- Extends
- MenuScreenLoadGame
+-- Extension.ExtensionObject
+-- Extension.Window
+-- Extension.TabGroupWindow
+-- Extension.ModalWindow
+-- DeusEx.DeusExBaseWindow
+-- DeusEx.MenuUIWindow
+-- DeusEx.MenuUIScreenWindow
+-- DeusEx.MenuScreenLoadGame
+-- DeusEx.MenuScreenSaveGame
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.MenuScreenLoadGame |
bDateSortOrder, bLoadGamePending, bNameSortOrder, btnHeaderDate, btnHeaderName, CheatsEnabledLabel, chkConfirmDelete, ConfirmDeleteLabel, DeleteGameButtonText, DeletePrompt, DeleteTitle, FileSizeLabel, freeDiskSpace, FreeSpaceLabel, LoadGameButtonText, loadGameRowId, LoadGameTitle, LocationLabel, lstGames, minFreeDiskSpace, msgBoxMode, NewSaveGameButtonText, OverwritePrompt, OverwriteTitle, PlayTimeLabel, SaveCountLabel, SaveGameTitle, SaveInfoMissing_Label, saveRowId, strHeaderDateLabel, strHeaderNameLabel, TimeAMLabel, TimePMLabel, winCheatsEnabled, winFreeSpace, winSaveInfo, winScroll, winSnapshot |
Inherited Functions from DeusEx.MenuScreenLoadGame |
AddSaveRow, BoxOptionSelected, BuildElapsedTimeString, BuildTimeJulian, BuildTimeString, BuildTimeStringFromInfo, ButtonActivated, ConfirmDeleteGame, CreateConfirmCheckbox, CreateControls, CreateFreeSpaceWindow, CreateGamesList, CreateHeaderButtons, CreateSaveInfoWindow, CreateSnapshotWindow, DeleteGame, DestroyWindow, EnableButtons, GetSaveGameDirectory, InitWindow, ListRowActivated, ListSelectionChanged, LoadGame, PopulateGames, ProcessAction, RawKeyPressed, ToggleChanged, TrimSpaces, TwoDigits, UpdateFreeDiskSpace, UpdateSaveInfo, VirtualKeyPressed |
var Bool bGenerateSnapShot;
var bool bInitializing;
var String currentSaveName;
var String defaultSaveText;
var localized String DiskSpaceMessage;
var localized String DiskSpaceTitle;
var int editRowId;
var String missionLocation;
var int newSaveRowId;
var int saveRowID;
var Float snapshotHeight;
var Float snapshotWidth;
var int tickCount;
event bool BoxOptionSelected (
Window msgBoxWindow,
int buttonNumber) )
function ConfirmSaveGame ( ) )
function CreateControls ( ) )
function CreateEditControl ( ) )
function DeleteGame ( int rowId) )
function DestroyWindow ( ) )
event bool EditActivated (
window edit,
bool bModified) )
function EnableButtons ( ) )
function GenerateNewSnapShot ( ) )
function HideEditControl ( ) )
event InitWindow ( ) )
event bool ListRowActivated (
window list,
int rowId) )
event bool ListSelectionChanged (
window list,
int numSelections,
int focusRowId) )
function MoveEditControl ( int rowId, optional bool bNoSetOldName) )
function NewSaveGame ( ) )
function PerformSave ( ) )
function ProcessAction ( String actionKey) )
function SaveGame ( int rowId) )
SaveMissionLocationString Source code
function SaveMissionLocationString ( ) )
function SelectNextRow ( ) )
function SelectPreviousRow ( ) )
event bool TextChanged (
window edit,
bool bModified) )
function Tick ( float deltaTime) )
function UpdateSaveInfo ( int rowId) )
event bool VirtualKeyPressed (
EInputKey key,
bool bRepeat) )
defaultSaveText="ERROR! Report this as a BUG!"
DiskSpaceTitle="Disk Space Low"
DiskSpaceMessage="You must have at least 100MB of free disk space before you can save. Please delete some save games or free up space in Windows."
actionButtons(1)=(Text="|&Save Game",Key="SAVE")
Title="Save Game"
Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:11.880 - Created with