- Extends
- PlayerPawnExt
- Modifiers
- native
+-- Engine.Actor
+-- Engine.Pawn
+-- Engine.PlayerPawn
+-- Extension.PlayerPawnExt
+-- DeusEx.DeusExPlayer
Direct Known Subclasses:
Inherited Variables from Engine.PlayerPawn |
aBaseX, aBaseY, aBaseZ, AdditionalViews[3], aExtra0, aExtra1, aExtra2, aExtra3, aExtra4, aForward, aLookUp, aMouseX, aMouseY, AppliedBob, aStrafe, aTurn, aUp, bAdmin, bAlwaysMouseLook, bAnimTransition, bBadConnectionAlert, bCenterView, bCheatsEnabled, bDelayedCommand, bEdgeBack, bEdgeForward, bEdgeLeft, bEdgeRight, bFixedCamera, bFrozen, bInvertMouse, bIsCrouching, bIsTurning, bIsTyping, bJumpStatus, bJustAltFired, bJustFired, bKeyboardLook, bLookUpStairs, bMaxMouseSmoothing, bMessageBeep, bMouseZeroed, bNeverAutoSwitch, bNoFlash, bNoVoices, Bob, bobtime, BorrowedMouseX, BorrowedMouseY, bPressedJump, bReadyToPlay, bReducedVis, bRising, bShakeDir, bShowMenu, bShowScores, bSinglePlayer, bSnapToLevel, bSpecialMenu, bUpdatePosition, bUpdating, bWasBack, bWasForward, bWasLeft, bWasRight, bWokeUp, bZooming, CarcassType, CdTrack, ClientUpdateTime, ConstantGlowFog, ConstantGlowScale, CurrentTimeStamp, DefaultFOV, DelayedCommand, DemoViewPitch, DemoViewYaw, DesiredFlashFog, DesiredFlashScale, DesiredFOV, DodgeClickTime, DodgeClickTimer, FailedView, FlashFog, FlashScale, FreeMoves, GameReplicationInfo, Handedness, HUDType, InstantFlash, InstantFog, JumpSound, LandBob, LastPlaySound, LastUpdateTime, maxshake, MaxTimeMargin, Misc1, Misc2, MouseSensitivity, MouseSmoothThreshold, MouseZeroTime, MyAutoAim, myHUD, ngSecretSet, ngWorldSecret, NoPauseMessage, OwnCamera, Password, PendingMove, Player, ProgressColor[8], ProgressMessage[8], ProgressTimeOut, QuickSaveString, RendMap, SavedMoves, Scoring, ScoringType, ServerTimeStamp, shakemag, shaketimer, shakevert, ShowFlags, SmoothMouseX, SmoothMouseY, Song, SongSection, SpecialMenu, TargetEyeHeight, TargetViewRotation, TargetWeaponViewOffset, TimeMargin, Transition, TurnRateAdjuster, verttimer, ViewingFrom, ViewTarget, WeaponPriority[20], ZoomLevel |
Enumerations Summary |
EInvokeMethod IM_Bump,
IM_Other |
EMusicMode MUS_Ambient,
MUS_Dying |
EShieldStatus SS_Off,
SS_Strong |
Functions Summary |
 | | AbortConversation (optional bool bNoPlayedFlag))
 | | ActivateAllAugs ()))
 | | ActivateAugmentation (int num))
 | | ActivateBelt (int objectNum))
 | | ActivateKeypadWindow (Keypad KPad, bool bHacked))
 | | AddAugmentationDisplay (Augmentation aug))
 | | AddChargedDisplay (ChargedPickup item))
 | | AddDamageDisplay (name damageType, vector hitOffset))
 | DeusExGoal | AddGoal (Name goalName, bool bPrimaryGoal ))
 | bool | AddImage (DataVaultImage newImage))
 | bool | AddInventory (inventory item))
 | DeusExLog | AddLog (String logText))
 | DeusExNote | AddNote (optional String strNote, optional Bool bUserNote, optional bool bShowInLog ))
 | | AddObjectToBelt (Inventory item, int pos, bool bOverride))
 | | AllAugs ()))
 | | AllCredits ()))
 | | AllEnergy ()))
 | | AllHealth ()))
 | | AllImages ()))
 | | AllSkillPoints ()))
 | | AllSkills ()))
 | | AllWeapons ()))
 | | AugAdd (class<Augmentation> aWantedAug))
 | | BeginState ())) Dying |
 | | BeginState ())) PlayerSwimming |
 | | Bleed (float deltaTime))
 | | BuySkills ()))
 | | BuySkillSound (int code ))
 | float | CalculatePlayerVisibility (ScriptedPawn P))
 | int | CalculateSkillHealAmount (int baseHealPoints))
 | bool | CanActorSeePlayer (Actor invokeActor))
 | bool | CanBeLifted (Decoration deco))
 | bool | CanStartConversation ()))
 | | CatchFire (Pawn burner ))
 | int | ChargePlayer (int baseChargePoints))
 | | CheckActiveConversationRadius ()))
 | bool | CheckActorDistances ()))
 | bool | CheckConversationHeightDifference (Actor invokeActor, int heightOffset))
 | bool | CheckConversationInvokeRadius (Actor invokeActor, Conversation con))
 | bool | CheckFlagRefs (ConFlagRef flagRef ))
 | | ClearAugmentationDisplay ()))
 | | ClearBelt ()))
 | | ClearInventorySlots ()))
 | | ClearLog ()))
 | | ClearPosition (int pos))
 | | ClientDeath ()))
 | | ClientFlash (float scale, vector fog))
 | | ClientPlayAnimation (Actor src, Name anim, float rate, bool bLoop ))
 | | ClientPossessed ()))
 | | ClientSpawnHits (bool bPenetrating, bool bHandToHand, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Actor Other, float Damage))
 | | ClientSpawnProjectile (class<projectile> ProjClass, Actor owner, Vector Start, Rotator AdjustedAim ))
 | | ClientTurnOffScores ()))
 | | CloseComputerScreen (Computers computerToClose))
 | | CloseThisComputer (Computers comp ))
 | | ConBindEvents ()
 | | CreateColorThemeManager ()))
 | DataVaultImageNote | CreateDataVaultImageNoteObject ()
 | | CreateDrone ()))
 | DumpLocation | CreateDumpLocationObject ()
 | GameDirectory | CreateGameDirectoryObject ()
 | ConHistoryEvent | CreateHistoryEvent ()
 | ConHistory | CreateHistoryObject ()
 | | CreateKeyRing ()))
 | | CreateKillerProfile (Pawn killer, int damage, name damageType, String bodyPart ))
 | DeusExLog | CreateLogObject ()
 | NanoKeyInfo | CreateNanoKeyInfo ()))
 | | CreatePlayerTracker ()))
 | | CreateShadow ()))
 | | DamageAll (optional int amount))
 | | DamagePart (int partIndex, optional int amount))
 | | DeactivateAllAugs ()))
 | | DebugCommand (string teststr))
 | | DeleteAllGoals ()))
 | | DeleteAllNotes ()))
 | Bool | DeleteGoal (DeusExGoal goalToDelete ))
 | bool | DeleteInventory (inventory item))
 | Bool | DeleteNote (DeusExNote noteToDelete ))
 | | DeleteSaveGameFiles (optional String saveDirectory)
 | | Destroyed ()))
 | | Died (pawn Killer, name damageType, vector HitLocation))
 | | DisconnectPlayer ()))
 | | DoFrob (Actor Frobber, Inventory frobWith))
 | | DoJump (optional float F ))
 | | DoneReloading (DeusExWeapon weapon)
 | | DrawInvulnShield ()))
 | | DrawShield ()))
 | | DroneExplode ()))
 | | DropDecoration ()))
 | bool | DropItem (optional Inventory inv, optional bool bDrop))
 | | DrugEffects (float deltaTime))
 | | DualmapF10 ()))
 | | DualmapF11 ()))
 | | DualmapF12 ()))
 | | DualmapF3 ()))
 | | DualmapF4 ()))
 | | DualmapF5 ()))
 | | DualmapF6 ()))
 | | DualmapF7 ()))
 | | DualmapF8 ()))
 | | DualmapF9 ()))
