- Extends
- DeusExMPGame
+-- Engine.Actor
+-- Engine.Info
+-- Engine.GameInfo
+-- DeusEx.DeusExGameInfo
+-- DeusEx.DeusExMPGame
+-- DeusEx.TeamDMGame
Direct Known Subclasses:
AdvTeamDMGame, BasicTeamDMGame
Inherited Contants from DeusEx.DeusExMPGame |
DeathsX, FireContY, KillsX, NewMapDelay, NotifyMinutes, PlayerX, PlayerY, StreakX, TEAM_AUTO, TEAM_DRAW, TEAM_NSF, TEAM_UNATCO, WinY |
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.DeusExMPGame |
AssaultRifleAverageHitDamage, AssaultRifleShotsFired, AssaultRifleShotsHit, AssaultShotgunAverageHitDamage, AssaultShotgunShotsFired, AssaultShotgunShotsHit, AugsPerKill, bAlreadyChanged, bAugsAllowed, bAutoInstall, bChangeLevels, bClientNewMap, bCustomizable, bCycleMap, bDarkHiding, bFreezeScores, bGameEnded, bMultiPlayerBots, bNewMap, bPrimaryNotice, bPrimaryNsf, bPrimaryUnatco, bSecondaryNotice, bSecondaryNsf, bSecondaryUnatco, bSpawnEffects, bStartWithPistol, bTrackWeapons, CloakEffect, CurrentMap, DeathsString, EndHiding, EscapeString, fFriendlyFireMult, FragLimit, GlobalUpgradesPerKill, GoldColor, GreenColor, InitialAugs, KillsString, MatchEnd1String, MatchEnd2String, MPSkillStartLevel, NewMapSecondsString, NewMapTime, PistolAverageHitDamage, PistolShotsFired, PistolShotsHit, PlayerString, RedColor, SawedOffShotgunAverageHitDamage, SawedOffShotgunShotsFired, SawedOffShotgunShotsHit, scoreArray[32], scorePlayers, ScoreToWin, SilverColor, SkillsAvail, SkillsPerKill, SkillsTotal, SniperRifleAverageHitDamage, SniperRifleShotsFired, SniperRifleShotsHit, StartHiding, StealthPistolAverageHitDamage, StealthPistolShotsFired, StealthPistolShotsHit, StreakString, TeamDrawString, TeamNsfString, TeamUnatcoString, TimeLimit, TooManyPlayers, VictoryCondition, WhiteColor, WonMatchString |
Functions Summary |
 | bool | ApproveTeam (int CheckTeam))
 | bool | ArePlayersAllied (DeusExPlayer FirstPlayer, DeusExPlayer SecondPlayer))
 | | CalcTeamScores ()))
 | | ChangeOption (out string Options, string OptionKey, string NewValue))
 | bool | ChangeTeam (Pawn PawnToChange, int NewTeam))
 | bool | CheckVictoryConditions (Pawn Killer, Pawn Killee, String Method))
 | float | EvaluatePlayerStart (Pawn Player, PlayerStart PointToEvaluate, optional byte InTeam))
 | | GameOver ()))
 | int | GetAutoTeam ()))
 | int | GetTeamList (DeusExPlayer player, bool Allies ))
 | | LocalGetTeamTotals (int teamSECnt, out float score, out float deaths, out float streak ))
 | PlayerPawn | Login (string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class<playerpawn> SpawnClass))
 | | PostLogin (playerpawn NewPlayer))
 | | PreGameOver ()))
 | | SetTeam (DeusExPlayer player ))
 | | ShowTeamDMScoreboard (DeusExPlayer thisPlayer, GC gc, float screenWidth, float screenHeight ))
 | | ShowVictoryConditions (GC gc, float screenWidth, float yoffset, DeusExPlayer thisPlayer ))
 | | SortTeamScores (int PlayerCount ))
 | bool | TeamFinalCheckScores ()))
 | | TeamHasWon (int team, Pawn Killer, Pawn Killee, String Method ))
 | | TeamWinScreen (DeusExPlayer thisPlayer, GC gc, float screenWidth, float screenHeight, int winningTeam, String killerStr, String killeeStr, String methodStr ))
Inherited Functions from DeusEx.DeusExMPGame |
ApproveClass, CanSpectate, ChangeTeam, CheckPlayerConsole, CheckPlayerWindow, ContinueMsg, DrawHeaders, DrawNameAndScore, EvaluatePlayerStart, FailConsoleCheck, FailRootWindowCheck, FindPlayerStart, GameOver, GetBeaconText, GetRules, GrantAugs, HandleDeathNotification, Killed, Login, Logout, NotifyGameStatus, PostLogin, PreGameOver, PreLogin, RefreshScoreArray, ResetNonCustomizableOptions, RestartPlayer, Reward, SetupAbilities, SortScores, Tick, Timer, TrackAssaultRifle, TrackAssaultShotgun, TrackPistol, TrackSawedOffShotgun, TrackSniperRifle, TrackStealthPistol, TrackWeapon |
var localized String AlliesString;
var localized String EnemiesString;
var localized String TeamScoreString;
var int TeamScore[2];
var localized String TimeLimitString1;
var localized String TimeLimitString2;
var localized String VictoryConString1;
var localized String VictoryConString2;
function bool ApproveTeam ( int CheckTeam) )
function CalcTeamScores ( ) )
function ChangeOption ( out string Options, string OptionKey, string NewValue) )
function bool ChangeTeam (
Pawn PawnToChange,
int NewTeam) )
CheckVictoryConditions Source code
function bool CheckVictoryConditions (
Pawn Killer,
Pawn Killee,
String Method) )
function GameOver ( ) )
function int GetAutoTeam ( ) )
simulated function LocalGetTeamTotals ( int teamSECnt, out float score, out float deaths, out float streak ) )
event PlayerPawn Login (
string Portal,
string Options,
out string Error,
playerpawn> SpawnClass) )
function PreGameOver ( ) )
simulated function ShowTeamDMScoreboard (
DeusExPlayer thisPlayer,
GC gc,
float screenWidth,
float screenHeight ) )
simulated function ShowVictoryConditions (
GC gc,
float screenWidth,
float yoffset,
DeusExPlayer thisPlayer ) )
simulated function SortTeamScores ( int PlayerCount ) )
simulated function bool TeamFinalCheckScores ( ) )
function TeamHasWon (
int team,
Pawn Killer,
Pawn Killee,
String Method ) )
simulated function TeamWinScreen (
DeusExPlayer thisPlayer,
GC gc,
float screenWidth,
float screenHeight,
int winningTeam,
String killerStr,
String killeeStr,
String methodStr ) )
VictoryConString1="Objective: First team that reaches "
VictoryConString2=" kills wins the match."
TimeLimitString1="Objective: Score the most kills before the clock ( "
TimeLimitString2=" ) runs out!"
TeamScoreString=" Team Score:"
Creation time: Mon 8/11/2021 16:31:16.256 - Created with