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+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.GameInfo
         +-- DeusEx.DeusExGameInfo
            +-- DeusEx.DeusExMPGame
               +-- DeusEx.TeamDMGame

Direct Known Subclasses:

AdvTeamDMGame, BasicTeamDMGame

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from DeusEx.DeusExMPGame
DeathsX, FireContY, KillsX, NewMapDelay, NotifyMinutes, PlayerX, PlayerY, StreakX, TEAM_AUTO, TEAM_DRAW, TEAM_NSF, TEAM_UNATCO, WinY

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from DeusEx.DeusExMPGame
AssaultRifleAverageHitDamage, AssaultRifleShotsFired, AssaultRifleShotsHit, AssaultShotgunAverageHitDamage, AssaultShotgunShotsFired, AssaultShotgunShotsHit, AugsPerKill, bAlreadyChanged, bAugsAllowed, bAutoInstall, bChangeLevels, bClientNewMap, bCustomizable, bCycleMap, bDarkHiding, bFreezeScores, bGameEnded, bMultiPlayerBots, bNewMap, bPrimaryNotice, bPrimaryNsf, bPrimaryUnatco, bSecondaryNotice, bSecondaryNsf, bSecondaryUnatco, bSpawnEffects, bStartWithPistol, bTrackWeapons, CloakEffect, CurrentMap, DeathsString, EndHiding, EscapeString, fFriendlyFireMult, FragLimit, GlobalUpgradesPerKill, GoldColor, GreenColor, InitialAugs, KillsString, MatchEnd1String, MatchEnd2String, MPSkillStartLevel, NewMapSecondsString, NewMapTime, PistolAverageHitDamage, PistolShotsFired, PistolShotsHit, PlayerString, RedColor, SawedOffShotgunAverageHitDamage, SawedOffShotgunShotsFired, SawedOffShotgunShotsHit, scoreArray[32], scorePlayers, ScoreToWin, SilverColor, SkillsAvail, SkillsPerKill, SkillsTotal, SniperRifleAverageHitDamage, SniperRifleShotsFired, SniperRifleShotsHit, StartHiding, StealthPistolAverageHitDamage, StealthPistolShotsFired, StealthPistolShotsHit, StreakString, TeamDrawString, TeamNsfString, TeamUnatcoString, TimeLimit, TooManyPlayers, VictoryCondition, WhiteColor, WonMatchString

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from DeusEx.DeusExMPGame

Functions Summary
functionbool ApproveTeam (int CheckTeam))
functionbool ArePlayersAllied (DeusExPlayer FirstPlayer, DeusExPlayer SecondPlayer))
function CalcTeamScores ()))
function ChangeOption (out string Options, string OptionKey, string NewValue))
functionbool ChangeTeam (Pawn PawnToChange, int NewTeam))
functionbool CheckVictoryConditions (Pawn Killer, Pawn Killee, String Method))
functionfloat EvaluatePlayerStart (Pawn Player, PlayerStart PointToEvaluate, optional byte InTeam))
function GameOver ()))
functionint GetAutoTeam ()))
functionint GetTeamList (DeusExPlayer player, bool Allies ))
function LocalGetTeamTotals (int teamSECnt, out float score, out float deaths, out float streak ))
eventPlayerPawn Login (string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class<playerpawn> SpawnClass))
event PostLogin (playerpawn NewPlayer))
function PreGameOver ()))
function SetTeam (DeusExPlayer player ))
function ShowTeamDMScoreboard (DeusExPlayer thisPlayer, GC gc, float screenWidth, float screenHeight ))
function ShowVictoryConditions (GC gc, float screenWidth, float yoffset, DeusExPlayer thisPlayer ))
function SortTeamScores (int PlayerCount ))
functionbool TeamFinalCheckScores ()))
function TeamHasWon (int team, Pawn Killer, Pawn Killee, String Method ))
function TeamWinScreen (DeusExPlayer thisPlayer, GC gc, float screenWidth, float screenHeight, int winningTeam, String killerStr, String killeeStr, String methodStr ))
Inherited Functions from DeusEx.DeusExMPGame
ApproveClass, CanSpectate, ChangeTeam, CheckPlayerConsole, CheckPlayerWindow, ContinueMsg, DrawHeaders, DrawNameAndScore, EvaluatePlayerStart, FailConsoleCheck, FailRootWindowCheck, FindPlayerStart, GameOver, GetBeaconText, GetRules, GrantAugs, HandleDeathNotification, Killed, Login, Logout, NotifyGameStatus, PostLogin, PreGameOver, PreLogin, RefreshScoreArray, ResetNonCustomizableOptions, RestartPlayer, Reward, SetupAbilities, SortScores, Tick, Timer, TrackAssaultRifle, TrackAssaultShotgun, TrackPistol, TrackSawedOffShotgun, TrackSniperRifle, TrackStealthPistol, TrackWeapon
Inherited Functions from DeusEx.DeusExGameInfo
ApproveClass, CheckPlayerConsole, CheckPlayerWindow, ClientPlayerPossessed, DiscardInventory, FailConsoleCheck, FailRootWindowCheck, Login, ScoreKill