 | | DumpInventoryGrid ()))
 | | DXDumpInfo ()))
 | bool | DXReduceDamage (int Damage, name damageType, vector hitLocation, out int adjustedDamage, bool bCheckOnly))
 | | EditFlags ()))
 | | EndConversation ()))
 | | EndState ())) Conversation |
 | | ExtinguishFire ()))
 | | FailConsoleCheck ()))
 | | FailRootWindowCheck ()))
 | DeusExGoal | FindGoal (Name goalName ))
 | Bool | FindInventorySlot (Inventory anItem, optional Bool bSearchOnly))
 | Bool | FindInventorySlotXY (int invSlotsX, int invSlotsY, out int newSlotX, out int newSlotY))
 | | Fire (optional float F))
 | | Fire (optional float F)) Dying |
 | | Fire (optional float F)) Interpolating |
 | | Fire (optional float F)) Paralyzed |
 | | Fly ()))
 | | ForceDisconnect (string Message))
 | | ForceDroneOff ()))
 | | GenerateTotalHealth ()))
 | Conversation | GetActiveConversation (Actor invokeActor, EInvokeMethod invokeMethod ))
 | Conversation | GetActiveDataLink (String datalinkName))
 | int | GetAugPriority (Augmentation AugToCheck))
 | float | GetCurrentGroundSpeed ()))
 | | GetDebug (name cmd))
 | float | GetDefaultCollisionHeight ()))
 | string | GetDeusExVersion ()
 | String | GetDisplayName (Actor actor, optional Bool bUseFamiliar))
 | name | GetFloorMaterial ()))
 | bool | GetHUDBackgroundTranslucency ()))
 | bool | GetHUDBordersVisible ()))
 | bool | GetHUDBorderTranslucency ()))
 | DeusExLevelInfo | GetLevelInfo ()))
 | Float | GetLogTimeout ()))
 | Byte | GetMaxLogLines ()))
 | bool | GetMenuTranslucency ()))
 | int | GetMPHitLocation (Vector HitLocation))
 | DeusExNote | GetNote (Name textTag))
 | | GetSkillInfoFromProj (DeusExPlayer killer, Actor proj ))
 | name | GetWallMaterial (out vector wallNormal))
 | | GetWeaponName (DeusExWeapon w, out String name ))
 | Inventory | GetWeaponOrAmmo (Inventory queryItem))
 | | Ghost ()))
 | | GiveInitialInventory ()))
 | | GiveNanoKey (Name newKeyID, String newDescription))
 | | GoalAdd (Name goalName, String goalText, optional bool bPrimaryGoal ))
 | | GoalCompleted (Name goalName ))
 | | GoalSetPrimary (Name goalName, bool bPrimaryGoal ))
 | | GrabDecoration ()))
 | | GrabDecoration ())) PlayerSwimming |
 | | GrantAugs (int NumAugs))
 | bool | HandleItemPickup (Actor FrobTarget, optional bool bSearchOnly))
 | | HandleWalking ()))
 | | HeadZoneChange (ZoneInfo newHeadZone))
 | | HealPart (out int points, out int amt))
 | int | HealPlayer (int baseHealPoints, optional Bool bUseMedicineSkill))
 | | HighlightCenterObject ()))
 | | IAmWarren ()))
 | bool | InConversation ()))
 | | IncreaseClientFlashLength (float NewFlashTime))
 | | InitializeSubSystems ()))
 | | InterpolateEnd (Actor Other)) Interpolating |
 | | InvokeComputerScreen (Computers computerToActivate, float CompHackTime, float ServerLevelTime))
 | | InvokeConWindow ()))
 | | InvokeUIScreen (Class<DeusExBaseWindow> windowClass))
 | Bool | IsEmptyItemSlot (Inventory anItem, int col, int row ))
 | Bool | IsEmptyItemSlotXY (int invSlotsX, int invSlotsY, int col, int row ))
 | bool | IsFrobbable (actor A))
 | bool | IsHighlighted (actor A))
 | bool | IsLeaning ()))
 | | JoltView (float newJoltMagnitude))
 | | KeypadRunEvents (Keypad KPad, bool bSuccess))
 | | KeypadRunUntriggers (Keypad KPad))
 | | KeypadToggleLocks (Keypad KPad))
 | | KillerProfile ()))
 | | KillShadow ()))
 | | Landed (vector HitNormal))
 | | Legend ()))
 | | LoadGame (int saveIndex))
 | | LoadMap ()))
 | | LocalLog (String S))
 | | LogMsg (string msg))
 | | LoopHeadConvoAnim ())) Conversation |
 | | MaintainEnergy (float deltaTime))
 | | MakeCameraAlly (SecurityCamera camera))
 | | MakePlayerIgnored (bool bNewIgnore))
 | | Matrix ()))
 | | MoveActor (int xPos, int yPos, int zPos))
 | | MoveDrone (float DeltaTime, Vector loc ))
 | | MultiplayerDeathMsg (Pawn killer, bool killedSelf, bool valid, String killerName, String killerMethod ))
 | | MultiplayerNotifyMsg (int code, optional int param, optional string str ))
 | | MultiplayerTick (float DeltaTime))
 | | NewMultiplayerMatch ()))
 | | NextBeltItem ()))
 | | NextHUDColorTheme ()))
 | | NextMenuColorTheme ()))
 | | NintendoImmunityEffect (bool on ))
 | | NoteAdd (String noteText, optional bool bUserNote ))
 | | OpenSesame ()))
 | | ParseLeftClick ()))
 | | ParseRightClick ()))
 | | PickupNanoKey (NanoKey newKey))
 | | PlaceItemInSlot (Inventory anItem, int col, int row ))
 | | PlayBodyThud ()))
 | | PlayDeathHit (float Damage, vector HitLocation, name damageType, vector Momentum))
 | | PlayDXTakeDamageHit (float Damage, vector HitLocation, name damageType, vector Momentum, bool DamageReduced))
 | | PlayerCalcView (out actor ViewActor, out vector CameraLocation, out rotator CameraRotation ))
 | | PlayerCalcView (out actor ViewActor, out vector CameraLocation, out rotator CameraRotation)) Dying |
 | | PlayerInput (float DeltaTime ))
 | bool | PlayerIsClient ()))
 | bool | PlayerIsListenClient ()))
 | bool | PlayerIsRemoteClient ()))
 | | PlayerTick (float deltaTime)) Conversation |
 | | PlayerTick (float deltaTime)) Dying |
 | | PlayerTick (float deltaTime)) Interpolating |
 | | PlayerTick (float deltaTime)) Paralyzed |
 | | PlayerTick (float deltaTime)) PlayerFlying |
 | | PlayerTick (float deltaTime)) PlayerSwimming |
 | | PlayerTick (float deltaTime)) PlayerWalking |
 | | PlayFootStep ()))
 | | PlayHit (float Damage, vector HitLocation, name damageType, vector Momentum))
 | | PlayMusic (String musicToPlay, optional int sectionToPlay))
 | | PlayMusicWindow ()))
 | | PlayPickupAnim (Vector locPickup))
 | | PopHealth (float health0, float health1, float health2, float health3, float health4, float health5 ))
 | | Possess ()))
 | | PostBeginPlay ()))
 | | PostIntro ()))
 | | PostNetBeginPlay ()))
 | | PostPostBeginPlay ()))
 | | PreTravel ()))
 | | PrevBeltItem ()))
 | | ProcessMove (float DeltaTime, vector newAccel, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, rotator DeltaRot)) PlayerWalking |
 | | PunishDetection (int DamageAmount))
 | | PutCarriedDecorationInHand ()))
 | | PutInHand (optional Inventory inv))
 | | QuickLoad ()))
 | | QuickLoadConfirmed ()))
 | | QuickSave ()))
