- Extends
- HUDBaseWindow
+-- Extension.ExtensionObject
+-- Extension.Window
+-- DeusEx.HUDBaseWindow
+-- DeusEx.AugmentationDisplayWindow
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.HUDBaseWindow |
backgroundDrawStyle, backgroundHeight, backgroundPosX, backgroundPosY, backgroundWidth, bDrawBorder, borderDrawStyle, colBackground, colBorder, colHeaderText, colText, player |
Inherited Variables from Extension.Window |
acceleratorKey, att, background, backgroundStyle, bBeingDestroyed, bConfigured, bDrawRawBackground, bIsInitialized, bIsSelectable, bIsSensitive, bIsVisible, bLastHeightSpecified, bLastWidthSpecified, bNeedsQuery, bNeedsReconfigure, boldFont, bSmoothBackground, bSpecialText, bStretchBackground, bTextTranslucent, bTickEnabled, clientObject, colMajorIndex, defaultCursor, defaultCursorColor, defaultCursorShadow, defaultHotX, defaultHotY, firstChild, firstTimer, focusSound, freeTimer, gGc, hardcodedHeight, hardcodedWidth, height, hMargin0, hMargin1, holdHeight, holdWidth, holdX, holdY, invisibleSound, lastChild, lastQueryHeight, lastQueryWidth, lastSpecifiedHeight, lastSpecifiedWidth, lockCount, maxClicks, nextSibling, normalFont, parentOwner, prevSibling, rowMajorIndex, soundVolume, textColor, textPlane, textVSpacing, tileColor, tilePlane, unfocusSound, visibleSound, vMargin0, vMargin1, wGc, width, winClipRect, windowType, winHAlign, winParent, winVAlign, x, y |
Functions Summary |
 | bool | ChildRequestedReconfiguration (Window childWin))
 | | ConfigurationChanged ()))
 | | DrawDefenseAugmentation (GC gc))
 | | DrawDropShadowBox (GC gc, float x, float y, float w, float h))
 | | DrawFadedText (GC gc, float x, float y, Color msgColor, String msg ))
 | | DrawMiscStatusMessages (GC gc ))
 | | DrawSpyDroneAugmentation (GC gc))
 | | DrawTargetAugmentation (GC gc))
 | | DrawVisionAugmentation (GC gc))
 | Texture | GetGridTexture (Texture tex))
 | | GetTargetReticleColor (Actor target, out Color xcolor ))
 | int | GetVisionTargetStatus (Actor Target))
 | | InitWindow ()))
 | | Interpolate (GC gc, float fromX, float fromY, float toX, float toY, int power))
 | bool | IsHeatSource (Actor A))
 | | PostDrawWindow (GC gc))
 | | RefreshMultiplayerKeys ()))
 | | ResetSkins (Actor actor, Texture oldSkins[9]))
 | | SetSkins (Actor actor, out Texture oldSkins[9]))
 | | Tick (float deltaTime))
 | float | TopCentralMessage (GC gc, String str, color textColor ))
 | Actor | TraceLOS (float checkDist, out vector HitLocation))
Inherited Functions from Extension.Window |
AcceleratorKeyPressed, AddActorRef, AddTimer, AskParentForReconfigure, AskParentToShowArea, BoxOptionSelected, ButtonActivated, CarriageReturn, ChangeStyle, ChildAdded, ChildRemoved, ChildRequestedReconfiguration, ChildRequestedShowArea, ChildRequestedVisibilityChange, ClipAttributesChanged, ClipPositionChanged, ConfigurationChanged, ConfigureChild, ConvertCoordinates, ConvertScriptString, ConvertVectorToCoordinates, CR, DescendantAdded, DescendantRemoved, Destroy, DestroyAllChildren, DestroyWindow, DisableWindow, DrawWindow, EditActivated, EnableSpecialText, EnableTranslucentText, EnableWindow, FindWindow, FocusEnteredDescendant, FocusEnteredWindow, FocusLeftDescendant, FocusLeftWindow, GetBottomChild, GetClientObject, GetColorScaled, GetCursorPos, GetFocusWindow, GetGC, GetHigherSibling, GetLowerSibling, GetModalWindow, GetParent, GetPlayerPawn, GetRootWindow, GetTabGroupWindow, GetTickOffset, GetTopChild, GrabMouse, Hide, InitWindow, IsActorValid, IsFocusWindow, IsKeyDown, IsPointInWindow, IsSensitive, IsVisible, KeyPressed, ListRowActivated, ListSelectionChanged, Lower, MouseButtonPressed, MouseButtonReleased, MouseEnteredWindow, MouseLeftWindow, MouseMoved, MoveFocusDown