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+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- DeusEx.Augmentation
      +-- DeusEx.AugDrone

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.Augmentation
ActivateSound, AlwaysActiveLabel, AugActivated, AugAlreadyHave, AugDeactivated, AugLocsText[7], AugmentationLocation, AugmentationName, AugNowHave, AugNowHaveAtLevel, bAlwaysActive, bAutomatic, bBoosted, bHasIt, bIsActive, bUsingMedbot, CanUpgradeLabel, CurrentLevel, CurrentLevelLabel, DeactivateSound, Description, EnergyRate, EnergyRateLabel, HotKeyNum, icon, IconHeight, IconWidth, LevelValues[4], LoopSound, MaximumLabel, MaxLevel, MPConflictSlot, MPInfo, next, OccupiesSlotLabel, Player, smallIcon
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor
Acceleration, AmbientGlow, AmbientSound, AnimFrame, AnimLast, AnimMinRate, AnimRate, AnimSequence, AttachTag, bActorShadows, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, bAnimByOwner, bAnimFinished, bAnimLoop, bAnimNotify, BarkBindName, Base, bAssimilated, bBlockActors, bBlockPlayers, bBlockSight, bBounce, bCanTeleport, bCarriedItem, bClientAnim, bClientDemoNetFunc, bClientDemoRecording, bCollideActors, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bCorona, bDeleteMe, bDemoRecording, bDetectable, bDifficulty0, bDifficulty1, bDifficulty2, bDifficulty3, bDirectional, bDynamicLight, bEdLocked, bEdShouldSnap, bEdSnap, bFixedRotationDir, bForcePhysicsUpdate, bForceStasis, bGameRelevant, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHighDetail, bHighlighted, bHurtEntry, bIgnore, BindName, bInterpolating, bIsItemGoal, bIsKillGoal, bIsMover, bIsPawn, bIsSecretGoal, bJustTeleported, BlendAnimFrame[4], BlendAnimLast[4], BlendAnimMinRate[4], BlendAnimRate[4], BlendAnimSequence[4], BlendTweenRate[4], bLensFlare, bLightChanged, bMemorized, bMeshCurvy, bMeshEnviroMap, bMovable, bNet, bNetFeel, bNetHear, bNetInitial, bNetOptional, bNetOwner, bNetRelevant, bNetSee, bNetSpecial, bNetTemporary, bNoDelete, bNoSmooth, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOwned, bOwnerNoSee, bParticles, bProjTarget, bRandomFrame, bReplicateInstigator, bRotateToDesired, Brush, bSelected, bShadowCast, bSimFall, bSimulatedPawn, bSinglePlayer, bSpecialLit, bStasis, bStatic, bTempEditor, bTicked, bTimerLoop, bTrailerPrePivot, bTrailerSameRotation, bTransient, bTravel, bUnlit, Buoyancy, bVisionImportant, CollisionHeight, CollisionRadius, CollisionTag, ColLocation, ConListItems, ConStartInterval, CurrentVisibility, Deleted, DesiredRotation, DistanceFromPlayer, DodgeDir, DrawScale, DrawType, Event, ExtraTag, FamiliarName, Fatness, Group, InitialState, Instigator, Inventory, LastConEndTime, LastRenderTime, LastSmellNode, LastVisibility, LatentActor, LatentByte, LatentFloat, LatentInt, Level, LifeSpan, LightBrightness, LightCone, LightEffect, LightHue, LightingTag, LightPeriod, LightPhase, LightRadius, LightSaturation, LightType, Location, LODBias, Mass, Mesh, MiscNumber, MultiSkins[8], NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, OddsOfAppearing, OldAnimRate, OldBlendAnimRate[4], OldLocation, OtherTag, Owner, PendingTouch, PhysAlpha, Physics, PhysRate, PrePivot, Region, RelevantRadius, RemoteRole, RenderInterface, RenderIteratorClass, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, ScaleGlow, SimAnim, SimBlendAnim[4], Skin, SmellClass, SoundPitch, SoundRadius, SoundVolume, SpecialTag, Sprite, StandingCount, Style, Tag, Target, Texture, TimerCounter, TimerRate, Touching[4], TransientSoundRadius, TransientSoundVolume, TweenRate, UnfamiliarName, Velocity, VisibilityHeight, VisibilityRadius, VisUpdateTime, VolumeBrightness, VolumeFog, VolumeRadius, XLevel