 | | ReceiveFirstOptionSync (Name PrefZero, Name PrefOne, Name PrefTwo, Name PrefThree, Name PrefFour))
 | | ReceiveSecondOptionSync (Name PrefFive, Name PrefSix, Name PrefSeven, Name PrefEight))
 | | RefreshChargedPickups ()))
 | | RefreshSystems (float DeltaTime))
 | | Reloading (DeusExWeapon weapon, float reloadTime))
 | | ReloadWeapon ()))
 | | RemoveAugmentationDisplay (Augmentation aug))
 | | RemoveChargedDisplay (ChargedPickup item))
 | | RemoveInventoryType (Class<Inventory> removeType))
 | | RemoveItemDuringConversation (Inventory item))
 | | RemoveItemFromSlot (Inventory anItem))
 | | RemoveNanoKey (Name KeyToRemove))
 | | RemoveObjectFromBelt (Inventory item))
 | | RenderOverlays (canvas Canvas ))
 | | RepairInventory ()))
 | bool | ResetBasedPawnSize ()))
 | | ResetConversationHistory ()))
 | | ResetGoals ()))
 | | ResetPlayer (optional bool bTraining))
 | | ResetPlayerToDefaults ()))
 | | RestartLevel ()))
 | | RestoreAllHealth ()))
 | | RestoreScopeView ()))
 | | RestoreSkillPoints ()))
 | bool | RestrictInput ()))
 | | ResumeDataLinks ()))
 | | SaveGame (int saveIndex, optional String saveDesc)
 | | SaveSkillPoints ()))
 | | ServerConditionalNotifyMsg (int code, optional int param, optional string str ))
 | | ServerSetAutoReload (bool bAuto ))
 | | ServerUpdateLean (Vector desiredLoc ))
 | bool | SetBasedPawnSize (float newRadius, float newHeight))
 | name | SetBoolFlagFromString (String flagNameString, bool bValue)
 | | SetComputerHackTime (Computers computerToSet, float HackTime, float ClientLevelTime))
 | | SetDamagePercent (float percent))
 | | SetDebug (name cmd, name val))
 | | SetHUDBackgroundTranslucency (bool bNewTranslucency))
 | | SetHUDBordersVisible (bool bVisible))
 | | SetHUDBorderTranslucency (bool bNewTranslucency))
 | | SetInHand (Inventory newInHand))
 | | SetInHandPending (Inventory newInHandPending))
 | | SetInvSlots (Inventory anItem, int newValue ))
 | | SetLogTimeout (Float newLogTimeout))
 | | SetMaxLogLines (Byte newLogLines))
 | | SetMenuTranslucency (bool bNewTranslucency))
 | | SetServerTimeDiff (float sTime ))
 | | SetState (name state))
 | | SetTurretState (AutoTurret turret, bool bActive, bool bDisabled))
 | | SetTurretTrackMode (ComputerSecurity computer, AutoTurret turret, bool bTrackPlayers, bool bTrackPawns))
 | | ShowAcceleration (bool bShow))
 | | ShowArea (bool bShow))
 | | ShowAugmentationAddWindow ()))
 | | ShowAugmentationsWindow ()))
 | | ShowBase (bool bShow))
 | | ShowBindName (bool bShow))
 | | ShowClass (Class<Actor> newClass))
 | | ShowConversationsWindow ()))
 | | ShowCredits (optional bool bLoadIntro))
 | | ShowCylinder (bool bShow))
 | | ShowData (bool bShow))
 | | ShowDemoSplash ()))
 | | ShowDist (bool bShow))
 | | ShowEnemy (bool bShow))
 | | ShowEnemyResponse (bool bShow))
 | | ShowER (bool bShow))
 | | ShowEyes (bool bShow))
 | | ShowGoalsWindow ()))
 | | ShowHealth (bool bShow))
 | | ShowHealthWindow ()))
 | | ShowHud (bool bShow))
 | | ShowImagesWindow ()))
 | | ShowInstigator (bool bShow))
 | | ShowIntro (optional bool bStartNewGame))
 | | ShowInventoryWindow ()))
 | | ShowLight (bool bShow))
 | | ShowLogsWindow ()))
 | | ShowLOS (bool bShow))
 | | ShowMainMenu ()))
 | | ShowMainMenu ())) Dying |
 | | ShowMass (bool bShow))
 | | ShowMesh (bool bShow))
 | | ShowMultiplayerWin (String winnerName, int winningTeam, String Killer, String Killee, String Method ))
 | | ShowPhysics (bool bShow))
 | | ShowPlayerPawnList ()))
 | | ShowPos (bool bShow))
 | | ShowProgress ()))
 | | ShowQuotesWindow ()))
 | | ShowRGBDialog ()))
 | | ShowScores ()))
 | | ShowSkillsWindow ()))
 | | ShowState (bool bShow))
 | | ShowVelocity (bool bShow))
 | | ShowVisibility (bool bShow))
 | | ShowZone (bool bShow))
 | | SkillPointsAdd (int numPoints))
 | | SpawnBlood (Vector HitLocation, float Damage))
 | Carcass | SpawnCarcass ()))
 | | SpawnEMPSparks (Actor empActor, Rotator rot))
 | | SpawnMass (Name ClassName, optional int TotalCount))
 | bool | StartAIBarkConversation (Actor conOwner, EBarkModes barkMode ))
 | bool | StartConversation (Actor invokeActor, EInvokeMethod invokeMethod, optional Conversation con, optional bool bAvoidState, optional bool bForcePlay ))
 | bool | StartConversationByName (Name conName, Actor conOwner, optional bool bAvoidState, optional bool bForcePlay ))
 | Bool | StartDataLinkTransmission (String datalinkName, Optional DataLinkTrigger datalinkTrigger))
 | | StartListenGame (string options))
 | | StartMultiplayerGame (string command))
 | | StartNewGame (String startMap))
 | | StartPoison (Pawn poisoner, int Damage ))
 | | StartTrainingMission ()))
 | | StopPoison ()))
 | | Summon (string ClassName))
 | | SupportActor (Actor standingActor))
 | | SwitchAmmo ()))
 | | TakeDamage (int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, name damageType))
 | | TakeDamage (int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, name damageType)) Dying |
 | | TakeDamage (int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, name damageType)) Interpolating |
 | | TakeDamage (int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, name damageType)) Paralyzed |
 | | Tantalus ()))
 | | TeamSay (string Msg ))
 | | Timer ()))
 | | ToggleAmmoDisplay ()))
 | | ToggleAugDisplay ()))
 | | ToggleCameraState (SecurityCamera cam, ElectronicDevices compOwner))
 | | ToggleCompass ()))
 | | ToggleCrosshair ()))
 | | ToggleHitDisplay ()))
 | | ToggleLaser ()))
 | | ToggleObjectBelt ()))
 | | ToggleScope ()))
 | | ToggleWalk ()))
 | | ToggleWinFrames ()))
 | | ToggleWinStats ()))
 | | TravelPostAccept ()))
 | | Trig (name ev))
 | | UnloadTexture (Texture texture)
 | | UnTrig (name ev))
 | | UpdateAmmoBeltText (Ammo ammo))
 | | UpdateAugmentationDisplayStatus (Augmentation aug))
 | | UpdateBeltText (Inventory item))
 | | UpdateCameraRotation (SecurityCamera camera, Rotator rot))
 | | UpdateCarcassEvent ()))
 | | UpdateDynamicMusic (float deltaTime))
 | | UpdateEyeHeight (float DeltaTime))
 | | UpdateInHand ()))
 | | UpdatePlayerSkin ()))
 | | UpdatePoison (float deltaTime))
 | | UpdateTimePlayed (float deltaTime))
 | | UpdateTranslucency (float DeltaTime))
 | | UpdateWarrenEMPField (float deltaTime))
