- Extends
- MenuUIScreenWindow
+-- Extension.ExtensionObject
+-- Extension.Window
+-- Extension.TabGroupWindow
+-- Extension.ModalWindow
+-- DeusEx.DeusExBaseWindow
+-- DeusEx.MenuUIWindow
+-- DeusEx.MenuUIScreenWindow
+-- DeusEx.MenuScreenLoadGame
Direct Known Subclasses:
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.MenuUIWindow |
actionButtons[5], AskToTrainMessage, AskToTrainTitle, bActionButtonBarActive, bAllowWindowDragging, bEscapeSavesSettings, bHelpAlwaysOn, bLeftEdgeActive, bRightEdgeActive, btnLabelCancel, btnLabelOK, btnLabelPrevious, btnLabelResetToDefaults, bUsesHelpWindow, bWindowBeingDragged, clientHeight, clientTextures[6], clientWidth, defaultHelpClientDiffY, defaultHelpHeight, defaultHelpLeftOffset, ExitMessage, helpPosY, IntroWarningMessage, messageBoxMode, MessageBoxTitle, shadowHeight, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY, shadowWidth, textureCols, textureRows, title, TrainingWarningMessage, verticalOffset, winButtonBar, winClient, windowStartDragX, windowStartDragY, winHelp, winLeftEdge, winRightEdge, winShadow, winShadowClass, winTitle |
Enumerations Summary |
EMessageBoxModes MB_Delete,
MB_None |
Functions Summary |
 | | AddSaveRow (DeusExSaveInfo saveInfo, int saveIndex))
 | bool | BoxOptionSelected (Window msgBoxWindow, int buttonNumber))
 | String | BuildElapsedTimeString (int seconds))
 | Float | BuildTimeJulian (DeusExSaveInfo saveInfo))
 | String | BuildTimeString (int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Minute))
 | String | BuildTimeStringFromInfo (DeusExSaveInfo saveInfo))
 | bool | ButtonActivated (Window buttonPressed ))
 | | ConfirmDeleteGame (int rowId))
 | | CreateConfirmCheckbox ()))
 | | CreateControls ()))
 | | CreateFreeSpaceWindow ()))
 | | CreateGamesList ()))
 | | CreateHeaderButtons ()))
 | | CreateSaveInfoWindow ()))
 | | CreateSnapshotWindow ()))
 | | DeleteGame (int rowId))
 | | DestroyWindow ()))
 | | EnableButtons ()))
 | GameDirectory | GetSaveGameDirectory ()))
 | | InitWindow ()))
 | bool | ListRowActivated (window list, int rowId))
 | bool | ListSelectionChanged (window list, int numSelections, int focusRowId))
 | | LoadGame (int rowId))
 | | PopulateGames ()))
 | | ProcessAction (String actionKey))
 | bool | RawKeyPressed (EInputKey key, EInputState iState, bool bRepeat))
 | bool | ToggleChanged (Window button, bool bNewToggle))
 | String | TrimSpaces (String trimString))
 | String | TwoDigits (int number))
 | | UpdateFreeDiskSpace ()))
 | | UpdateSaveInfo (int rowId))
 | bool | VirtualKeyPressed (EInputKey key, bool bRepeat))
Inherited Functions from DeusEx.MenuUIWindow |
BoxOptionSelected, ButtonActivated, CancelScreen, ChildRequestedReconfiguration, ConfigurationChanged, ConfirmIntro, ConfirmTraining, CreateActionButtonBar, CreateActionButtons, CreateClientWindow, CreateControls, CreateHeaderButton, CreateHelpWindow, CreateLeftEdgeWindow, CreateMenuEditWindow, CreateMenuHeader, CreateMenuLabel, CreateMenuUITab, CreateRightEdgeWindow, CreateScrollAreaWindow, CreateShadowWindow, CreateTitleWindow, DestroyWindow, EnableActionButton, HideHelp, InitWindow, IsActionButtonEnabled, MouseButtonPressed, MouseButtonReleased, MouseMoved, ParentRequestedPreferredSize, ProcessAction, ProcessActionButton, ProcessCustomMenuButton, ProcessMenuAction, ResetToDefaults, SaveSettings, SetTitle, ShowHelp, StartNewGame, StyleChanged, VirtualKeyPressed |