, MoveFocusLeft, MoveFocusRight, MoveFocusUp, MoveTabGroupNext, MoveTabGroupPrev, NewChild, ParentRequestedGranularity, ParentRequestedPreferredSize, PlaySound, PostDrawWindow, QueryGranularity, QueryPreferredHeight, QueryPreferredSize, QueryPreferredWidth, Raise, RawKeyPressed, RawMouseButtonPressed, ReleaseGC, RemoveActorRef, RemoveTimer, ResetHeight, ResetSize, ResetWidth, ResizeChild, ScaleAttributesChanged, ScalePositionChanged, ScaleRangeChanged, SensitivityChanged, SetAcceleratorText, SetBackground, SetBackgroundSmoothing, SetBackgroundStretching, SetBackgroundStyle, SetBaselineData, SetBoldFont, SetChildVisibility, SetClientObject, SetConfiguration, SetCursorPos, SetDefaultCursor, SetFocusSounds, SetFocusWindow, SetFont, SetFonts, SetHeight, SetNormalFont, SetPos, SetSelectability, SetSensitivity, SetSize, SetSoundVolume, SetTextColor, SetTextColorRGB, SetTileColor, SetTileColorRGB, SetVisibilitySounds, SetWidth, SetWindowAlignments, Show, TextChanged, ToggleChanged, UngrabMouse, VirtualKeyPressed, VisibilityChanged, WindowReady |
const targetPlayerDelay = 3;
const targetPlayerXMul = 0.08;
const targetPlayerYMul = 0.79;
const VISIONALLY = 2;
const VISIONENEMY = 1;
var int activeCount;
var bool bDefenseActive;
var bool bDroneCreated;
var bool bDroneReferenced;
var bool bTargetActive;
var bool bVisionActive;
CameraInvincibleString Source code
var localized String CameraInvincibleString;
var float corner;
var int defenseLevel;
var localized String DropItem1String;
var localized String DropItem2String;
var String keyDropItem;
var localized String KeyNotBoundString;
var String keyTalk;
var String keyTeamTalk;
var localized String KillsToGoString;
var localized String KillToGoString;
var float lastTargetTime;
var localized String LeadsMatchString;
var localized String LessThanMinuteString;
var localized String LessThanXString1;
var localized String LessThanXString2;
var localized String LostLegsString;
var float margin;
var localized String msgADSDetonating;
var localized String msgADSTracking;
var localized String msgBehind;
var localized String msgCantLaunch;
var localized String msgDisabled;
var localized String msgDroneActive;
var localized String msgEnergyLow;
var localized String msgHead;
var localized String msgHealth;
var localized String msgHigh;
var localized String msgIRAmpActive;
var localized String msgLeftArm;
var localized String msgLeftLeg;
var localized String msgLegs;
var localized String msgLightAmpActive;
var localized String msgLow;
var localized String msgMedium;
var localized String msgNoImage;
var localized String msgNone;
var localized String msgOverall;
var localized String msgPercent;
var localized String msgRange;
var localized String msgRangeUnits;
var localized String msgRightArm;
var localized String msgRightLeg;
var localized String msgScanning1;
var localized String msgScanning2;
var localized String msgTeammateHit;
var localized String msgTeamNsf;
var localized String msgTeamUnatco;
var localized String msgTorso;
var localized String msgWeapon;
var localized String NeutBurnPoisonString;
var localized String NoCloakWeaponString;
var localized String OnlyString;
var localized String OutOfAmmoString;
var float OutOfAmmoTime;
var localized String OutOfRangeString;
var localized String SpottedTeamString;
var localized String TalkString;
var int targetLevel;
var bool targetOutOfRange;
var color targetPlayerColor;
targetPlayerHealthString Source code
var String targetPlayerHealthString;
targetPlayerLocationString Source code
var String targetPlayerLocationString;
var String targetPlayerName;
var float targetPlayerTime;
var float targetRangeTime;
var localized String TeamComputerString;
