- Extends
- DeusExDecoration
- Modifiers
- abstract
+-- Engine.Actor
+-- Engine.Decoration
+-- DeusEx.DeusExDecoration
+-- DeusEx.InformationDevices
Direct Known Subclasses:
BookClosed, BookOpen, DataCube, Newspaper, NewspaperOpen
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.DeusExDecoration |
bCanBeBase, bExplosive, bFlammable, bFloating, bGenerateFlies, bHighlight, bInvincible, explosionDamage, explosionRadius, Flammability, flyGen, fragType, gradualHurtCounter, gradualHurtSteps, HitPoints, itemArticle, itemName, minDamageThreshold, moverTag, NextLabel, NextState, origRot, pushSoundId |
Inherited Variables from Engine.Decoration |
BaseEyeHeight, bBobbing, bOnlyTriggerable, bPushable, bPushSoundPlaying, bSplash, bWasCarried, content2, content3, contents, EffectWhenDestroyed, EndPushSound, numLandings, PushSound |
Inherited Functions from DeusEx.DeusExDecoration |
BaseChange, BeginPlay, BeginState, Bump, ConBindEvents, Destroyed, DropThings, EndConversation, EnterConversationState, Explode, ExtinguishFire, Frag, Frob, Landed, PostPostBeginPlay, PreBeginPlay, ResetScaleGlow, SupportActor, TakeDamage, Tick, Timer, TravelPostAccept, Trigger, ZoneChange |
Inherited Functions from Engine.Decoration |
BaseChange, Bump, Destroyed, Drop, FollowHolder, Frag, Landed, skinnedFrag, Timer, Trigger, ZoneChange |
var localized String AddedToDatavaultLabel;
var Bool bAddToVault;
var Bool bFirstParagraph;
var Bool bSetText;
var localized String ImageLabel;
var localized String msgNoText;
var String vaultString;
function CreateInfoWindow ( ) )
function Destroyed ( ) )
function DestroyWindow ( ) )
function Tick ( float deltaTime) )
msgNoText="There's nothing interesting to read"
ImageLabel="[Image: %s]"
AddedToDatavaultLabel="Image %s added to DataVault"
Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:09.551 - Created with