 | bool | UsingChargedPickup (class<ChargedPickup> itemclass))
 | | VerifyConsole (Class<Console> ConsoleClass))
 | | VerifyRootWindow (Class<DeusExRootWindow> WindowClass))
 | | ViewFlash (float DeltaTime))
 | | ViewModelAdd (int num, string ClassName))
 | | ViewModelBlendPlay (int num, name anim, optional float fps, optional int slot))
 | | ViewModelBlendStop (int num))
 | | ViewModelDestroy (int num))
 | | ViewModelGiveWeapon (int num, string weaponClass))
 | | ViewModelLoop (int num, name anim, optional float fps))
 | | ViewModelPlay (int num, name anim, optional float fps))
 | | VMA (int num, string ClassName))
 | | VMBP (int num, name anim, optional float fps, optional int slot))
 | | VMBS (int num))
 | | VMD (int num))
 | | VMGW (int num, string weaponClass))
 | | VML (int num, name anim, optional float fps))
 | | VMP (int num, name anim, optional float fps))
 | | Walk ()))
 | | WhereActor (optional int Me))
 | | WinFrames (bool bFramesOn))
 | | WinStats (bool bStatsOn))
 | | ZoneChange (ZoneInfo NewZone)) PlayerFlying |
 | | ZoneChange (ZoneInfo NewZone)) PlayerSwimming |
 | | ZoneChange (ZoneInfo NewZone)) PlayerWalking |
Inherited Functions from Extension.PlayerPawnExt |
ClientMessage, Destroyed, InitRootWindow, Possess, PostRender, PostRenderFlash, PostRenderWindows, PreRender, PreRenderWindows, RenderOverlays, SwitchWeapon |
Inherited Functions from Engine.PlayerPawn |
ActivateHint, ActivateInventoryItem, ActivateItem, ActivateTranslator, AddBots, AdjustAim, AdjustHitLocation, Admin, AdminLogin, AdminLogout, AllAmmo, AltFire, AlwaysMouseLook, Amphibious, AnimEnd, AttitudeTo, BeginState, BehindView, CalcBehindView, CallForHelp, CauseEvent, ChangeAlwaysMouseLook, ChangeAutoAim, ChangeCrosshair, ChangeDodgeClickTime, ChangedWeapon, ChangeHud, ChangeName, ChangeSetHand, ChangeSnapView, ChangeStairLook, ChangeTeam, CheatView, CheckBob, ClearProgressMessages, ClientAdjustGlow, ClientAdjustPosition, ClientChangeTeam, ClientFlash, ClientInstantFlash, ClientMessage, ClientPlaySound, ClientReliablePlaySound, ClientReplicateSkins, ClientSetMusic, ClientShake, ClientTravel, ClientUpdatePosition, ClientVoiceMessage, ClientWeaponEvent, CompressAccel, ConsoleCommand, CopyToClipboard, damageAttitudeTo, Destroyed, Died, Dodge, DoJump, EndState, EndZoom, Falling, FeignDeath, FindGoodView, Fire, Fly, FOV, FunctionKey, GetDefaultURL, GetEntryLevel, GetFreeMove, GetPlayerNetworkAddress, GetWeapon, Ghost, Gibbed, God, Grab, HandleWalking, InitPlayerReplicationInfo, InvertMouse, Invisible, Jump, JumpOffPawn, Kick, KickBan, KillAll, KilledBy, KillMessage, KillPawns, Landed, LocalTravel, MoveAutonomous, MultiplayerTick, Mutate, Name, NeverSwitchOnPickup, NextWeapon, PasteFromClipboard, Pause, Ping, PlayBeepSound, PlayChatting, PlayDodge, PlayDying, PlayerCalcView, PlayerInput, PlayerList, PlayerMove, PlayersOnly, PlayerTick, PlayerTimeOut, PlayFeignDeath, PlayHit, PlayRising, PlaySwimming, PlayTakeHit, PlayTurning, PlayWaiting, Possess, PostBeginPlay, PostRender, PostRenderFlash, PreBeginPlay, PreClientTravel, PreRender, PrevItem, PrevWeapon, ProcessMove, Profile, QuickLoad, QuickSave, ReceiveLocalizedMessage, RememberSpot, RenderOverlays, ReplicateMove, ResetKeyboard, RestartLevel, Rise, Say, SendVoiceMessage, ServerAddBots, ServerChangeSkin, ServerFeignDeath, ServerMove, ServerNeverSwitchOnPickup, ServerReStartGame, ServerReStartPlayer, ServerSetHandedness, ServerSetSloMo, ServerSetWeaponPriority, ServerTaunt, ServerUpdateWeapons, SetAutoAim, SetBob, SetDesiredFOV, SetDodgeClickTime, SetFOVAngle, SetFriction, SetHand, SetJumpZ, SetMaxMouseSmoothing, SetMouseSmoothThreshold, SetName, SetPause, SetProgressColor, SetProgressMessage, SetProgressTime, SetSensitivity, SetSpeed, SetViewFlash, SetWeaponStay, ShakeView, ShowInventory, ShowLoadMenu, ShowMenu, ShowPath, ShowProgress, ShowSpecialMenu, ShowUpgradeMenu, SloMo, SnapView, SpawnCarcass, SpawnGibbedCarcass, Speech, SShot, StairLook, StartWalk, StartZoom, StopZoom, Suicide, Summon, SwimAnimUpdate, SwitchCoopLevel, SwitchLevel, SwitchWeapon, TakeDamage, Taunt, TeamMessage, ThrowWeapon, Timer, ToggleZoom, TravelPostAccept, Type, Typing, UnPossess, UpdateBob, UpdateEyeHeight, UpdateRotation, UpdateSensitivity, UpdateURL, UpdateWeaponPriorities, VelocityChanged, ViewClass, ViewFlash, ViewPlayer, ViewPlayerNum, ViewSelf, ViewShake, Walk, ZoneChange |
const MPFLAG_FirstSpot = 0x01;
const mpMsgDelay = 4.0;
const MPMSG_CameraInv = 7;
const MPMSG_CloseKills = 8;
const MPMSG_DropItem = 11;
const MPMSG_FirstBurn = 5;
const MPMSG_FirstPoison = 4;
const MPMSG_KilledTeammate = 12;
const MPMSG_LostLegs = 10;
const MPMSG_NoCloakWeapon = 15;
const MPMSG_TeamComputer = 14;
const MPMSG_TeamHackTurret = 16;
const MPMSG_TeamHit = 2;
const MPMSG_TeamLAM = 13;
const MPMSG_TeamNsf = 1;
const MPMSG_TeamSpot = 3;
const MPMSG_TeamUnatco = 0;
const MPMSG_TimeNearEnd = 9;
const MPMSG_TurretInv = 6;
MPSERVERFLAG_CameraInv Source code
const MPSERVERFLAG_CameraInv = 0x08;
const MPSERVERFLAG_DropItem = 0x20;
MPSERVERFLAG_FirstBurn Source code
const MPSERVERFLAG_FirstBurn = 0x02;
MPSERVERFLAG_FirstPoison Source code
const MPSERVERFLAG_FirstPoison = 0x01;
const MPSERVERFLAG_LostLegs = 0x10;
MPSERVERFLAG_NoCloakWeapon Source code
const MPSERVERFLAG_NoCloakWeapon = 0x40;
MPSERVERFLAG_TurretInv Source code
const MPSERVERFLAG_TurretInv = 0x04;
const NintendoDelay = 6.0;
var localized String AddedNanoKey;
var globalconfig bool bAlwaysRun;
var globalconfig bool bAmmoDisplayVisible;
var globalconfig bool bAskedToTrain;
var globalconfig bool bAugDisplayVisible;
var globalconfig bool bAutoReload;
var bool bBeltIsMPInventory;
var bool bBuySkills;
var bool bCanLean;
var globalconfig bool bCompassVisible;
var globalconfig bool bConfirmNoteDeletes;
var globalconfig bool bConfirmSaveDeletes;
var globalconfig bool bCrosshairVisible;
var travel bool bCrouchOn;
var globalconfig bool bDisplayAllGoals;
var globalconfig bool bDisplayAmmoByClip;
bDisplayCompletedGoals Source code
var globalconfig bool bDisplayCompletedGoals;
var bool bFirstOptionsSynced;
var travel bool bForceDuck;