var localized String TeamHackTurretString;
var localized String TeamLAMString;
var localized String TeamTalkString;
var localized String TiedMatchString;
TurretInvincibleString Source code
var localized String TurretInvincibleString;
var localized String UseString;
var int visionLevel;
var float visionLevelValue;
var int VisionTargetStatus;
var localized String WillWinMatchString;
var localized String YouAreBurnedString;
var localized String YouArePoisonedString;
YouKilledTeammateString Source code
var localized String YouKilledTeammateString;
ChildRequestedReconfiguration Source code
function bool ChildRequestedReconfiguration (
Window childWin) )
function ConfigurationChanged ( ) )
DrawDefenseAugmentation Source code
function DrawDefenseAugmentation (
GC gc) )
function DrawDropShadowBox (
GC gc,
float x,
float y,
float w,
float h) )
function DrawFadedText (
GC gc,
float x,
float y,
Color msgColor,
String msg ) )
DrawMiscStatusMessages Source code
function DrawMiscStatusMessages (
GC gc ) )
DrawSpyDroneAugmentation Source code
function DrawSpyDroneAugmentation (
GC gc) )
DrawTargetAugmentation Source code
function DrawTargetAugmentation (
GC gc) )
DrawVisionAugmentation Source code
function DrawVisionAugmentation (
GC gc) )
function GetTargetReticleColor (
Actor target,
out Color xcolor ) )
function int GetVisionTargetStatus (
Actor Target) )
event InitWindow ( ) )
function Interpolate (
GC gc,
float fromX,
float fromY,
float toX,
float toY,
int power) )
function bool IsHeatSource (
Actor A) )
function PostDrawWindow (
GC gc) )
RefreshMultiplayerKeys Source code
function RefreshMultiplayerKeys ( ) )
function Tick ( float deltaTime) )
function float TopCentralMessage (
GC gc,
String str,
color textColor ) )
function Actor TraceLOS (
float checkDist,
out vector HitLocation) )
msgLeftArm="L Arm"
msgRightArm="R Arm"
msgLeftLeg="L Leg"
msgRightLeg="R Leg"
msgScanning1="* No Target *"
msgScanning2="* Scanning *"
msgADSTracking="* ADS Tracking *"
msgADSDetonating="* ADS Detonating *"
msgDroneActive="Remote SpyDrone Active"
msgEnergyLow="BioElectric energy low!"
msgCantLaunch="ERROR - No room for SpyDrone construction!"
msgLightAmpActive="LightAmp Active"
msgIRAmpActive="IRAmp Active"
msgNoImage="Image Not Available"
SpottedTeamString="You have spotted a teammate!"
YouArePoisonedString="You have been poisoned!"
YouAreBurnedString="You are burning!"
TurretInvincibleString="Turrets are only affected by EMP damage!"
CameraInvincibleString="Cameras are only affected by EMP damage!"
NeutBurnPoisonString="(Use medkits to instantly neutralize)"
OnlyString="Only "
KillsToGoString=" more kills, and "
KillToGoString=" more kill, and "
LessThanMinuteString="Less than a minute to go, and "
LessThanXString1="Less than "
LessThanXString2=" minutes to go, and "
LeadsMatchString=" leads the match!"
TiedMatchString="it's a tied match!"
WillWinMatchString=" will win the match!"
OutOfRangeString="(Out of range)"
LostLegsString="You've lost your legs!"
DropItem1String="You can use <"
DropItem2String="> to drop an equipped item."
msgTeammateHit="You hit your teammate!"
msgTeamNsf="You're on Team NSF!"
msgTeamUnatco="You're on Team Unatco!"
UseString="Use <"
TeamTalkString="> to send team messages."
TalkString="> to send regular chat messages."
YouKilledTeammateString="You killed a teammate!"
TeamLAMString="You cannot pickup your teammate's grenade!"
TeamComputerString="That computer already belongs to your team!"
NoCloakWeaponString="You cannot cloak while a weapon is drawn!"
TeamHackTurretString="That turret already belongs to your team!"
KeyNotBoundString="Key Not Bound"
OutOfAmmoString="Out of Ammo!"
Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:02.475 - Created with