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from DeusEx.Augmentation
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor
EAIEventState, EAIEventType, EBarkModes, EDodgeDir, EDrawType, EInputAction, EInputKey, ELightEffect, ELightType, EMusicTransition, ENetRole, EPhysics, ERenderStyle, ESoundSlot, ETravelType

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.Actor
PointRegion, XAIParams

Functions Summary
function Deactivate ()))
function PreBeginPlay ()))
Inherited Functions from DeusEx.Augmentation
Activate, CanBeUpgraded, Deactivate, GetCurrentLevel, GetEnergyRate, GetHotKey, IncLevel, IsActive, IsAlwaysActive, UpdateInfo, UsingMedBot
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor
*, +, -, AIClearEvent, AIClearEventCallback, AIEndEvent, AIGetLightLevel, AISendEvent, AISetEventCallback, AIStartEvent, AIVisibility, AllActors, AnimEnd, Attach, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginEvent, BeginPlay, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, BroadcastMessage, Bump, BumpWall, ChildActors, ConsoleCommand, CycleActors, DemoPlaySound, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndConversation, EndedRotation, EndEvent, Error, Expired, Falling, FastTrace, FellOutOfWorld, FinishAnim, FinishInterpolation, Frob, GainedChild, GetAnimGroup, GetBoundingBox, GetHumanName, GetItemName, GetMapName, GetMeshTexture, GetNextInt, GetNextIntDesc, GetNextSkin, GetPlayerPawn, GetSoundDuration, GetURLMap, HasAnim, HitWall, HurtRadius, InStasis, InterpolateEnd, IsAnimating, IsOverlapping, KillCredit, KilledBy, Landed, LastRendered, LoopAnim, LostChild, MakeNoise, Move, MoveSmooth, ParabolicTrace, PlayAnim, PlayBlendAnim, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlayOwnedSound, PlaySound, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, PostPostBeginPlay, PostTeleport, PostTouch, PreBeginPlay, PreTeleport, RadiusActors, RandomBiasedRotation, RenderOverlays, RenderTexture, SetBase, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDefaultDisplayProperties, SetDisplayProperties, SetInitialState, SetInstantMusicVolume, SetInstantSoundVolume, SetInstantSpeechVolume, SetLocation, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRotation, SetTimer, Sleep, Spawn, Spawned, SpecialHandling, StopBlendAnims, StopSound, SupportActor, TakeDamage, Tick, Timer, Touch, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TraceTexture, TraceVisibleActors, TravelPostAccept, TravelPreAccept, Trigger, TweenAnim, TweenBlendAnim, UnTouch, UnTrigger, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors, ZoneChange

States Summary
Active Source code
state Active

Variables Detail

lastDroneTime Source code

var float lastDroneTime;

mpAugValue Source code

var float mpAugValue;

mpEnergyDrain Source code

var float mpEnergyDrain;

reconstructTime Source code

var float reconstructTime;

Functions Detail

Deactivate Source code

function Deactivate ( ) )

PreBeginPlay Source code

simulated function PreBeginPlay ( ) )


     AugmentationName="Spy Drone"
     Description="Advanced nanofactories can assemble a spy drone upon demand which can then be remotely controlled by the agent until released or destroyed, at which a point a new drone will be assembled. Further upgrades equip the spy drones with better armor and a one-shot EMP attack.|n|nTECH ONE: The drone can take little damage and has a very light EMP attack.|n|nTECH TWO: The drone can take minor damage and has a light EMP attack.|n|nTECH THREE: The drone can take moderate damage and has a medium EMP attack.|n|nTECH FOUR: The drone can take heavy damage and has a strong EMP attack."
     MPInfo="Activation creates a remote-controlled spy drone.  Deactivation disables the drone.  Firing while active detonates the drone in a massive EMP explosion.  Energy Drain: Medium"

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Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:02.375 - Created with UnCodeX