var globalconfig bool bHelpMessages;
var globalconfig bool bHitDisplayVisible;
bHUDBackgroundTranslucent Source code
var globalconfig Bool bHUDBackgroundTranslucent;
bHUDBordersTranslucent Source code
var globalconfig Bool bHUDBordersTranslucent;
var globalconfig Bool bHUDBordersVisible;
var globalconfig bool bHUDShowAllAugs;
var travel Bool bIgnoreNextShowMenu;
var travel bool bInHandTransition;
var bool bKillerProfile;
var float BleedRate;
var globalconfig Bool bMenusTranslucent;
var bool bNintendoImmunity;
var globalconfig bool bNPCHighlighting;
var globalconfig bool bObjectBeltVisible;
var globalconfig bool bObjectNames;
var globalconfig bool bQuotesEnabled;
var Bool bSavingSkillsAugs;
var bool bSecondOptionsSynced;
var globalconfig bool bShowAmmoDescriptions;
var bool bSpyDroneActive;
var Bool bStartingNewGame;
bStartNewGameAfterIntro Source code
var travel Bool bStartNewGameAfterIntro;
var globalconfig bool bSubtitles;
var globalconfig bool bToggleCrouch;
var bool bToggleWalk;
var localized String BurnString;
var bool bWarrenEMPField;
var travel bool bWasCrouchOn;
var localized String CanCarryOnlyOne;
var localized String CannotDropHere;
var localized String CannotLift;
var travel Float CombatDifficulty;
var Actor ConversationActor;
var float curLeanDist;
var float DropCounter;
var float drugEffectTimer;
var travel float Energy;
var localized String EnergyDepleted;
var travel float EnergyDrain;
var travel float EnergyDrainTotal;
var travel float EnergyMax;
var float FlashTimer;
var name FloorMaterial;
var float FrobTime;
var localized String GoalAdded;
var localized String HandsFull;
var localized String HeadString;
var localized String HealedPointLabel;
var localized String HealedPointsLabel;
var globalconfig String HUDThemeName;
var localized String InventoryFull;
var travel byte invSlots[30];
var float JoltMagnitude;
var travel byte lastbDuck;
lastFirstPersonConvoActor Source code
var Actor lastFirstPersonConvoActor;
lastFirstPersonConvoTime Source code
var float lastFirstPersonConvoTime;
var float LastRefreshTime;
lastThirdPersonConvoActor Source code
var Actor lastThirdPersonConvoActor;
lastThirdPersonConvoTime Source code
var float lastThirdPersonConvoTime;
var localized String LegsString;
var globalconfig float logTimeout;
var int maxInvCols;
var int maxInvRows;
var globalconfig byte maxLogLines;
var float MaxRegenPoint;
var globalconfig String MenuThemeName;
var float MPDamageMult;
var int mpMsgCode;
var int mpMsgFlags;
var int mpMsgOptionalParam;
var String mpMsgOptionalString;
var int mpMsgServerFlags;
var float mpMsgTime;
var float musicChangeTimer;
var float musicCheckTimer;
var Actor myTurretKiller;
var String NextMap;
var float NintendoImmunityTime;
NintendoImmunityTimeLeft Source code
var float NintendoImmunityTimeLeft;
var localized String NoneString;
var localized String NoRoomToLift;
var localized String NoteAdded;
var travel int PlayerSkin;
var int poisonCounter;
var int poisonDamage;
var localized String PoisonString;
var float poisonTimer;
var float prevLeanDist;
var localized String PrimaryGoalCompleted;
var localized String QuickSaveGameTitle;
var float RegenRate;
var float RunSilentValue;
var travel int saveCount;
var byte savedSection;
var travel Float saveTime;
SecondaryGoalCompleted Source code
var localized String SecondaryGoalCompleted;
var float ServerTimeDiff;
var float ServerTimeLastRefresh;
var float ShieldTimer;
var localized String SkillPointsAward;
var int spyDroneLevel;
var float spyDroneLevelValue;
var String strStartMap;
var float swimBubbleTimer;
var float swimDuration;
var float swimTimer;
var localized String TakenOverString;
var localized String TooHeavyToLift;
var localized String TooMuchAmmo;
var localized String TorsoString;
var globalconfig byte translucencyLevel;
var travel String TruePlayerName;
var globalconfig int UIBackground;
var Actor ViewModelActor[
var name WallMaterial;
var int WarrenSlot;
var float WarrenTimer;
var localized String WeaponUnCloak;
var localized String WithString;
var localized String WithTheString;
enum EInvokeMethod
enum EMusicMode
function AbortConversation ( optional bool bNoPlayedFlag) )
exec function ActivateAllAugs ( ) )
exec function ActivateAugmentation ( int num) )
exec function ActivateBelt ( int objectNum) )
function ActivateKeypadWindow (
Keypad KPad,
bool bHacked) )
AddAugmentationDisplay Source code
function DeusExGoal AddGoal (
Name goalName,
bool bPrimaryGoal ) )
function bool AddInventory (
inventory item) )
function DeusExLog AddLog (
String logText) )
function DeusExNote AddNote (
optional String strNote,
optional Bool bUserNote,
optional bool bShowInLog ) )
function AddObjectToBelt (
Inventory item,
int pos,
bool bOverride) )
exec function AllAugs ( ) )
exec function AllCredits ( ) )
exec function AllEnergy ( ) )
exec function AllHealth ( ) )
exec function AllImages ( ) )
exec function AllSkillPoints ( ) )
exec function AllSkills ( ) )
function BeginState ( ) )
BeginState PlayerSwimming Source code
function BeginState ( ) )
function Bleed ( float deltaTime) )
exec function BuySkills ( ) )
function BuySkillSound ( int code ) )
CalculatePlayerVisibility Source code
function float CalculatePlayerVisibility (
ScriptedPawn P) )
CalculateSkillHealAmount Source code
function int CalculateSkillHealAmount ( int baseHealPoints) )
function bool CanActorSeePlayer (
Actor invokeActor) )
function bool CanStartConversation ( ) )
function CatchFire (
Pawn burner ) )
function int ChargePlayer ( int baseChargePoints) )
CheckActiveConversationRadius Source code
function CheckActiveConversationRadius ( ) )
function bool CheckActorDistances ( ) )
CheckConversationHeightDifference Source code
function bool CheckConversationHeightDifference (
Actor invokeActor,
int heightOffset) )
CheckConversationInvokeRadius Source code
function bool CheckFlagRefs (
ConFlagRef flagRef ) )
ClearAugmentationDisplay Source code
function ClearAugmentationDisplay ( ) )
function ClearBelt ( ) )
function ClearInventorySlots ( ) )
function ClearLog ( ) )
function ClearPosition ( int pos) )
function ClientDeath ( ) )
simulated function ClientFlash (
float scale,