Variables Detail

AlliesString Source code

var localized String AlliesString;

EnemiesString Source code

var localized String EnemiesString;

TeamScoreString Source code

var localized String TeamScoreString;

TeamScore[2] Source code

var int TeamScore[2];

teamSE[32] Source code

var ScoreElement teamSE[32];

TimeLimitString1 Source code

var localized String TimeLimitString1;

TimeLimitString2 Source code

var localized String TimeLimitString2;

VictoryConString1 Source code

var localized String VictoryConString1;

VictoryConString2 Source code

var localized String VictoryConString2;

Functions Detail

ApproveTeam Source code

function bool ApproveTeam ( int CheckTeam) )

ArePlayersAllied Source code

simulated function bool ArePlayersAllied ( DeusExPlayer FirstPlayer, DeusExPlayer SecondPlayer) )

CalcTeamScores Source code

function CalcTeamScores ( ) )

ChangeOption Source code

function ChangeOption ( out string Options, string OptionKey, string NewValue) )

ChangeTeam Source code

function bool ChangeTeam ( Pawn PawnToChange, int NewTeam) )

CheckVictoryConditions Source code

function bool CheckVictoryConditions ( Pawn Killer, Pawn Killee, String Method) )

EvaluatePlayerStart Source code

function float EvaluatePlayerStart ( Pawn Player, PlayerStart PointToEvaluate, optional byte InTeam) )

GameOver Source code

function GameOver ( ) )

GetAutoTeam Source code

function int GetAutoTeam ( ) )

GetTeamList Source code

simulated function int GetTeamList ( DeusExPlayer player, bool Allies ) )

LocalGetTeamTotals Source code

simulated function LocalGetTeamTotals ( int teamSECnt, out float score, out float deaths, out float streak ) )

Login Source code

event PlayerPawn Login ( string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class<playerpawn> SpawnClass) )

PostLogin Source code

event PostLogin ( playerpawn NewPlayer) )

PreGameOver Source code

function PreGameOver ( ) )

SetTeam Source code

function SetTeam ( DeusExPlayer player ) )

ShowTeamDMScoreboard Source code

simulated function ShowTeamDMScoreboard ( DeusExPlayer thisPlayer, GC gc, float screenWidth, float screenHeight ) )

ShowVictoryConditions Source code

simulated function ShowVictoryConditions ( GC gc, float screenWidth, float yoffset, DeusExPlayer thisPlayer ) )

SortTeamScores Source code

simulated function SortTeamScores ( int PlayerCount ) )

TeamFinalCheckScores Source code

simulated function bool TeamFinalCheckScores ( ) )

TeamHasWon Source code

function TeamHasWon ( int team, Pawn Killer, Pawn Killee, String Method ) )

TeamWinScreen Source code

simulated function TeamWinScreen ( DeusExPlayer thisPlayer, GC gc, float screenWidth, float screenHeight, int winningTeam, String killerStr, String killeeStr, String methodStr ) )


     VictoryConString1="Objective: First team that reaches "
     VictoryConString2=" kills wins the match."
     TimeLimitString1="Objective: Score the most kills before the clock ( "
     TimeLimitString2=" ) runs out!"
     TeamScoreString=" Team Score:"

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