var bool bDateSortOrder;
var bool bLoadGamePending;
var bool bNameSortOrder;
var localized string CheatsEnabledLabel;
var localized string ConfirmDeleteLabel;
var localized string DeleteGameButtonText;
var localized string DeletePrompt;
var localized string DeleteTitle;
var localized string FileSizeLabel;
var int freeDiskSpace;
var localized string FreeSpaceLabel;
var localized string LoadGameButtonText;
var int loadGameRowId;
var localized string LoadGameTitle;
var localized string LocationLabel;
var int minFreeDiskSpace;
var localized string NewSaveGameButtonText;
var localized string OverwritePrompt;
var localized string OverwriteTitle;
var localized string PlayTimeLabel;
var localized string SaveCountLabel;
var localized string SaveGameTitle;
var localized string SaveInfoMissing_Label;
var int saveRowId;
var localized string strHeaderDateLabel;
var localized string strHeaderNameLabel;
var localized string TimeAMLabel;
var localized string TimePMLabel;
event bool BoxOptionSelected (
Window msgBoxWindow,
int buttonNumber) )
BuildElapsedTimeString Source code
function String BuildElapsedTimeString ( int seconds) )
function String BuildTimeString ( int Year,
int Month,
int Day,
int Hour,
int Minute) )
BuildTimeStringFromInfo Source code
function bool ButtonActivated (
Window buttonPressed ) )
function ConfirmDeleteGame ( int rowId) )
function CreateConfirmCheckbox ( ) )
function CreateControls ( ) )
function CreateFreeSpaceWindow ( ) )
function CreateGamesList ( ) )
function CreateHeaderButtons ( ) )
function CreateSaveInfoWindow ( ) )
function CreateSnapshotWindow ( ) )
function DeleteGame ( int rowId) )
event DestroyWindow ( ) )
function EnableButtons ( ) )
event InitWindow ( ) )
event bool ListRowActivated (
window list,
int rowId) )
event bool ListSelectionChanged (
window list,
int numSelections,
int focusRowId) )
function LoadGame ( int rowId) )
function PopulateGames ( ) )
function ProcessAction ( String actionKey) )
event bool ToggleChanged (
Window button,
bool bNewToggle) )
function String TrimSpaces ( String trimString) )
function String TwoDigits ( int number) )
function UpdateFreeDiskSpace ( ) )
function UpdateSaveInfo ( int rowId) )
event bool VirtualKeyPressed (
EInputKey key,
bool bRepeat) )
NewSaveGameButtonText="New Save Game"
DeleteGameButtonText="Delete Game"
LoadGameButtonText="Load Game"
OverwriteTitle="Overwrite Savegame?"
OverwritePrompt="Are you sure you wish to overwrite this savegame?"
DeleteTitle="Delete Savegame?"
DeletePrompt="Are you sure you wish to delete this savegame?"
LoadGameTitle="Load Game"
SaveGameTitle="Save Game"
SaveInfoMissing_Label="SAVEINFO.DXS Missing!!!"
LocationLabel="Location: %s|n"
SaveCountLabel="Save Count: %d|n"
PlayTimeLabel="Play Time: %s|n"
FileSizeLabel="File Size: %dMB"
FreeSpaceLabel="Free Space: %dMB"
ConfirmDeleteLabel="Confirm Savegame Deletion"
CheatsEnabledLabel="- CHEATS ENABLED -"
actionButtons(1)=(Align=HALIGN_Right,Action=AB_Other,Text="|&Load Game",Key="LOAD")
actionButtons(2)=(Action=AB_Other,Text="|&Delete Game",Key="DELETE")
Title="Load Game"
Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:11.780 - Created with