vector fog) )
simulated function ClientPlayAnimation (
Actor src,
Name anim,
float rate,
bool bLoop ) )
function ClientPossessed ( ) )
simulated function ClientSpawnHits (
bool bPenetrating,
bool bHandToHand,
Vector HitLocation,
Vector HitNormal,
Actor Other,
float Damage) )
function ClientTurnOffScores ( ) )
function CloseComputerScreen (
Computers computerToClose) )
function CloseThisComputer (
Computers comp ) )
native(2100) final function ConBindEvents ( )
CreateColorThemeManager Source code
function CreateColorThemeManager ( ) )
CreateDataVaultImageNoteObject Source code
function CreateDrone ( ) )
CreateDumpLocationObject Source code
final function DumpLocation CreateDumpLocationObject ( )
CreateGameDirectoryObject Source code
final function GameDirectory CreateGameDirectoryObject ( )
final function ConHistory CreateHistoryObject ( )
function CreateKeyRing ( ) )
function CreateKillerProfile (
Pawn killer,
int damage,
name damageType,
String bodyPart ) )
final function DeusExLog CreateLogObject ( )
simulated function CreatePlayerTracker ( ) )
simulated function CreateShadow ( ) )
exec function DamageAll ( optional int amount) )
exec function DamagePart ( int partIndex, optional int amount) )
exec function DeactivateAllAugs ( ) )
exec function DebugCommand ( string teststr) )
function DeleteAllGoals ( ) )
function DeleteAllNotes ( ) )
function Bool DeleteGoal (
DeusExGoal goalToDelete ) )
function bool DeleteInventory (
inventory item) )
function Bool DeleteNote (
DeusExNote noteToDelete ) )
native(3012) final function DeleteSaveGameFiles ( optional String saveDirectory )
simulated event Destroyed ( ) )
exec function DisconnectPlayer ( ) )
function DoJump ( optional float F ) )
simulated function DrawInvulnShield ( ) )
simulated function DrawShield ( ) )
function DroneExplode ( ) )
function DropDecoration ( ) )
exec function bool DropItem (
optional Inventory inv,
optional bool bDrop) )
simulated function DrugEffects ( float deltaTime) )
exec function DualmapF10 ( ) )
exec function DualmapF11 ( ) )
exec function DualmapF12 ( ) )
exec function DualmapF3 ( ) )
exec function DualmapF4 ( ) )
exec function DualmapF5 ( ) )
exec function DualmapF6 ( ) )
exec function DualmapF7 ( ) )
exec function DualmapF8 ( ) )
exec function DualmapF9 ( ) )
exec function DumpInventoryGrid ( ) )
exec function DXDumpInfo ( ) )
function bool DXReduceDamage (
int Damage,
name damageType,
vector hitLocation,
out int adjustedDamage,
bool bCheckOnly) )
exec function EditFlags ( ) )
function EndConversation ( ) )
function EndState ( ) )
function ExtinguishFire ( ) )
function FailConsoleCheck ( ) )
function FailRootWindowCheck ( ) )
function Bool FindInventorySlot (
Inventory anItem,
optional Bool bSearchOnly) )
function Bool FindInventorySlotXY ( int invSlotsX, int invSlotsY, out int newSlotX, out int newSlotY) )
exec function Fire (
optional float F) )
exec function Fire (
optional float F) )
exec function Fire (
optional float F) )
exec function Fire (
optional float F) )
function ForceDisconnect ( string Message) )
function ForceDroneOff ( ) )
function GenerateTotalHealth ( ) )
function Conversation GetActiveDataLink (
String datalinkName) )
function float GetCurrentGroundSpeed ( ) )
exec function GetDebug ( name cmd) )
GetDefaultCollisionHeight Source code
function float GetDefaultCollisionHeight ( ) )
native(1099) final function string GetDeusExVersion ( )
function String GetDisplayName (
Actor actor,
optional Bool bUseFamiliar) )
function name GetFloorMaterial ( ) )
GetHUDBackgroundTranslucency Source code
function bool GetHUDBackgroundTranslucency ( ) )
function bool GetHUDBordersVisible ( ) )
GetHUDBorderTranslucency Source code
function bool GetHUDBorderTranslucency ( ) )
function Float GetLogTimeout ( ) )
function Byte GetMaxLogLines ( ) )
function bool GetMenuTranslucency ( ) )
simulated function int GetMPHitLocation (
Vector HitLocation) )
function name GetWallMaterial (
out vector wallNormal) )
function GetWeaponName (
DeusExWeapon w,
out String name ) )
exec function Ghost ( ) )
function GiveInitialInventory ( ) )
exec function GiveNanoKey ( Name newKeyID, String newDescription) )
exec function GoalAdd ( Name goalName, String goalText, optional bool bPrimaryGoal ) )
function GoalCompleted ( Name goalName ) )
exec function GoalSetPrimary ( Name goalName, bool bPrimaryGoal ) )
function GrabDecoration ( ) )
GrabDecoration PlayerSwimming Source code
function GrabDecoration ( ) )
function GrantAugs ( int NumAugs) )
function bool HandleItemPickup (
Actor FrobTarget,
optional bool bSearchOnly) )
function HandleWalking ( ) )
event HeadZoneChange (
ZoneInfo newHeadZone) )
function HealPart ( out int points, out int amt) )
function int HealPlayer ( int baseHealPoints, optional Bool bUseMedicineSkill) )
function HighlightCenterObject ( ) )
exec function IAmWarren ( ) )
function bool InConversation ( ) )
IncreaseClientFlashLength Source code
function IncreaseClientFlashLength ( float NewFlashTime) )
function InitializeSubSystems ( ) )
InterpolateEnd Interpolating Source code
event InterpolateEnd (
Actor Other) )
function InvokeComputerScreen (
Computers computerToActivate,
float CompHackTime,
float ServerLevelTime) )
function Bool IsEmptyItemSlot (
Inventory anItem,
int col,
int row ) )
function Bool IsEmptyItemSlotXY ( int invSlotsX, int invSlotsY, int col, int row ) )
function bool IsFrobbable (
actor A) )
function bool IsHighlighted (
actor A) )
function bool IsLeaning ( ) )
event JoltView ( float newJoltMagnitude) )
function KeypadRunEvents (
Keypad KPad,
bool bSuccess) )
function KeypadRunUntriggers (
Keypad KPad) )
function KeypadToggleLocks (
Keypad KPad) )
simulated function KillShadow ( ) )
function Landed (
vector HitNormal) )
exec function Legend ( ) )
exec function LoadGame ( int saveIndex) )
exec function LoadMap ( ) )
function LocalLog ( String S) )
exec function LogMsg ( string msg) )
LoopHeadConvoAnim Conversation Source code
function LoopHeadConvoAnim ( ) )
function MaintainEnergy ( float deltaTime) )
function MakePlayerIgnored ( bool bNewIgnore) )
function Matrix ( ) )
exec function MoveActor ( int xPos, int yPos, int zPos) )
