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+-- Extension.ExtensionObject
   +-- Extension.Window
      +-- DeusEx.PersonaBaseWindow
         +-- DeusEx.PersonaImageWindow

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.PersonaBaseWindow
backgroundDrawStyle, bDrawBorder, borderDrawStyle, colBackground, colBorder, colHeaderText, colText, player
Inherited Variables from Extension.Window
acceleratorKey, att, background, backgroundStyle, bBeingDestroyed, bConfigured, bDrawRawBackground, bIsInitialized, bIsSelectable, bIsSensitive, bIsVisible, bLastHeightSpecified, bLastWidthSpecified, bNeedsQuery, bNeedsReconfigure, boldFont, bSmoothBackground, bSpecialText, bStretchBackground, bTextTranslucent, bTickEnabled, clientObject, colMajorIndex, defaultCursor, defaultCursorColor, defaultCursorShadow, defaultHotX, defaultHotY, firstChild, firstTimer, focusSound, freeTimer, gGc, hardcodedHeight, hardcodedWidth, height, hMargin0, hMargin1, holdHeight, holdWidth, holdX, holdY, invisibleSound, lastChild, lastQueryHeight, lastQueryWidth, lastSpecifiedHeight, lastSpecifiedWidth, lockCount, maxClicks, nextSibling, normalFont, parentOwner, prevSibling, rowMajorIndex, soundVolume, textColor, textPlane, textVSpacing, tileColor, tilePlane, unfocusSound, visibleSound, vMargin0, vMargin1, wGc, width, winClipRect, windowType, winHAlign, winParent, winVAlign, x, y

Enumerations Summary
NM_Normal, NM_PreAdd, NM_Adding

Functions Summary
function CreateNotes ()))
function DeleteNote ()))
function DeleteNoteWindows ()))
event DrawWindow (GC gc))
event FocusEnteredDescendant (Window enterWindow))
event FocusLeftDescendant (Window leaveWindow))
functionDataVaultImage GetImage ()))
event InitWindow ()))
functionBool IsNoteSelected ()))
eventbool MouseButtonReleased (float pointX, float pointY, EInputKey button, int numClicks))
function SaveNote (PersonaImageNoteWindow noteWindow))
function SetAddNoteMode (Bool bNewAddMode))
function SetImage (DataVaultImage newImage))
function ShowNotes (bool bNewShowNotes))
eventbool VirtualKeyPressed (EInputKey key, bool bRepeat))
Inherited Functions from DeusEx.PersonaBaseWindow
DrawBackground, DrawBorder, DrawWindow, InitWindow, StyleChanged
Inherited Functions from Extension.Window
AcceleratorKeyPressed, AddActorRef, AddTimer, AskParentForReconfigure, AskParentToShowArea, BoxOptionSelected, ButtonActivated, CarriageReturn, ChangeStyle, ChildAdded, ChildRemoved, ChildRequestedReconfiguration, ChildRequestedShowArea, ChildRequestedVisibilityChange, ClipAttributesChanged, ClipPositionChanged, ConfigurationChanged, ConfigureChild, ConvertCoordinates, ConvertScriptString, ConvertVectorToCoordinates, CR, DescendantAdded, DescendantRemoved, Destroy, DestroyAllChildren, DestroyWindow, DisableWindow, DrawWindow, EditActivated, EnableSpecialText, EnableTranslucentText, EnableWindow, FindWindow, FocusEnteredDescendant, FocusEnteredWindow, FocusLeftDescendant, FocusLeftWindow, GetBottomChild, GetClientObject, GetColorScaled, GetCursorPos, GetFocusWindow, GetGC, GetHigherSibling, GetLowerSibling, GetModalWindow, GetParent, GetPlayerPawn, GetRootWindow, GetTabGroupWindow, GetTickOffset, GetTopChild, GrabMouse, Hide, InitWindow, IsActorValid, IsFocusWindow, IsKeyDown, IsPointInWindow, IsSensitive, IsVisible, KeyPressed, ListRowActivated, ListSelectionChanged, Lower, MouseButtonPressed, MouseButtonReleased, MouseEnteredWindow, MouseLeftWindow, MouseMoved, MoveFocusDown, MoveFocusLeft, MoveFocusRight, MoveFocusUp, MoveTabGroupNext, MoveTabGroupPrev, NewChild, ParentRequestedGranularity, ParentRequestedPreferredSize, PlaySound, PostDrawWindow, QueryGranularity, QueryPreferredHeight, QueryPreferredSize, QueryPreferredWidth, Raise, RawKeyPressed, RawMouseButtonPressed, ReleaseGC, RemoveActorRef, RemoveTimer, ResetHeight, ResetSize, ResetWidth, ResizeChild, ScaleAttributesChanged, ScalePositionChanged, ScaleRangeChanged, SensitivityChanged, SetAcceleratorText, SetBackground, SetBackgroundSmoothing, SetBackgroundStretching, SetBackgroundStyle, SetBaselineData, SetBoldFont, SetChildVisibility, SetClientObject, SetConfiguration, SetCursorPos, SetDefaultCursor, SetFocusSounds, SetFocusWindow, SetFont, SetFonts, SetHeight, SetNormalFont, SetPos, SetSelectability, SetSensitivity, SetSize, SetSoundVolume, SetTextColor, SetTextColorRGB, SetTileColor, SetTileColorRGB, SetVisibilitySounds, SetWidth, SetWindowAlignments, Show, TextChanged, ToggleChanged, UngrabMouse, VirtualKeyPressed, VisibilityChanged, WindowReady

