, int defenseLevel, DeusExProjectile defenseTarget))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Timer ()))
function TriggerDefenseAugHUD ()))
Inherited Functions from DeusEx.Augmentation
Activate, CanBeUpgraded, Deactivate, GetCurrentLevel, GetEnergyRate, GetHotKey, IncLevel, IsActive, IsAlwaysActive, UpdateInfo, UsingMedBot
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor
*, +, -, AIClearEvent, AIClearEventCallback, AIEndEvent, AIGetLightLevel, AISendEvent, AISetEventCallback, AIStartEvent, AIVisibility, AllActors, AnimEnd, Attach, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginEvent, BeginPlay, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, BroadcastMessage, Bump, BumpWall, ChildActors, ConsoleCommand, CycleActors, DemoPlaySound, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndConversation, EndedRotation, EndEvent, Error, Expired, Falling, FastTrace, FellOutOfWorld, FinishAnim, FinishInterpolation, Frob, GainedChild, GetAnimGroup, GetBoundingBox, GetHumanName, GetItemName, GetMapName, GetMeshTexture, GetNextInt, GetNextIntDesc, GetNextSkin, GetPlayerPawn, GetSoundDuration, GetURLMap, HasAnim, HitWall, HurtRadius, InStasis, InterpolateEnd, IsAnimating, IsOverlapping, KillCredit, KilledBy, Landed, LastRendered, LoopAnim, LostChild, MakeNoise, Move, MoveSmooth, ParabolicTrace, PlayAnim, PlayBlendAnim, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlayOwnedSound, PlaySound, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, PostPostBeginPlay, PostTeleport, PostTouch, PreBeginPlay, PreTeleport, RadiusActors, RandomBiasedRotation, RenderOverlays, RenderTexture, SetBase, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDefaultDisplayProperties, SetDisplayProperties, SetInitialState, SetInstantMusicVolume, SetInstantSoundVolume, SetInstantSpeechVolume, SetLocation, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRotation, SetTimer, Sleep, Spawn, Spawned, SpecialHandling, StopBlendAnims, StopSound, SupportActor, TakeDamage, Tick, Timer, Touch, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TraceTexture, TraceVisibleActors, TravelPostAccept, TravelPreAccept, Trigger, TweenAnim, TweenBlendAnim, UnTouch, UnTrigger, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors, ZoneChange

States Summary
Active Source code
state Active

Constants Detail

defenseSoundDelay Source code

const defenseSoundDelay = 2;

Variables Detail

bDefenseActive Source code

var bool bDefenseActive;

defenseSoundTime Source code

var float defenseSoundTime;

mpAugValue Source code

var float mpAugValue;

mpEnergyDrain Source code

var float mpEnergyDrain;

Functions Detail

Deactivate Source code

function Deactivate ( ) )

FindNearestProjectile Source code

simulated function DeusExProjectile FindNearestProjectile ( ) )

PreBeginPlay Source code

simulated function PreBeginPlay ( ) )

SetDefenseAugStatus Source code

simulated function SetDefenseAugStatus ( bool bDefenseActive, int defenseLevel, DeusExProjectile defenseTarget) )

Tick Source code

simulated function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Timer Active Source code

function Timer ( ) )

TriggerDefenseAugHUD Source code

simulated function TriggerDefenseAugHUD ( ) )


     AugmentationName="Aggressive Defense System"
     Description="Aerosol nanoparticles are released upon the detection of objects fitting the electromagnetic threat profile of missiles and grenades; these nanoparticles will prematurely detonate such objects prior to reaching the agent.|n|nTECH ONE: The range at which incoming rockets and grenades are detonated is short.|n|nTECH TWO: The range at which detonation occurs is increased slightly.|n|nTECH THREE: The range at which detonation occurs is increased moderately.|n|nTECH FOUR: Rockets and grenades are detonated almost before they are fired."
     MPInfo="When active, enemy rockets detonate when they get close, doing reduced damage.  Some large rockets may still be close enough to do damage when they explode.  Energy Drain: Low"

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Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:02.370 - Created with UnCodeX