simulated function MoveDrone (
float DeltaTime,
Vector loc ) )
function MultiplayerDeathMsg (
Pawn killer,
bool killedSelf,
bool valid,
String killerName,
String killerMethod ) )
function MultiplayerNotifyMsg ( int code, optional int param, optional string str ) )
function MultiplayerTick ( float DeltaTime) )
function NewMultiplayerMatch ( ) )
exec function NextBeltItem ( ) )
exec function NextHUDColorTheme ( ) )
exec function NextMenuColorTheme ( ) )
NintendoImmunityEffect Source code
function NintendoImmunityEffect ( bool on ) )
exec function NoteAdd ( String noteText, optional bool bUserNote ) )
exec function OpenSesame ( ) )
exec function ParseLeftClick ( ) )
exec function ParseRightClick ( ) )
function PickupNanoKey (
NanoKey newKey) )
function PlaceItemInSlot (
Inventory anItem,
int col,
int row ) )
function PlayBodyThud ( ) )
function PlayDXTakeDamageHit (
float Damage,
vector HitLocation,
name damageType,
vector Momentum,
bool DamageReduced) )
event PlayerCalcView (
out actor ViewActor,
out vector CameraLocation,
out rotator CameraRotation ) )
function PlayerCalcView (
out actor ViewActor,
out vector CameraLocation,
out rotator CameraRotation) )
event PlayerInput ( float DeltaTime ) )
function bool PlayerIsClient ( ) )
function bool PlayerIsListenClient ( ) )
function bool PlayerIsRemoteClient ( ) )
PlayerTick Conversation Source code
event PlayerTick ( float deltaTime) )
event PlayerTick ( float deltaTime) )
PlayerTick Interpolating Source code
event PlayerTick ( float deltaTime) )
event PlayerTick ( float deltaTime) )
PlayerTick PlayerFlying Source code
event PlayerTick ( float deltaTime) )
PlayerTick PlayerSwimming Source code
event PlayerTick ( float deltaTime) )
PlayerTick PlayerWalking Source code
event PlayerTick ( float deltaTime) )
simulated function PlayFootStep ( ) )
function PlayMusic ( String musicToPlay, optional int sectionToPlay) )
function PlayPickupAnim (
Vector locPickup) )
function PopHealth ( float health0, float health1, float health2, float health3, float health4, float health5 ) )
event Possess ( ) )
function PostBeginPlay ( ) )
function PostIntro ( ) )
simulated function PostNetBeginPlay ( ) )
function PostPostBeginPlay ( ) )
function PreTravel ( ) )
exec function PrevBeltItem ( ) )
ProcessMove PlayerWalking Source code
function PunishDetection ( int DamageAmount) )
PutCarriedDecorationInHand Source code
function PutCarriedDecorationInHand ( ) )
exec function PutInHand (
optional Inventory inv) )
exec function QuickLoad ( ) )
function QuickLoadConfirmed ( ) )
exec function QuickSave ( ) )
ReceiveFirstOptionSync Source code
function ReceiveFirstOptionSync ( Name PrefZero, Name PrefOne, Name PrefTwo, Name PrefThree, Name PrefFour) )
ReceiveSecondOptionSync Source code
function ReceiveSecondOptionSync ( Name PrefFive, Name PrefSix, Name PrefSeven, Name PrefEight) )
function RefreshChargedPickups ( ) )
simulated function RefreshSystems ( float DeltaTime) )
exec function ReloadWeapon ( ) )
RemoveAugmentationDisplay Source code
function RemoveInventoryType (
Inventory> removeType) )
RemoveItemDuringConversation Source code
function RemoveItemDuringConversation (
Inventory item) )
function RemoveItemFromSlot (
Inventory anItem) )
exec function RemoveNanoKey ( Name KeyToRemove) )
function RemoveObjectFromBelt (
Inventory item) )
function RepairInventory ( ) )
function bool ResetBasedPawnSize ( ) )
ResetConversationHistory Source code
function ResetConversationHistory ( ) )
function ResetGoals ( ) )
function ResetPlayer ( optional bool bTraining) )
function ResetPlayerToDefaults ( ) )
exec function RestartLevel ( ) )
function RestoreAllHealth ( ) )
function RestoreScopeView ( ) )
function RestoreSkillPoints ( ) )
function bool RestrictInput ( ) )
function ResumeDataLinks ( ) )
native(3011) final function SaveGame ( int saveIndex, optional String saveDesc )
function SaveSkillPoints ( ) )
ServerConditionalNotifyMsg Source code
function ServerConditionalNotifyMsg ( int code, optional int param, optional string str ) )
function ServerSetAutoReload ( bool bAuto ) )
function ServerUpdateLean (
Vector desiredLoc ) )
function bool SetBasedPawnSize ( float newRadius, float newHeight) )
native(3001) final function name SetBoolFlagFromString ( String flagNameString, bool bValue )
function SetComputerHackTime (
Computers computerToSet,
float HackTime,
float ClientLevelTime) )
function SetDamagePercent ( float percent) )
exec function SetDebug ( name cmd, name val) )
SetHUDBackgroundTranslucency Source code
exec function SetHUDBackgroundTranslucency ( bool bNewTranslucency) )
exec function SetHUDBordersVisible ( bool bVisible) )
SetHUDBorderTranslucency Source code
exec function SetHUDBorderTranslucency ( bool bNewTranslucency) )
function SetInHandPending (
Inventory newInHandPending) )
function SetInvSlots (
Inventory anItem,
int newValue ) )
function SetLogTimeout ( Float newLogTimeout) )
function SetMaxLogLines ( Byte newLogLines) )
exec function SetMenuTranslucency ( bool bNewTranslucency) )
function SetServerTimeDiff ( float sTime ) )
exec function SetState ( name state) )
function SetTurretState (
AutoTurret turret,
bool bActive,
bool bDisabled) )
exec function ShowAcceleration ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowArea ( bool bShow) )
ShowAugmentationAddWindow Source code
exec function ShowAugmentationAddWindow ( ) )
ShowAugmentationsWindow Source code
exec function ShowAugmentationsWindow ( ) )
exec function ShowBase ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowBindName ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowClass (
Actor> newClass) )
ShowConversationsWindow Source code
exec function ShowConversationsWindow ( ) )
function ShowCredits ( optional bool bLoadIntro) )
exec function ShowCylinder ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowData ( bool bShow) )
function ShowDemoSplash ( ) )
exec function ShowDist ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowEnemy ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowEnemyResponse ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowER ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowEyes ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowGoalsWindow ( ) )