Variables Detail

bShowNotes Source code

var Bool bShowNotes;

colTextNoImages Source code

var Color colTextNoImages;

currentNoteWindow Source code

var PersonaImageNoteWindow currentNoteWindow;

EscapeToCancel Source code

var localized string EscapeToCancel;

fontNoImages Source code

var Font fontNoImages;

image Source code

var DataVaultImage image;

imageSizeX Source code

var int imageSizeX;

imageSizeY Source code

var int imageSizeY;

NewNoteLabel Source code

var localized string NewNoteLabel;

noteMode Source code

var ENoteMode noteMode;

PressSpace Source code

var localized string PressSpace;

root Source code

var DeusExRootWindow root;

strNoImages Source code

var localized string strNoImages;

Enumerations Detail

ENoteMode Source code

enum ENoteMode
NM_Normal, NM_PreAdd, NM_Adding

Functions Detail

CreateNotes Source code

function CreateNotes ( ) )

DeleteNote Source code

function DeleteNote ( ) )

DeleteNoteWindows Source code

function DeleteNoteWindows ( ) )

DrawWindow Source code

event DrawWindow ( GC gc) )

FocusEnteredDescendant Source code

event FocusEnteredDescendant ( Window enterWindow) )

FocusLeftDescendant Source code

event FocusLeftDescendant ( Window leaveWindow) )

GetImage Source code

function DataVaultImage GetImage ( ) )

InitWindow Source code

event InitWindow ( ) )

IsNoteSelected Source code

function Bool IsNoteSelected ( ) )

MouseButtonReleased Source code

event bool MouseButtonReleased ( float pointX, float pointY, EInputKey button, int numClicks) )

SaveNote Source code

function SaveNote ( PersonaImageNoteWindow noteWindow) )

SetAddNoteMode Source code

function SetAddNoteMode ( Bool bNewAddMode) )

SetImage Source code

function SetImage ( DataVaultImage newImage) )

ShowNotes Source code

function ShowNotes ( bool bNewShowNotes) )

VirtualKeyPressed Source code

event bool VirtualKeyPressed ( EInputKey key, bool bRepeat) )


     strNoImages="No Images Available"
     PressSpace="Press [ESCAPE] when finished editing note"
     EscapeToCancel="Click on image to create note, press [ESCAPE] to cancel"
     NewNoteLabel="New Note"

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Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:13.870 - Created with UnCodeX