- Extends
- PersonaScreenBaseWindow
+-- Extension.ExtensionObject
+-- Extension.Window
+-- Extension.TabGroupWindow
+-- Extension.ModalWindow
+-- DeusEx.DeusExBaseWindow
+-- DeusEx.PersonaScreenBaseWindow
+-- DeusEx.PersonaScreenHealth
Direct Known Subclasses:
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.PersonaScreenBaseWindow |
clientBorderHeight, clientBorderOffsetX, clientBorderOffsetY, clientBorderTextureCols, clientBorderTextureRows, clientBorderTextures[6], clientBorderWidth, clientHeight, clientOffsetX, clientOffsetY, clientTextureCols, clientTextureRows, clientTextures[6], clientWidth, screenHeight, screenWidth, txtTitle, winClient, winClientBorder, winNavBar, winStatus |
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.DeusExBaseWindow |
colBlack, colBlue, colCyan, colDarkBlue, colDarkCyan, colDarkGreen, colDarkRed, colGreen, colGrey, colLightBlue, colRed, colWhite, player, root, ScreenType |
Functions Summary |
 | bool | ButtonActivated (Window buttonPressed))
 | | CreateBodyWindow ()))
 | | CreateButtons ()))
 | | CreateControls ()))
 | | CreateInfoWindow ()))
 | | CreateMedKitWindow ()))
 | | CreateOverlaysWindow ()))
 | PersonaHealthItemButton | CreatePartButton (int partIndex, int posX, int posY, int sizeX, int sizeY, String partDesc, String partTitle))
 | | CreatePartButtons ()))
 | PersonaHealthRegionWindow | CreateRegionWindow (int partIndex, int posX, int posY, int healthValue, int maxHealthValue, String partTitle))
 | | CreateRegionWindows ()))
 | | CreateStatusWindow ()))
 | | EnableButtons ()))
 | int | GetMedKitHealPoints ()))
 | int | HealAllParts ()))
 | int | HealPart (PersonaHealthRegionWindow region, optional float pointsToHeal, optional bool bLeaveMedKit))
 | | InitWindow ()))
 | bool | IsPlayerDamaged ()))
 | | PushHealth ()))
 | | RemoveMedKits (int healPointsUsed))
 | | SelectHealth (PersonaHealthItemButton buttonPressed))
 | | UpdateMedKits ()))
 | | UpdateRegionWindows ()))
 | | UseMedKit (MedKit medkit))
Inherited Functions from DeusEx.PersonaScreenBaseWindow |
AddLog, CreateClientBorderWindow, CreateClientWindow, CreateControls, CreateNavBarWindow, CreatePersonaButton, CreatePersonaHeaderText, CreateScrollAreaWindow, CreateScrollTileWindow, CreateTileWindow, CreateTitleWindow, DestroyWindow, InitWindow, SaveSettings, StyleChanged, VirtualKeyPressed |
var Bool bShowHealButtons;
var localized String HealAllButtonLabel;
var localized String HealthLocationHead;
var localized String HealthLocationLeftArm;
var localized String HealthLocationLeftLeg;
HealthLocationRightArm Source code
var localized String HealthLocationRightArm;
HealthLocationRightLeg Source code
var localized String HealthLocationRightLeg;
var localized String HealthLocationTorso;
var localized String HealthPartDesc[4];
var localized String HealthTitleText;
var localized String MedKitUseText;
var Float playerHealth[6];
var localized String PointsHealedLabel;
function bool ButtonActivated (
Window buttonPressed) )
function CreateBodyWindow ( ) )
function CreateButtons ( ) )
function CreateControls ( ) )
function CreateInfoWindow ( ) )
function CreateMedKitWindow ( ) )
function CreateOverlaysWindow ( ) )
function PersonaHealthItemButton CreatePartButton (
int partIndex,
int posX,
int posY,
int sizeX,
int sizeY,
String partDesc,
String partTitle) )
function CreatePartButtons ( ) )
function PersonaHealthRegionWindow CreateRegionWindow (
int partIndex,
int posX,
int posY,
int healthValue,
int maxHealthValue,
String partTitle) )
function CreateRegionWindows ( ) )
function CreateStatusWindow ( ) )
function EnableButtons ( ) )
function int GetMedKitHealPoints ( ) )
function int HealAllParts ( ) )
event InitWindow ( ) )
function bool IsPlayerDamaged ( ) )
function PushHealth ( ) )
function RemoveMedKits ( int healPointsUsed) )
function UpdateMedKits ( ) )
function UpdateRegionWindows ( ) )
HealthPartDesc(0)="Head wounds are fatal in the vast majority of threat scenarios; however, in those cases where death is not instantaneous, agents will often find that head injuries impair vision and aim. Care should be taken to heal such injuries as quickly as possible or death may result.|n|nLight Wounds: Slightly decreased accuracy.|nMedium Wounds: Wavering vision.|nHeavy Wounds: Death."
HealthPartDesc(1)="The torso is by far the portion of the human anatomy able to absorb the most damage, but it is also the easiest to target in close quarters combat. As progressively more damage is inflicted to the torso, agents may find their movements impaired and eventually bleed to death even if a mortal blow to a vital organ is not suffered.|n|nLight Wounds: Slightly impaired movement.|nMedium Wounds: Significantly impaired movement.|nMajor Wounds: Death."
HealthPartDesc(2)="Obviously damage to the arm is of concern in any combat situation as it has a direct effect on the agent's ability to utilize a variety of weapons. Losing the use of one arm will certainly lower the agent's combat efficiency, while the loss of both arms will render it nearly impossible for an agent to present even a nominal threat to most hostiles.|n|nLight Wounds: Slightly decreased accuracy.|nMedium Wounds: Moderately decreased accuracy.|nMajor Wounds: Significantly decreased accuracy."
HealthPartDesc(3)="Injuries to the leg will result in drastically diminished mobility. If an agent in hostile territory is unfortunate enough to lose the use of both legs but still remain otherwise viable, they are ordered to execute UNATCO Special Operations Order 99009 (Self-Termination).|n|nLight Wounds: Slightly impaired movement.|nMedium Wounds: Moderately impaired movement.|nHeavy Wounds: Significantly impaired movement."
MedKitUseText="To heal a specific region of the body, click on the region, then click the Heal button."
HealAllButtonLabel="H|&eal All"
HealthLocationRightArm="Right Arm"
HealthLocationLeftArm="Left Arm"
HealthLocationRightLeg="Right Leg"
HealthLocationLeftLeg="Left Leg"
PointsHealedLabel="%d points healed"
Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:14.232 - Created with