exec function ShowHealth ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowHealthWindow ( ) )
exec function ShowHud ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowImagesWindow ( ) )
exec function ShowInstigator ( bool bShow) )
function ShowIntro ( optional bool bStartNewGame) )
exec function ShowInventoryWindow ( ) )
exec function ShowLight ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowLogsWindow ( ) )
exec function ShowLOS ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowMainMenu ( ) )
exec function ShowMainMenu ( ) )
exec function ShowMass ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowMesh ( bool bShow) )
function ShowMultiplayerWin ( String winnerName, int winningTeam, String Killer, String Killee, String Method ) )
exec function ShowPhysics ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowPlayerPawnList ( ) )
exec function ShowPos ( bool bShow) )
function ShowProgress ( ) )
exec function ShowQuotesWindow ( ) )
exec function ShowRGBDialog ( ) )
exec function ShowScores ( ) )
exec function ShowSkillsWindow ( ) )
exec function ShowState ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowVelocity ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowVisibility ( bool bShow) )
exec function ShowZone ( bool bShow) )
function SkillPointsAdd ( int numPoints) )
function SpawnBlood (
Vector HitLocation,
float Damage) )
function Carcass SpawnCarcass ( ) )
exec function SpawnMass ( Name ClassName, optional int TotalCount) )
StartAIBarkConversation Source code
function bool StartAIBarkConversation (
Actor conOwner,
EBarkModes barkMode
) )
function bool StartConversation (
Actor invokeActor,
EInvokeMethod invokeMethod,
optional Conversation con,
optional bool bAvoidState,
optional bool bForcePlay
) )
StartConversationByName Source code
function bool StartConversationByName (
Name conName,
Actor conOwner,
optional bool bAvoidState,
optional bool bForcePlay
) )
StartDataLinkTransmission Source code
function StartListenGame ( string options) )
function StartMultiplayerGame ( string command) )
exec function StartNewGame ( String startMap) )
function StartPoison (
Pawn poisoner,
int Damage ) )
function StartTrainingMission ( ) )
function StopPoison ( ) )
exec function Summon ( string ClassName) )
function SupportActor (
Actor standingActor) )
exec function SwitchAmmo ( ) )
TakeDamage Interpolating Source code
exec function Tantalus ( ) )
exec function TeamSay ( string Msg ) )
exec function ToggleAmmoDisplay ( ) )
exec function ToggleAugDisplay ( ) )
exec function ToggleCompass ( ) )
exec function ToggleCrosshair ( ) )
exec function ToggleHitDisplay ( ) )
exec function ToggleLaser ( ) )
exec function ToggleObjectBelt ( ) )
exec function ToggleScope ( ) )
exec function ToggleWalk ( ) )
exec function ToggleWinFrames ( ) )
exec function ToggleWinStats ( ) )
event TravelPostAccept ( ) )
exec function Trig ( name ev) )
exec function UnTrig ( name ev) )
function UpdateAmmoBeltText (
Ammo ammo) )
UpdateAugmentationDisplayStatus Source code
function UpdateAugmentationDisplayStatus (
Augmentation aug) )
function UpdateCarcassEvent ( ) )
function UpdateDynamicMusic ( float deltaTime) )
event UpdateEyeHeight ( float DeltaTime) )
function UpdateInHand ( ) )
function UpdatePlayerSkin ( ) )
function UpdatePoison ( float deltaTime) )
final function UpdateTimePlayed ( float deltaTime) )
function UpdateTranslucency ( float DeltaTime) )
function UpdateWarrenEMPField ( float deltaTime) )
function bool UsingChargedPickup (
ChargedPickup> itemclass) )
function VerifyConsole (
Console> ConsoleClass) )
function ViewFlash ( float DeltaTime) )
exec function ViewModelAdd ( int num, string ClassName) )
exec function ViewModelBlendPlay ( int num, name anim, optional float fps, optional int slot) )
exec function ViewModelBlendStop ( int num) )
exec function ViewModelDestroy ( int num) )
exec function ViewModelGiveWeapon ( int num, string weaponClass) )
exec function ViewModelLoop ( int num, name anim, optional float fps) )
exec function ViewModelPlay ( int num, name anim, optional float fps) )
exec function VMA ( int num, string ClassName) )
exec function VMBP ( int num, name anim, optional float fps, optional int slot) )
exec function VMBS ( int num) )
exec function VMD ( int num) )
exec function VMGW ( int num, string weaponClass) )
exec function VML ( int num, name anim, optional float fps) )
exec function VMP ( int num, name anim, optional float fps) )
exec function Walk ( ) )
exec function WhereActor ( optional int Me) )
exec function WinFrames ( bool bFramesOn) )
exec function WinStats ( bool bStatsOn) )
ZoneChange PlayerFlying Source code
function ZoneChange (
ZoneInfo NewZone) )
ZoneChange PlayerSwimming Source code
function ZoneChange (
ZoneInfo NewZone) )
ZoneChange PlayerWalking Source code
function ZoneChange (
ZoneInfo NewZone) )
TruePlayerName="JC Denton"
InventoryFull="You don't have enough room in your inventory to pick up the %s"
TooMuchAmmo="You already have enough of that type of ammo"
TooHeavyToLift="It's too heavy to lift"
CannotLift="You can't lift that"
NoRoomToLift="There's no room to lift that"
CanCarryOnlyOne="You can only carry one %s"
CannotDropHere="Can't drop that here"
HandsFull="Your hands are full"
NoteAdded="Note Received - Check DataVault For Details"
GoalAdded="Goal Received - Check DataVault For Details"
PrimaryGoalCompleted="Primary Goal Completed"
SecondaryGoalCompleted="Secondary Goal Completed"
EnergyDepleted="Bio-electric energy reserves depleted"
AddedNanoKey="%s added to Nano Key Ring"
HealedPointsLabel="Healed %d points"
HealedPointLabel="Healed %d point"
SkillPointsAward="%d skill points awarded"
QuickSaveGameTitle="Quick Save"
WeaponUnCloak="Weapon drawn... Uncloaking"
TakenOverString="I've taken over the "
WithTheString=" with the "
WithString=" with "
PoisonString=" with deadly poison"
BurnString=" with excessive burning"
FamiliarName="JC Denton"
UnfamiliarName="JC Denton"
Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:05.950 - Created with