- Extends
- RootWindow
+-- Extension.ExtensionObject
+-- Extension.Window
+-- Extension.TabGroupWindow
+-- Extension.ModalWindow
+-- Extension.RootWindow
+-- DeusEx.DeusExRootWindow
Inherited Variables from Extension.RootWindow |
bClipRender, bCursorVisible, bMouseButtonLocked, bMouseMoved, bMouseMoveLocked, bPositionalSound, bRender, bShowFrames, bShowStats, bStretchRawBackground, clickCount, debugTexture, defaultEditCursor, defaultHorizontalMoveCursor, defaultMoveCursor, defaultTopLeftMoveCursor, defaultTopRightMoveCursor, defaultVerticalMoveCursor, firstButtonMouseX, firstButtonMouseY, focusWindow, frameTimer, grabbedWindow, handleKeyboardRef, handleMouseRef, hMultiplier, initCount, keyDownMap[0xFF], lastButtonPress, lastButtonType, lastButtonWindow, lastMouseWindow, maxMouseDist, mouseX, mouseY, multiClickTimeout, nextRootWindow, paintCycles, parentPawn, prevMouseX, prevMouseY, rawBackground, rawBackgroundHeight, rawBackgroundWidth, rawColor, renderHeight, renderWidth, renderX, renderY, rootFrame, snapshotHeight, snapshotWidth, tickCycles, vMultiplier |
Functions Summary |
 | bool | ActivateObjectInBelt (int pos))
 | | AddInventory (inventory item))
 | bool | AtIntroMap ()))
 | bool | BoxOptionSelected (Window button, int buttonNumber))
 | bool | CanStartConversation ()))
 | | ClearWindowStack ()))
 | bool | ClientMessage (coerce string msg, optional Name type, optional bool bBeep))
 | | ConditionalBindMultiplayerKeys ()))
 | | ConfirmQuickLoad ()))
 | | DeleteInventory (inventory item))
 | | DescendantRemoved (Window descendant))
 | | ExitGame ()))
 | S_ColorScheme | GetCurrentHUDColorScheme ()))
 | S_ColorScheme | GetCurrentMenuColorScheme ()))
 | S_ColorScheme | GetHUDColorScheme (int schemeIndex))
 | bool | GetHUDTranslucency ()))
 | S_ColorScheme | GetMenuColorScheme (int schemeIndex))
 | bool | GetMenuTranslucency ()))
 | DeusExBaseWindow | GetTopWindow ()))
 | | HideSnapshot ()))
 | | InitWindow ()))
 | | InvokeLoadScreen ()))
 | | InvokeMenu (Class<DeusExBaseWindow> newMenu))
 | DeusExBaseWindow | InvokeMenuScreen (Class<DeusExBaseWindow> newScreen, optional bool bNoPause))
 | | InvokeSaveScreen ()))
 | DeusExBaseWindow | InvokeUIScreen (Class<DeusExBaseWindow> newScreen, optional Bool bNoPause))
 | bool | IsKeyAssigned (EInputKey key, String function))
 | | MaskBackground (bool bMask))
 | MenuUIMessageBoxWindow | MessageBox (String msgTitle, String msgText, int msgBoxMode, bool hideCurrentScreen, Window winParent ))
 | DeusExBaseWindow | PopWindow (optional Bool bNoUnpause))
 | bool | ProcessDataVaultSelection (EInputKey key))
 | DeusExBaseWindow | PushWindow (Class<DeusExBaseWindow> newWindowClass, optional Bool hideCurrentWin, optional Bool bNoPause))
 | | RefreshDisplay (float DeltaTime))
 | | ResetFlags ()))
 | | SetHUDTranslucency (bool bNewTranslucency))
 | | SetMenuTranslucency (bool bNewTranslucency))
 | | ShowHud (bool bShow))
 | | ShowSnapshot (optional bool bUseExistingSnapshot))
 | | ToolMessageBox (String msgTitle, String msgText, int msgBoxMode, bool hideCurrentScreen, Window winParent ))
 | | UIPauseGame ()))
 | | UnPauseGame ()))
 | | UpdateHud ()))
 | | UseHUDColorScheme (int schemeIndex))
 | | UseMenuColorScheme (int schemeIndex))
 | bool | VirtualKeyPressed (EInputKey key, bool bRepeat))
 | int | WindowStackCount ()))
Inherited Functions from Extension.RootWindow |
ClientMessage, EnablePositionalSound, EnableRendering, GenerateSnapshot, GrabKeyboardEvents, GrabMouseEvents, InitWindow, IsKeyboardGrabbed, IsMouseGrabbed, IsPositionalSoundEnabled, IsRenderingEnabled, LockMouse, ResetRenderViewport, SetDefaultEditCursor, SetDefaultMovementCursors, SetRawBackground, SetRawBackgroundSize, SetRenderViewport, SetSnapshotSize, ShowCursor, ShowFrames, ShowStats, StretchRawBackground, Tick, UngrabKeyboardEvents, UngrabMouseEvents, VirtualKeyPressed |
var Bool bHUDTranslucency;
var Bool bIgnoreHotkeys;
var Bool bMenuTranslucency;
var Bool bUIPaused;
defaultHUDColorSchemes[10] Source code
defaultMenuColorSchemes[10] Source code
var int MaxWinStack;
var localized String QuickLoadMessage;
var localized String QuickLoadTitle;
var Float snapshotHeight;
var Float snapshotWidth;
var int winCount;
function bool ActivateObjectInBelt ( int pos) )
function bool AtIntroMap ( ) )
event bool BoxOptionSelected (
Window button,
int buttonNumber) )
function bool CanStartConversation ( ) )
function ClearWindowStack ( ) )
function bool ClientMessage ( coerce string msg, optional Name type,
optional bool bBeep) )
ConditionalBindMultiplayerKeys Source code
function ConditionalBindMultiplayerKeys ( ) )
function ConfirmQuickLoad ( ) )
event DescendantRemoved (
Window descendant) )
function ExitGame ( ) )
GetCurrentHUDColorScheme Source code
GetCurrentMenuColorScheme Source code
function bool GetHUDTranslucency ( ) )
function bool GetMenuTranslucency ( ) )
function HideSnapshot ( ) )
event InitWindow ( ) )
function InvokeLoadScreen ( ) )
function InvokeSaveScreen ( ) )
function bool IsKeyAssigned (
EInputKey key,
String function) )
function MaskBackground ( bool bMask) )
ProcessDataVaultSelection Source code
function bool ProcessDataVaultSelection (
EInputKey key) )
function RefreshDisplay ( float DeltaTime) )
function ResetFlags ( ) )
function SetHUDTranslucency ( bool bNewTranslucency) )
function SetMenuTranslucency ( bool bNewTranslucency) )
function ShowHud ( bool bShow) )
function ShowSnapshot ( optional bool bUseExistingSnapshot) )
function ToolMessageBox (
String msgTitle,
String msgText,
int msgBoxMode,
bool hideCurrentScreen,
Window winParent
) )
function UIPauseGame ( ) )
function UnPauseGame ( ) )
function UpdateHud ( ) )
function UseHUDColorScheme ( int schemeIndex) )
function UseMenuColorScheme ( int schemeIndex) )
event bool VirtualKeyPressed (
EInputKey key,
bool bRepeat) )
function int WindowStackCount ( ) )
QuickLoadTitle="Quick Load?"
QuickLoadMessage="You will lose your current game in progress, are you sure you wish to Quick Load?"
Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:05.983 - Created with